Marvel: Start with God of Destruction

Chapter 240

Chapter 509 Selfishness

"Morgana, it's you again! You really did a good job!" Seeing Morgana, Rich said angrily.

Vegetto didn't stop Rich's words, but just stared at Morgana with the same angry eyes.

Morgana saw a few people so angry, pretended to be innocent, and said to Veget and the others, "What are you talking about? Why don't I understand. What's wrong with what Cheng Zhixu did?"

Morgana, who is chasing dramas on the Internet, has learned the ultimate white lotus tone well, which is really disgusting to Veget and the others.

Bell at the back shouted hard at Morgana: "You, you, what are you pretending to be."

Morgana, who was exposed, didn't feel ashamed at all. The face instantly changed from the innocent look just now to the original one.

Vegetto and the others were shocked, they are really contemporary face-changing masters.

Morgana, who had returned to her original self, was extremely mad and laughed, causing the entire valley to echo with Morgana's magical laughter.

Vegeta felt that three black lines should now appear on his face. Just when they wanted to interrupt Morgana, Morgana withdrew her laughter and said to Vegett with a look of contempt.

"Veget, I'll invite you again. Come to us or not. I promise to make you rich."

"No." Vegett said decisively with a dark face.

"Hey, you are still so difficult to do. Thank you for your invitation, your queen is absolutely, properly selfish to the extreme. I have known her for so many years, and she is absolutely not good. Come to us, and have a more promising future than yours. "

After finishing speaking, Morgana also made Vegett a wink with the eyes she had just learned. Vegetto resisted the physical condition of wanting to vomit in his stomach, and his face became even darker. The mouth just spit out a sentence: "Go away."

This can make Morgana angry, dare to tell herself to get out. She was so old and Vegetto was the first to say "go away" twice and still not disappear from the world. Really the only one.

Thinking of how many times I wanted to kill Vegeta to no avail, I always let Vegett and the others run away. The killing intent in Morgana's eyes was even stronger.

"Cheng Zhixu!"


"Give it to me and kill Vegeta. Right now!"

Morgana's sudden order, coupled with Cheng Zhixu's decisive attack without hesitation, shocked everyone.

The calm Vegett reacted quickly and said to Rich and Bell beside him, "You guys go to deal with Hilgrin, and I'll go with Cheng Zhixu."

"vAs for it by chance."

The two nodded tacitly, and then quickly pointed out their feet, heading in the direction of Silgreen.

After Vegett finished his instructions, he had already missed the best time to attack, so he could only take the next attack from Cheng Zhixu.

Morgana backed away into the woods to watch their fight.

Morgana couldn't help but let out a laugh when she saw Vegett's difficulty in taking the move. How rare (good promise) to finally let myself see Vegett like this.

The laughter was more or less heard by everyone present. Of course, Vegett, the master who was laughed at, knew who the laughter was for, who else could it be but himself.

But the current situation does not allow Vegett to think more. After the excitement just now, Cheng Zhixu and Morgana ended up in person.

The strength has soared, making Vegett more difficult to deal with. Only occasionally can Vegett counterattack, and at other times he is in a defensive state. .


Chapter 510 The Queen Appears

Seeing such a difficult scene on both sides. Morgana watched excitedly. The fist in his hand was gradually clenched, and there was a feeling of eagerness to try.

It was true that Morgana was so excited when she saw the battle just now, she also wanted to go up and warm up.

But which side to play first. Morgana, who was infected by Mordekaiser with difficulty in choosing, struggled. Because both sides can actually fight.

If you help Silgreen to deal with Rich and Bell first, Cheng Zhixu can withstand it, and the battle may end soon.

But Morgana still chose to help Cheng Zhixu deal with Vegeta together.

393 reasons for no other. Because Vegeta is actually the core of their entire team. Without Vegeta, the others would definitely be impatient. At that time, there is no need to help Hilgreen, and he will be able to defeat himself.

Why not do such a good deal. So after some hesitation, Morgana rushed in the direction of Vegeta.

When I just chose, the dark energy ball in my hand has already begun to charge. By the time a decision is made, it is already ready.

There was no forward shake or preparation when rushing over. Go up directly and raise your hand, it is a dark energy ball.

