Marvel: Start with God of Destruction

Chapter 299

The three transformed forms all have a characteristic, that is, they all maintain their own human shapes. Nezha and Erlang Shen are both typical weapon summoning methods. Only Vegeta will change his body shape more or less.

Who knows how to say Erlang God Dog, it is not a metaphor, it is indeed a real dog.

Because of his transformed form, a giant dog appeared out of thin air?

It was a giant dog that was as big as the giant dragon in the form of the brawny man who had been sparring with Vegete yesterday. It had a ferocious brow like Erlang Shen, and also had a third eye.

It's just that the third eye of this man and the dog is tightly closed.

Nezha folded his arms and shook his head, sighing involuntarily.

"Second brother, you will summon the roaring dog as soon as you come, you don't talk about martial arts."

The captain frowned, looked at the roaring dog, and immediately understood that Nezha's worries were not unreasonable.

However, the short team member was not timid in the face of such a giant dog, but seriously glared at Erlang Shen who was standing on top of the roaring dog.

Erlang Shen raised his eyebrows with interest and shouted to the little man.

"There are still people who don't have stage fright when they see a roaring dog for the first time? I admire you young man very much."

The little man did not answer what Erlangshen said, but calmly completed his transformation.

Erlang Shen frowned, but for a while, he didn't see what the little man's transformation form was? .

Chapter 806 Ideas

Only vaguely saw that the other party grew a pair of huge wings, his footsteps became sharp bird feet, a pair of eyes were round, and even his body became a lot bigger.

He felt that the little man spread his huge wings and flew towards him and the roaring dog at a rapid speed. He saw each other's mouth as he got closer and closer. Only then did Erlang Shen clearly realize the shape of the other party's transformation. What?

It is the king of the sky, the eagle.

Because the opponent's mouth has been completely turned into a sharp eagle mouth.

Erlang Shen saw that the other party was getting closer and closer to the roaring dog, and immediately realized what the other party's intention was to attack?

Like an eagle that hunts in general, its goal is to peck out the eyes of the roaring dog.

Erlang Shen raised his eyebrows with interest, and said softly to the roaring dog.

"Take a step back, then squat down, raise your potential, and shoot it down hard."

After receiving the command, the roaring dog responded immediately, and a series of actions were smooth and smooth without the slightest sloppy water.

Just when the roaring dog's front paws were about to touch the eagle, the eagle suddenly disappeared in a strange posture. Erlang Shen frowned, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

If Nezha and Vejit really treated their opponents with a serious attitude, Erlangshen was indeed a little underestimated.

Although he knew that the attack of the other party might not affect him to a certain extent, this kind of behavior that was suddenly out of his control still made Erlang Shen feel uncomfortable.

His ears were keen to catch the sound coming from behind him.

To this end, he responded quickly!

I saw him let his body go, lost his balance and fell to the right, then grabbed the roaring dog with one hand, the soft dog hair turned up, and flew up like an eagle kicked it.

It was that the eagle seemed to have not had time to display his bizarre disappearing ability, and was kicked out by Erlang God forcibly, and fell to the ground. It had returned to its human form and kept coughing.

Erlang Shen put away the roaring dog, walked to the front, stretched out his hand to the short man, and smiled. "I apologize to you, you are really amazing."

After the two came out, Vegeta had already finished training with the team members and came out. Nezha folded his arms and couldn't help complaining as he watched them. "It must have been a little too long for the two of you?" 0.. . . Ask for flowers 0. "Don't say my ability is really good."

Erlang Shen nodded, not stingy with his own praise.

The little player was a little shy at what he said, and scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Vegeta looked around, nodded, summed up his thoughts, and told them the situation of the Earth team members and his thoughts when he watched the two games just now.

They also humbly asked for advice, and couldn't stop nodding after listening.

Nezha and Erlang Shen always felt that something was missing, and after thinking about it, they added their own thoughts.

There was an Earth team member who had watched the whole process of the three-man competition, and couldn't help but ask. "Excuse me, the three of you are so strong, how do you usually train?" "This is not easy." Erlang Shen smiled. Everyone pricked up their ears and listened attentively. Originally, they thought Erlang Shen could say some good training methods.

Who knew that people would let them run a few hundred kilometers with one mouthful, but Nezha nodded, calmly adding that it would not be a problem to lift a few hundred kilograms of iron. one.

Chapter 807 Interstellar Training Equipment

When the members of the Earth team saw their mouths open and closed, they didn't stop thinking, and when they heard them talking about the old training methods one after another, they suddenly felt their eyes turn black.

The captain put his hands together and bowed to the three eldest brothers, helplessly. "Brother, please let us go."

"How can you be so lazy and not train?" Vegeta frowned and asked.

""617" is because you can't improve your strength meals without training hard." The team members said with a bitter face and a look of helplessness.

"The methods you mentioned were eliminated hundreds of years ago, and we have now developed interstellar training equipment for exercise." Another team member added.

"Yes, let alone where can I find such a large venue for these trainings now? It's not realistic at all." Vegett touched his chin and asked thoughtfully. "What is interstellar training equipment?"

"My God, where did you guys come from? You don't even know the interstellar training equipment? No wonder you are still using such an ancient training method." The captain of the Earth team sighed and said helplessly. "Then let me give you some popular science."

"The so-called interstellar training equipment is the equipment developed by Interstellar in order to cultivate talents in a galaxy that can achieve the fastest effect."

"Because of individual people's different exercise methods, the types and usage of interstellar training equipment are also different, so I can't explain too much to you about its role." Veget touched his chin, Looking at the other two people, the other two instantly understood what he meant and nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Seeing that the other two had no opinion, Vegeta raised his head to look at the members of the Earth team, and said seriously. "If it's convenient, the three of us would like to see this kind of interstellar training equipment with you tomorrow." "Huh?"

