Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God

Chapter 10

"All right…"

He came to the wine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of red wine, and Tony poured himself a glass.

It's obviously the top red wine, and it's expensive, but now I don't have the mood to appreciate its taste.

Looking at the thick clouds outside the window, Tony felt a little uneasy in his heart.

I couldn't help but sent a text message to Pepper Pepper, asking the other party not to go out tonight and have a good rest.

Then he took out his phone and found the phone number named Phil Coulson, hesitantly but never called.


Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, drank the red wine in one gulp, watching the black raindrops hitting the glass, Tony tried to comfort himself.

"Don't worry, it was just a… prank."


This night, New York was windy and rainy, and the rain poured down.

The Upper East Side of Manhattan, where the wealthy gather, Knoll Manor.

Reaching out a hand, the old butler gently closed the curtain to keep the storm out of the window.

The bell of 11 o'clock rang at the right time, and the butler held the prepared black tea and cakes on a tray, and walked along the spiral staircase to the room of the master on the second floor.

Breathing gently and walking steadily, he came out of the master bedroom.

He knocked on the door lightly, and when he saw that the door was not closed, he apologized and pushed the door open.

In the dim light, the old housekeeper encouraged to identify the condition of the house.

The situation in the room was a little delicate, a chair fell to the ground, and some documents were scattered on the ground.

There are two fairly obvious palm prints on the precious and hairy carpet.

what happened? Where has the lord gone?

Putting down the tray in his hand, the butler did not dare to neglect, and searched back and forth while calling his name.

But there was no sign of the master.

"Strange, it's already at this point, does he have something to go out?"

"Impossible, if the other party wants to go out, he will definitely inform himself in advance!"

"And if you want to go out, you must go through the corridor on the second floor and follow the stairs to the hall..."

"I have been moving in the hall and kitchen, and I haven't seen any sign of the master going out during this period..."

Die! Snapped!

The weather outside is getting worse.

The old housekeeper packed up the tray and planned to go to other houses to look for it.

squeak... squeak...

Suddenly, a strange sound appeared in this room.

Stop and move forward carefully in the direction of the sound.

That's where the master's desk is.

He stuck his head out, carefully pricked up his ears, and listened quietly.

"Sure enough... the sound came from the computer speakers."

Although it was strange, he reached out his hand subconsciously and tapped the keyboard lightly.



He let out a scream, his eyes widened, his body fell back to the ground, his hands clenched tightly on the ground.

The tree trunks outside the window slammed against the window, black raindrops constantly bombarded the glass window, and a lightning bolt in the clouds illuminated the sky, shining through the window on the bloodless face of the old housekeeper.


He opened his mouth in disbelief and pointed at the computer screen with one hand.

He saw it.

Inside there...six or seven figures hang in a row.

And one of them is the master he is most familiar with!

A hemp rope hung down from the top and wrapped around his neck, and the fat body swayed back and forth gently, making a rhythmic…

squeak... squeak...

ten minutes later.

Chief George Stacy led the police force and rushed to the scene.

They were crowded and gathered in this room.

The police officers invariably took a breath and stared at the characters in the computer without blinking.


Chief George clutched his chest, feeling cold all over.

[Emotion value from the police officer +15.7]

[Mood value from George Stacy +211]

what is this? Ghost story?

In that computer, in addition to the missing master here, there are more missing persons.

And those who died... bah, the identity of the missing is no exception, either rich or expensive.


Outside the window, lightning flashed.

The rapid and harsh ringtone of the mobile phone rang one after another in this room.

He didn't take his eyes off the corpses on the computer and hung up the phone in his hand, George knew in his heart.

His trouble... here comes!

This evening, the police station was brightly lit, and people came and went.

The police cars on the street rang all night.

People say there has never been a day when New York nights have been so safe.

Until dawn, according to statistics, there were seven disappearances in one night.

And at every missing scene, or on TV or computer screens, the hanged bodies of those missing can be seen.

The matter was quickly stabbed to the top of the government.

High-level anger, rich people are in danger.

As the saying goes, when there is pressure, there is motivation. The police station organized it overnight, and soon realized that the "disappearances" of these people have one thing in common.

That is, they all attended the new product conference organized by Mr. Tony Stark on almost the same day.

And at the press conference that was considered a prank, the "mysterious video" and Loki's letter were mentioned repeatedly.

Chapter Thirteen John Constantine

"Yes, Tony Stark should be found!"

"Didn't Loki say to be friends with him? He will definitely find a way!"

"Go find Tony, I don't want to be killed by the resentful spirit!"

"..." If it's an ordinary murder, it's okay to say, but no matter how you look at this case, there is a hint of strangeness.

Curses and grievances are repeatedly mentioned, and everyone is afraid that they will become the next victim!

They don't have the confidence to use the police and bodyguards to fight against the resentful spirits and ensure their own personal safety.

And what about our Tony?

He received numerous calls from other rich people early in the morning. When he realized the seriousness of the incident, he also said helplessly that he had no choice.

What he said was clearly the truth, but some people with red eyes didn't want to believe what he said, leaving threats on the phone one by one.

Reflected in the stock market level, the stock price of Stark Industries began to fall continuously, and the shareholders were mourning.

At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not idle either.

Black Widow Natasha Romanoff successfully joined Stark Industries and became Pepper Pepper's assistant with her excellent ability.

"Well, I saw Stark just now. His face was a little ugly, and he seemed to be in trouble..."

Taking advantage of the time to go to the toilet, Natasha took out her mobile phone and reported to Nick Fury what happened to Tony just now.

"Okay, okay, I understand... I'll keep going."

Hanging up the phone, she naturally put the phone back in her pocket, pushed her glasses, and Natasha, dressed as a beauty in the workplace, stepped on high heels and turned away.


Tony Stark summons Jarvis.

"Sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Jarvis, call up all the surveillance in the Stark Industries Building that day."

I need to know who was there that day! "

Tony issued an order, Jarvis quickly called up the surveillance images, and projected them densely into the void in front of Tony's eyes.

"Remove useless information and call out suspicious people."

As a result, the picture began to decrease rapidly, and under the powerful computing power of artificial intelligence, the picture was successfully reduced to 27.

"This is not, this is not..."

Quickly swiping his hands, turning off the pictures one by one, Tony rolled his eyes and made a quick judgment.

His hard work paid off. On the 13th picture, he finally found the clue he wanted.

"That's... Assistant Pepper's office?"

A hand, suddenly out of the air, plugged a usb into the main computer in the office.

The owner of the hand seemed to have discovered the location of the camera, and after looking in the direction of the camera, he shrank back and disappeared.

Although the time is short, the picture is not very clear.

Based on the images of Rocky left in the Four Seasons Hotel incident, the probability of the two being the same reached an astonishing 99.73% through computer calculations and comparisons.


Tony's face sank.

[Mood value from Tony Stark +373]

He wondered why Jarvis could be easily breached by someone who is also an artificial intelligence.

I didn't expect to be touched by the enemy inside, bypassing the system and uploading directly.

But knowing the other party's tactics, the current situation has not improved in any way.

He hesitated again and again, and finally made up his mind and ordered Jarvis.

"Call up the video that Loki uploaded that day, and I'm going to study it again."

"Yes, sir."
