Marvel: Start with God of Destruction

Chapter 254

Without waiting for Vegeta to respond, he muttered something while his fingers moved flexibly. No, it's a ghost spell. Vegeta immediately covered his ears. one.

Chapter 582

Fortunately, Vegeta responded quickly. If it were a little later, Vegeta's brain would probably explode with pain.

Morgana's attacks are basically mental attacks. After all, the boss of the demon world likes to do these fancy things that are not practical. Apart from being able to grind people's hearts, other things seem to have no effect. Morgana would definitely lose if it was compared to the practical attack magic that Vegeta used. "Four Five Seven"

Of course it turned out to be the case. The two fought for a long time. Morgana's spiritual magic not only affected the enemy, but also consumed a lot of her own spiritual power, so Morgana was finally defeated.

Putting one hand on his forehead, he said to Vegett, "You are lucky this time, and you have won a hand. Next time, you can wait for me to recover this account." Covering himself, he disappeared. Vegetto said in the direction Morgana disappeared, "Then I'll be waiting for you."

laughed. Seeing that Vegito was finished, Rich and Bell immediately ran over to praise Vegito. The battle just now really benefited the two of them a lot.

Vegeta scratched his head and reluctantly accepted the praise from these two people. I remembered something again, and ran to the captain of the guards and Lu Panhai with positioning magic.

The two of them were nesting in a firewood room. It seemed that Lu Panhai was awake, and the captain of the guard was feeding Lu Panhai water. When Lu Panhai saw Vegeta coming, he wanted to get up and thank Vegeta, but was held down by the captain of the guards. He also said, "You are still weak, don't move around."

So Lu Panhai could only continue to stay in place without moving, and just said thank you softly to Vegeta. Vegeta smiled when he saw the crooked appearance of these two people, and quickly waved his hand to say that you don't have to be so polite.

Vegetto actually wanted to come over and go to something else with Lu Panhai, but Lu Panhai kept persuading the three of them to stay and leave after his enthronement ceremony was held. The captain of the guard next to him also nodded in agreement.

With such a sincere and warm invitation from the two people in front of him, Vegeta had no choice but to agree.

After a few days of training, Lu Panhai held the ceremony again. Lu Panhai was wearing a dress and walked to the steps step by step. The captain of the guards put on a cape for her and gave her a scepter 0... The audience was her people, who were applauding warmly at the moment.

It was Lu Panhai's turn to give his testimonials. Lu Panhai had been waiting for this day for a long time, so he walked forward calmly, said the manuscript in his heart, and added a paragraph at the end.

This is what he has been thinking about for a long time in his heart.

"I solemnly praise the heroes here. Today, there are new heroes! They are Vegett, Rich, Bell, Captain of the Guard! These are the people who stood up when our tribe was in danger. Without them, there would be no We will have today..."

When the ceremony was over, Lu Panhai handed the custom 0.1 medal belonging to the hero to Veget and the others. Vegeta took the medal, but still said to Lu Panhai: "Actually, you don't need this. We are friends, and we don't need so many rituals."

Lu Panhai was stunned for a moment, then burst into a smile. She remembered what Vegett said when she rescued the teacher at the Academic Affairs Office. They really are, and will never be the same as everyone else. .

Chapter 583 She's Back Again

Others didn't know why Lu Panhai laughed, but they also laughed with Lu Panhai to save face. While chatting about some embarrassing things about who and who. Vegetto, who originally planned to leave today, pushed back the plan again, because today was so happy.

The next morning, we all had breakfast together. Veget and the others said their official farewell to Lu Panhai and the captain of the guards. Then, they returned to Earth.

The earth is still fun, not so many people know them, only dozens of classmates. Occasionally, childish scolding between classes, secretly passing notes and eating snacks during class are the simplest joys. It's much better than running around for business all day in the magic world.

But the only downside is that people will come to trouble Veget at any time. Like Morgana, he had been taking classes well before, but he found out that Morgana was doing small things again, so he had to ask for leave.

Well now, more free time. Morgana was injured by herself and returned to the demon world, and Vegeta finally had time to breathe. Back to campus with Rich, Bell, continue to study. It also happened to happen to the school sports meeting. If everyone could only apply for two events, Veget and Rich said they could win all the championships.

Seeing this, students from other classes patted their chests, and for the first time felt that the school's regulations were so great.

The happy school sports meeting was only held for two days, and they were about to start classes again. But the strangest thing is that when Vegeta returned to school today, he saw another familiar figure—Morgana.