The members of the Earth team looked at each other in dismay, as if they were a little shocked by this request and condition that he voluntarily proposed.

Vegeta looked at them like that, smiled helplessly, and then asked. "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" "No, no, of course it can be 0..."

The captain of the Earth team waved his hand and nodded in agreement.

Nezha was still in that cool and cool look, and said with his arms folded.

"You also said that our training method is ancient. Although this training method is very useful to us, maybe the interstellar training equipment you mentioned can provide us with greater help."

"So go try it tomorrow."

Erlang Shen added calmly.

"Cough cough."

In the team that the two had just discussed with each other, someone coughed twice at an inopportune time, and then said cheekily with a blushing face.

"That...I think the captain of the local team seems to have something unspeakable about 0.1..."

Vegeta frowned, not knowing what the other party wanted to say.

The man seemed to have made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said.

"If he has anything else to work on tomorrow, he can ask me to lead the way for you, and I will have free time tomorrow."

"I can visit with you and promise to explain everything to you."


Chapter 808 Contactor

"Yes, in fact, we are all very busy."

The short team member didn't speak with Erlang Shen just now, and now he has spoken.

In exchange, Erlangshen's eyes were filled with interest.

Of course Vegett has no opinion.

For them, they are just curious about the kind of interstellar training equipment, and they don't care who introduces them and who shows them.

So he nodded and said.

"If you have something to do, let them help us take us." "Actually, we have nothing to do tomorrow morning." The captain of the local team said quickly.

"But they can come together if they want to."

The captains of the two teams looked at each other, and 06 seemed to see something in each other's eyes.

Unconsciously, he chose to nod his head. "Then let's go together tomorrow." Vegetto waved his hand and smiled.

The captain of the other party expressed his special thanks and nodded quickly. "In that case, let's invite you to a meal." "Are you sure you want to treat yourself?"

The captain of the earth team remembered the terrifying appetite of the three, and asked the captain of the other party with some uncertainty.

The captain of the other side obviously did not receive the hint from the captain of the earth team, nodded and said. "Yes, isn't it just a meal? We can still afford it." "Then wish you good luck."

The captain of the Earth team swallowed and silently mourned for the wallet of the opposing captain in his heart.

The captain of the opposing team didn't know what the attitude of the captain of team d meant, so he scratched his head in confusion.

Nezha raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"What are you talking about about inviting guests to dinner, do you still have to pay for dinner?" "Of course you have to pay for dinner."

The corner of the Earth team captain's mouth twitched.

"Dare you eat so much every day, do you think you don't have to pay for food?" "Isn't it?"

Erlang Shen scratched his head a little helplessly.

(\'1,\"2:) "After all, every time I, Nezha, and Vegeta would leave after eating, no one might stop us? ""Forehead. "

The short man scratched his head and said speechlessly.

"Perhaps after you finished ordering, the system has automatically deducted money from the contactor?" "Can the contactor be used for payment?"

Vegeta frowned, there are indeed many strange things in this world that he does not understand.

Seeing the three people in front of them prove that they really don't know anything, everyone couldn't help rubbing their brows and explained the contactor to the three of them helplessly. "Naturally it is possible."

"You don't know the contactor. In the history of the earth millions of years ago, you should know the earliest contactor phone that appeared in 620?" "Oh."

Erlang Shen nodded his head in disbelief.

"We know this, but has the mobile phone actually become the earliest contact device?" "I don't know how long ago it was." The captain of the local team smiled.

"The current contactor is similar to the mobile phone of the earth hundreds of years ago, but the specific functions are millions of times more advanced than the mobile phone."

"First of all, let's explain the payment function. The contactor will store your own currency that can be used in the interstellar space.".

Chapter 809 Balance

"When you are spending, the system will deduct these currencies from the contactor." "So he won't have a prompt before spending?" Nezha asked his own question.

The short man shook his head and added.

"When you are in the act of consumption, the system will default that you have determined to consume." "Isn't this the password-free payment in the era of mobile phones?" Erlang Shen touched his chin and proposed a correct metaphor.

The captain of the Earth team nodded and smiled. "Your metaphor is quite apt."

"Won't there be more people impulse spending in this way?" Vegetto asked with a frown.

One of the members of the Earth team couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"As the development of Interstellar technology is becoming more and more developed, everyone is more and more restrained from consumption, so Interstellar can only develop such a contactor." Nezha glanced at the black bracelet on his wrist, wrinkled. said with a brow.

"I always thought that this thing can only be used for communication, and the interstellar universal currency in there can never be used up.?" "Of course it is used up."

The captain of the Earth team looked like an idiot.

"The contactor just condenses its own form into the easiest and most convenient way to carry it. Other methods are not much different from mobile phones, only more advanced than mobile phones." He swiped casually on the black bracelet. After a few moments, a screen appeared from the wristband, showing the balance of the contactor of the captain of the Earth team.

He pouted at the three of them and smiled.

"You can also check what your balance is."

Vegetto first learned the captain's way, made a simple operation on the wristband, and immediately popped up a screen, but to everyone's surprise, an astronomical number appeared on the screen.

The captain swallowed his saliva, silently took back his silver screen balance, stretched out his fingers in disbelief, and counted the numbers on it one by one.

Nezha touched his chin and said happily.

"My dear, why is Vegeta's balance so much? It's much more than the captain's. I'll also see what my balance is."

The captain of the Earth team was a little embarrassed when Nezha said that, but after Nezha's screen showed the balance, he instantly became more balanced.

Nezha's silver screen balance is not much, and the captain has reason to suspect that it was eaten by Nezha.

Nezha let out an exclamation in dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter with v? Why is my balance so much less than Vegeta?" "Mine are you and each other too."