Vegeta was beaten back a step, and Morgana took the opportunity to raise her other hand to fill the position. Vegeta was beaten to his knees and spit out blood. Looks really embarrassed.

Bell and Rich, who were on the side, heard the blood spurting, and looked back quickly, but this was the distraction. He was hit by Silgrin with two palms. Falling next to Vegeta.

The two anxiously turned their heads slightly to look at Vegett's injury, their eyes full of concern. Vegeta also gave them a reassuring look.

"Oh, it's really a deep brotherhood. How can you still care about each other at such a time? Don't you care about your own safety?" "It's disgusting.

"Kill or cut, whatever you want! Have a good time!" Rich shouted, agab hoarse.

Morgana felt even more amused when she saw Rich in such a humiliated state.

"Don't worry, you won't die so soon. What I want is that you do things for my demon world. Don't you, the self-proclaimed decent people, hate to be with us the most? Then I'll let you taste this humiliation. Does it taste good?"

Bell's pupils gradually enlarged, and his eyes were filled with despair and rejection.

The more reluctant they were, the more excited Morgana became.

The dark magic in her hands flowed faster, and Morgana was ready to assimilate them. He was about to inject dark magic into Vegito's body.

This energy was interrupted. Morgana looked in the direction of the attack with disbelief in her eyes.

"Morgana, stop." It was Queen Kyle who came. The queen felt the weak beat of Veget's life energy, so she hurried down, but she didn't expect to meet an "old friend".

Hearing Kyle calling her name, she felt extremely ironic.

"My good sister, is it too late for you to tell me to stop now. When you cut off your blood relationship with me, why didn't you stop?"

Hearing that Morgana's words were full of sarcasm, Kyle felt a little heartache.

"You know, I have my own difficulties. This time, I'm sorry."

Kyle raised his wand and gave Morgana a little light. Morgana anticipated her action, but didn't fight back. .

Chapter 511 Strange Woman

Kyle was shocked. Why didn't Morgana dodge her attack? She had already guessed the trajectory of her move, but she still had no defense.

He still didn't see through his sister. She could never guess what her sister was thinking. Kyle shook his head to himself, the pain in his heart was even more severe.

Kyle didn't look at Morgana again, so he took the fainted Vegett and others back without looking back.

So she naturally didn't see Morgana's eyes full of tears.

Morgana didn't fight back, her sister still showed mercy. But she's still so cruel, - really, it's chilling.

When Vegeta woke up again, it was already the third day. And when he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar place.

The decor of this place is somewhat familiar. But Vegeta still couldn't remember where it was. And the place is really gorgeous, not the style Morgana would have liked.

Vegeta's memory was still stuck when Morgana was about to inject black energy into them.

At this time, Vegetto wanted to get up and look at the place, but found that even though he had slept for a long time, he still had no strength. Spiritual power is also extremely rare.

Alas, is it another day to be slaughtered?

At this moment, Vegeta moved his left ear and heard footsteps coming from outside.

The footsteps were not heavy, but rather rhythmic. It doesn't sound like a man's voice, but it should be a slender woman.

But this still made Vegett vigilant. He was afraid that this was another trap set up by Morgana to play with him. Morgana likes to trick people too much.

Vegeta couldn't get up and could only turn his head slightly to see the face of the person who came. It is indeed a thin, but good-looking face.

But Vegeta didn't know her, she just felt that this woman's eyebrows were a little familiar, but where did she meet her.

But now is not the time to think about this. Vegeta still didn't let down his guard and asked nervously, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The strange woman smiled when Vegett looked so nervous: "Don't be nervous, you have been saved. I am the one sent by Her Lady Queen to help you."

Although Vegeta believed a little, he still had a little doubt: "But when I fainted, Morgana had already injected black energy into my body."

0.. . Ask for flowers 0. The strange woman scratched her head, only then did she know when Vegeta fainted, and then patiently explained: "That's when the queen came out to save you." The strange woman took out a token from her waist to give Vegeta glanced at it, "This can always be proven."

Now Vegeta can always feel relieved, after all, that token is only possessed by the subordinates who are close to Her Lady Queen. And the unique gems on it can be seen as genuine at a glance.

After resting for a few more days, with the help of a strange woman, Vegeta finally recovered most of his strength and spiritual power.