Not only Vegeta was surprised, but the other classmates were as well, and everyone looked at each other in dismay. For fear of who made this eldest lady unhappy before, this time she came to seek revenge.

On the other hand, Rich frowned, thinking about something, and feeling Vegett's gaze, she turned and shook her head at Vegett.

After school, everyone started to pack their bags quickly. In the past, some of the classmates would have stayed to play basketball or something, but today is an exception. But Morgana really had a black face when she saw this look.

(.::1??\"2:) I thought silently in my heart, is she really that scary?

However, no one cared about Morgana's mental activity. Back home, Vegeta and Rich sat on the sofa in the living room with solemn expressions, which surprised Bell who had just returned home. Quickly asked what happened to the two of them.

Vegeta nodded, "A big event, a very big event. Morgana is back on Earth again, and she's back to class today. I suspect she must have some conspiracy."

Even Bell was a little shocked by what he said, so this Morgana's healing power is really strong.

Rich nodded in agreement, then asked Vegett what they should do now. And Vegeta just replied indifferently: "With the same thing, change."

Early in the morning, Vegeta stepped back to the classroom on the bell for class, yawned, and listened to the teacher on the podium. After class, Morgana called Vegeta out.

Morgana stretched out a hand to Vegeta, who didn't quite understand. Morgana didn't understand what she meant when she saw that Vegeta, but when she thought of her purpose of coming here this time, she forcibly suppressed her impatience and said to Vegeta, "Let's reconcile, I give up."

Chapter 584

Vegeta's face changed, but he still didn't reach out and hold Morgana's hand. Morgana patiently, facing Vegeta, completed what she just said.

"I mean, can we be friends?"

As soon as these words came out, Vegeta was even more shocked. Morgana would actually take the initiative to approach him? This is not quite right. Even if he really wanted to reach out and hold Morgana, if he really wanted to, just follow what Morgana said to stop the fight one by one and make peace. It's too tiring to be busy fighting and intriguing every day.

But the difficulty is that it is impossible for Morgana to take this sentence as her conspiracy, so wouldn't it be fooled if she went on her own? But what if what Morgana said was true?

Vegetto has been entangled in his heart for a long time like this, and in the end doubt has overcome sensibility. So Vegeta decided to ignore Morgana and turned away. Even if it seems a little deliberate.

Of course Morgana knew that Vegett was afraid and doubted herself. But ignoring yourself like this is too rude. It's okay to say sorry anyway.

The surrounding classmates have already discovered the "ancient, ... thing" of these two people. But he was just watching from a distance, identified by his lips, and pointed at Lu Panhai, who was standing alone in the empty corridor.

Morgana was very angry, even if Vegeta told her about rejecting her, if she just left, Morgana wanted to screw Vegett's head off.

So decided to do something. If you can't get it, then let Vegeta suffer.

After Morgana made her decision, she walked briskly back to the classroom, thought about her plan, and decided that it was not too late to start implementing it immediately. .

I asked other friends of the same grade to help me to secretly bring Angie's things. Anji is the school bully of their school. Since he came, the overall "combat effectiveness" of their school has been improved.

Got Angie's water glass. When school was over at noon and everyone was eating, Morgana was alone, avoiding Vegit's direction, and took two casual steps. Seeing that everyone was not paying attention, she hurried back to the classroom.

There is also an iron cabinet outside their classroom for everyone to store books. Morgana looked around, and after confirming that it was safe, she put Angie's water glass into Vegeta's iron cabinet.

Morgana smiled proudly and left.

The next day, Angie found that her water glass was missing. Immediately mobilize his younger brothers to help him find it, and if he can't find it, he will search one by one. Unexpectedly, after a while, An Ji's younger brother began to look through other people's iron cabinets.

There are still a lot of Angie's younger brothers, and most of them are under Angie's subordinates. They follow him and they can do things more quickly.

In this way, Vegetto's class was quickly turned over.

Vegeta (Li Zhao) just wanted to come out to watch the fun, but at this time, Anji's younger brother found Anji's water cup and found it in Vegeta's iron cabinet. It was just at the end of school, when I met Vegett and came out to collect schoolbags. So Vegeta was forced to take it to a small alley.

Moreover, this small alley is still a dead end, and the originally passable road is now blocked by a lime wall. Angie brought his people with some baseball bats and badminton rackets in his hands. .

Chapter 585

"Yo, it's not bad boy. That's your name, Vegeta, right. You're brave enough to steal something on the boy's head."

Vegeta didn't know that Angie was the school bully, but he heard his classmates mention it during recess, but he was also taken away in a hurry. At this time, when he saw a group of them blocked here, Vegeta reacted, this person might be a "ruthless character".

When Angie saw Vegett not speaking, she thought Vegetto was scared, so she whistled to Vegett and said to him, "Ah, of course. For you're new here, kneel down now. , call me Dad, and then beg for mercy. Maybe the young master will forgive you if he is in a good mood."

This is too insulting, but An Ji's younger brothers laughed when they heard An Ji say this, and even cajoled Vegetto to agree quickly. 457 It seems that this group of people is obviously not the first time to do this kind of thing.

Vegeta's face darkened, his fists clenched, and the veins on his fists burst out.

The group of people on the opposite side still didn't realize the danger of the matter, and after a while, Angie was really bored. He waved at the person behind him, "Brothers, it seems that this classmate really doesn't eat and drink for a toast. Give him some color to taste."

As soon as the words fell, the people behind Angie ran towards Vegeta with the weapons in their hands.

Of course, Vegetto can choose to fight back, and there are just some (agab) ordinary people with unsharp weapons in their hands, and defeating them is simply a matter of hand. But Vegeta was still afraid of accidentally hurting his classmates, so he hurried towards the dead end.

With the strength of the run-up, he climbed up the high wall and looked back before jumping down. Not only saw Angie and his good brothers, but also saw a shadow hiding by the wall snickering, it was Morgana.

Vegeta gritted his teeth, and it was estimated that this matter had something to do with Morgana. Vegeta, who was squatting on the high wall, didn't expand to imagine so much, because Angie was discussing how to climb up and pull Vegeta down to fight, so Vegeta jumped off the wall.

When it hits the ground, it rolls over. The simple parkour posture Vegett still understands a little bit.

When I got home, I told Rich and Bell about this, and added that Morgana was watching the play.

The two said in unison: "This matter is absolutely inseparable from Morgana."

Vegeta nodded when he heard the determined tone of the two men. He thought so too. Even if Morgana wasn't the main culprit, she was an accomplice no matter how bad it was.

But everything has to be prepared first. Vegeta decided to go to Morgana to play straight **** and ask Morgana if she had actually done these things.

If she did, Morgana wouldn't hide it. After so many years of old rivals, Vegeta still knows a little bit about Morgana. Morgana probably disdain to hide what she did, because Morgana generally doesn't feel that she has done something wrong.

I don't know where this blind confidence comes from.

Although today is the weekend, Morgana's place cannot be found. But in any case, next Monday must go over and ask clearly.

Vegeta has had some insomnia these past few days, but he finally made it to Monday. Vegeta couldn't help it. Vegeta ran over to Morgana's desk after class.

Chapter 586

"Morgana, did you do what happened yesterday?" Vegeta forcibly restrained his anger and asked Morgana.

Morgana didn't answer Vegeta immediately, but looked around and found that there were too many people around. So he got up, asked Vegeta to follow him, and took Vegetto to the familiar forest behind the school.

When he was about to arrive, Vegeta impatiently asked Morgana why she brought herself here. Morgana just smiled, changed the conversation, and said, "Didn't you just ask me if I did what happened yesterday? Well, I'll tell you now, it's really what I did."

Morgana generously admitted that although Vegett had guessed it, he thought that Morgana had actually pulled him here to tell him about her own difficulties. I didn't expect that it was Morgana who did it.

Vegett's originally suppressed anger erupted instantly, no longer hiding, and quickly shot, attacking Morgana. Only at this time did Vegeta know why he brought himself here. It turned out that he had already guessed that Vegito would be unable to control it, and then he did it.

That's fine, let Morgana see how much she hates it when she starts. Don't waste Morgana's hard work.

The first few moves Morgana can still continue. But when Vegeta reacted, his moves were even more blunt, and Morgana finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Gritting his teeth, as if thinking of something, he was ruthless. Pushing Vegeta away with all his strength, he gestured towards the air while running.

Vegeta chased after him. Suddenly, Vegeta saw a black shadow appearing beside Morgana, as if she had said something to Morgana. Morgana immediately bit the tip of her finger and dripped blood on the black shadow.

At the same time as it was dripping, a burst of evil power advanced and ejected Vegetto far away. Only now did Vegeta realize what Moganina had done.

Watching the power of Morgana in front of her slowly recover, and the magic around her body became even stronger. Vegeta shook his head and scolded Morgana: "You are crazy, you are really crazy! Last time you practiced with the devil, but this time, you signed a contract with the devil this time. Are you dying?"