Vegeta decided to go back to the school in the world, after all, the world needs his presence more.

On the way there, Vegeta kept thinking about one thing.

He still didn't know the name of the strange woman, and when he asked, he was just put off by the phrase "don't know too much".

Back in the world, Vegeta felt a little tired. After another day off from the teacher, I went back to school. But he never thought that he would be severely beaten in the monthly exam as soon as he returned to school. one

Chapter 512 Results

Naturally, Vegeta, who had just returned to school, didn't know anything. And he didn't come to school mainly to study.

So Vegeta had already guessed that his grades would definitely not be very good.

After another three days, the teacher completed all the revisions and posted the results. Naturally, some people were happy and some were worried.

"First place, Cheng Zhixu! Everyone applauds and encourages them. Not only are they good-looking, but they are also good at studying. Look at you, everyone is not in shape all day long." The teacher stood on the podium , announcing the rankings. After finishing the first place, he began to educate the following students with painstaking efforts.

After class, the students all began to gather around Cheng Zhixu's desk again. One is arguing over the other, and asks her what secrets she has.

"Hey, Banhua. I didn't expect you to be a real faceless person."

"Yes, yes, how did you get so high in the exam, Ban Hua? It's too amazing."

Cheng Zhixu felt very happy when he heard these compliments. Who knew that it was only after she stayed up for two nights that she did her best.

The release of the monthly test results also means that there will be a new round of changes in the forces in the class. Cheng Zhixu felt very happy about this.

After all, this time, everyone came to flatter her. No one will crowd themselves out like they used to.

Cheng Zhixu felt that he had gained a little self-confidence.

She glanced proudly at Vegit, and found that there was no one next to Veget's seat.

Because Vegito's companion was also injured last time, and his spiritual power was not as high as Vegito's, the recovery speed was also slower, and naturally it was a few days slower than Vegito's coming.

On weekdays, Vegeta, who was surrounded by a large group of people and served like a leader, now looks like this, Cheng Zhixu feels that he must be lonely.

So I decided to go up and laugh at Vegeta.

Cheng Zhixu slowly stood up from her seat and pushed away the people surrounding her seat. The surrounding classmates were silent for a moment.

Go to Vegeta's place and sit on the table of the classmates in front of Vegeta. He looked down at Vegeta condescendingly.

"Veget, why are you alone?" Cheng Zhixu picked up the paper on Begit's desk and glanced at it, "Ah, so you are the second-to-last in the class 0... It's a pity, why did you take the test this time? So low, is it because you don't like it?" The tone was extremely yin and yang.

Vegeta just raised his eyelids, with an attitude of not wanting to pay attention to people just woken up, and said lazily: "Scores are only a part. This person can't be measured by scores. Especially, human nature."

When Vegeta said the last two words, he read it carefully, and it seemed meaningful. Then he picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the teacher like an innocent person.

When he walked to the door, he seemed to suddenly remember something. He turned around and leaned against the door: "Hey, Cheng Zhixu. Why didn't you go to Qingbei with such grades? Is it because you don't like it?"

After speaking, he vigorously closed the classroom door 0.1 box. A lot of dust fell off.

Cheng Zhixu stomped his feet angrily, feeling shameless to stay here any longer, took his schoolbag and angrily left through the other door.

Cheng Zhixu left without looking back, but when she was leaving, she still heard a classmate whispering about her behind her back.

Said: "What are these fancy dresses, really, do you think you are amazing? It's fake!"


Chapter 513 Dumb

That person thought that Cheng Zhixu didn't hear it, but he didn't know that Cheng Zhixu had secretly made a note in his heart.

That night, the words of the classmate who scolded her kept echoing in Cheng Zhixu's mind.

"Fake aloofness", "pretend what to pretend" and so on, these words still reverberate in my mind.

Cheng Zhixu couldn't bear it. She decided to go back tomorrow to give some color to the classmate who spoke ill of herself.

Another sleepless night that belongs to Banhua, or countless people.

Cheng Zhixu was out of class for the whole day. The teacher thought that she just won the first place in 06 the day before, and she felt a little proud in her heart.

As a teacher, she understands these thoughts. So I didn't say anything to her, just reminded her a few words.

It's finally time for school. The last time I thought school was such a torment was when I was 11 years old.