0.. . Ask for flowers 0. Those who sign a contract with the devil will gain powerful power, not only that, but also know many ancient and powerful magics that have long been lost, or that have never been recorded in books. However, once a contract is signed, the demon will often follow the host and rely on the host's mental power to survive.

The more you use the power of demons, the greater the consumption of mental power.

...0 And how could Morgana not know the danger of signing a contract with the devil. But she couldn't help it. Morgana must win. Before that, she hesitated for a long time, and just when she was fighting Beji to death, she figured it out when her mind became hot.

Since they are all dead, why don't they gain great power and achieve higher achievements, and then be praised as a hero by the world and die a decent death.

It's better than you doing nothing and nobody cares about it.

Morgana grinned, then charged towards Vegeta. Vegeta immediately got up and ran towards the teaching building subconsciously. When he realized that this might hurt his classmates, it was already a little late. So Vegeta could only run to the rooftop temporarily. one.

Chapter 587

When Morgana saw Veget running in the direction of the rooftop, she also guessed a few points of Vegeta's thoughts at this time. He smiled silently, and then continued to hunt down Vegeta.

Vegeta just ran up to it desperately, shouting loudly for the classmates who were going up and down the stairs to get out of the way. Those classmates didn't understand Vegit's thoughts at all, and looked at Vegit and Morgana with contempt, thinking that most of these two people's brains were not "four or six".

Going up the highest stairs, the door to the rooftop is in front of you. Vegeta wanted to open the door of the rooftop, but unexpectedly found that the door was locked. Probably the security guard found out that some classmates often sneaked snacks here to watch the scenery, so they locked it.

"Damn it." Vegeta cursed secretly. When the door can't be locked well, it has to be locked at this time. It's really annoying.

But there is no way out, there is no way out. Morgana was walking slowly upstairs. Vegeta said sorry in his heart, then raised his leg and kicked the door vigorously. "boom."

The door was kicked open by Vegeta. Finally got to a place with more open space. Vegetto was still thinking about it, but if he couldn't do it, he simply hit the stairs. Although the location is relatively narrow, it is barely usable.

Morgana raised her eyebrows when she saw that Vegeta had done this. Really, for that group of "innocent" humans, to do this. Trying to get to where no one is.

The two stood facing each other. One stood at the door, leaning against the door. One is on the edge of the railing on the roof.

Vegeta blew the wind, stared at Morgana, and began to think. Since he was going to fight with Morgana in a place where no one was there, why not fight in the grove just now, isn't it a good place? Vegeta felt like his IQ had dropped again. But that's it.

So Vegeta opened his mouth and said to Morgana who was languid over there: "Hey, fight if you want. Don't waste your time. Sooner or later, this game will be fought." The person in front of him finally finished thinking. In life, it's her turn to play. Morgana stepped forward, ready to fight Vegeta.

Vegetto made a simple tentative move first, and then Morgana responded with a blow. Just when the two of them were about to start to exert their strengths, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door of the rooftop.  ….

Before anyone could see it, they heard a tugging voice saying, "Veget, I've caught you, this time, don't..." After speaking, the voice suddenly stopped, and Veget glanced out the door. , found that Anji was chasing after him. Just when it paused, Morgana sent out a wave of dark magic. Although Vegeta avoided it, Anji saw it. Angie opened his mouth wide and pointed at Vegeta and Morgana, "" After speaking, before Morgana was impatient and Vegeta's explanation, Angie passed out just like that. . Vegeta looked at Mo 0.1 Gana speechlessly, complaining in her eyes: Why can't Morgana manage the trouble she caused herself.

Morgana shrugged, expressing her helplessness too. Use magic to move Angie to the corner of the wall, so that he can not be affected by the magic of the two of them fighting.

An episode was lifted, and the atmosphere between the two quickly began to become tense again. Two people, you look at me and I look at you. .

Chapter 588 The power of the gods

This time, it was Morgana who took the lead and made the first move. Vegeta was worthy of the blow.

Even if Vegeta was ready that Morgana would attack him at any time, Morgana had signed a contract with the devil before.

Now Morgana's strength is at its peak after signing the contract. It is estimated that her forehand is hot, and she is waiting for someone to practice for her.

Well, it was a coincidence that Vegeta caught up with this "good opportunity". Although Morgana signed the contract, there is also a part of his reason.

06 After Vegett took it, he quickly fought back, but Morgana sent out a magic first, and the two magics were canceled in the air.

Morgana launched several attacks in a row, and Vegett was barely able to take it from the beginning to almost unable to take it.

Vegeta was already exhausted and panting, but Morgana was still full of energy, fearing that she would be more and more excited in the future.