Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God

Chapter 106

[Emotion value from Natasha Manromanov +1244]

And from an angle she couldn't see, there was some kind of red mist floating out from the magic pot of desire in the lab room below, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, like an illusion...

Hell's Kitchen, Pier 13, night, windy.

A dilapidated smuggling boat parked quietly on the riverbank.


Pushing open the cabin door amid the strong smell of blood, the blue-clothed warrior with a single ponytail wiped his knife silently. The dark cabin was full of corpses, and red blood smeared the entire wall.

"Sorry... Before I enter S.H.I.E.L.D., I can only ask you to "shut up". "


The sharp long knife was sheathed, and the single-tailed samurai slowly came to the bow of the boat. He raised his face against the cold wind and stared at this bustling city.


A cold smile evoked at the corner of his mouth, and the violent murderous intent seemed to erode the world. We will provide you with the fastest update of "Meiman: Beginning with the Dimensional Demon God" where the great **** snail is absent!

Chapter 134 At this moment, the samurai with the sword whispered in the wind.

Free reading: !

The wind of freedom hit his body and was cut off by the invisible sword energy.

At this moment, the samurai with the sword whispered in the wind.

"Let's destroy this city..."

After Ivan Vanke was extradited back to the United States, Tony went to the prison to meet him in person.

But the guy's eyes were pure like a baby, and when he asked him anything, there was no response.

Helplessly, Tony could only leave angrily, and when he returned to the Stark Industrial Building, he found a man he hadn't seen for a long time. The man was holding a pot of lilies and was talking to Deadpool and Pepper.

Hearing the movement, he quietly turned around and raised his hand to say hello.

"Hi... Tony, long time no see, miss me?"

"...Li Ang!"

As soon as he saw that smiling face, Tony felt his stomach hurt again. If it weren't for the water that the other party brought, how could he be pregnant?

This made him almost the laughing stock of the world, the object of ridicule on the Internet, God is pitiful, how did he survive in those days?

All in all, this is quite a troublesome guy!

[From Tony Stark's emotional value +1153]

Speaking of which, the two of them are not acquainted with each other.

To a certain extent, Li Ang is also a part of the credit for giving birth to Anya Stark, the daughter he loves very much.

But in this heart, there will always be some awkward feeling.

He raised the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, nodded as a greeting, and then asked.

"Li Ang, why did you come to New York? When did you come back?"

"Well, that's a long story..."

Leaning forward and hugging his shoulders, Li Ang Balabala talked nonsense, repeating the things that he had told Coulson and the others because of the special training.

Everyone looked at him with an expression of understanding. Any behavior this man made, nothing should be unexpected.

"Where's Constantine, why is he gone?"

Looking behind Tony, Li Ang said strangely that he didn't find Constantine's figure.

"The black magic book he gave me last time worked really well."

When I can't sleep at night, I always pick it up and turn it over. It is the best choice for treating insomnia! "

As expected of a book of black magic, the effect of sleep is so great before turning a few pages!

When I meet Constantine again, ask if there are other types. Li Ang recently pulled Coleson and the others to hold a few hot pot feasts at S.H.I.E.L.D.

This time, his stomach felt a little uncomfortable, and he urgently needed a magic book aimed at strengthening the stomach and digesting food.

"No, Li Ang, if that guy Constantine knows that the black magic book you gave him is used as a tool to treat insomnia, I'm afraid he will be so angry that he will laugh like a pig!"

Sitting on the sofa, Deadpool suddenly became depressed.

"Good guy, I've known that guy for so long, and he didn't say anything for me?"

Why didn't I meet you a few times before I gave you a book? "

[Mood value from Wade Wilson +1163]

"Wade, you don't know magic... Even if it is given to you, can you understand it?"

Pulling out a bottle of expensive wine from the wine cabinet, Tony satirized him while pouring wine for several people present.

This made Dead Servant dissatisfied, and he shouted aggrieved like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"Even if I don't need it, it's good to use it to wipe my **** and put it on the table legs. Anyway, it's Constantine's wish!"

"..." Tony almost spit out the drink in his mouth, but luckily he didn't give it to you. Otherwise, Constantine must seal you to hell!

"By the way, Li Ang, where do you live now? If you don't have a place to stay, you can live in my house."

No longer paying attention to that stupid dick, Tony turned his head and asked Li Ang.

To provide you with the fastest update of "Meiman: Starting from the Dimensional Demon God" where the great **** snail is not present!

Chapter 134 At this moment, the samurai with the sword whispered in the wind.

Free reading: !

Chapter 135 Roosters don't lay eggs, this is science.

No... I live in S.H.I.E.L.D. and feel pretty good.

It gives me the feeling of a mental hospital there, and there are so many interesting characters! "

Li Ang's answer caught the attention of Deadpool, and he complained.

"What mental hospital? That place is where some secret agents stay. You don't know when they sold you!"

He pointed to Tony, showing that men understand expressions.

"Listen to me, you live here, Tony has had a lot of fan parties recently, and we can still have a good time at night..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pepper Pepper gave him a stern look.

"Cough cough!"

Tony on the side hurriedly coughed twice. Since the replacement of the new energy reactor, the pressure of death in his heart has suddenly been removed, and those crazy parties have also made up their minds not to open.

"Wade, I'm a father now, how can you slander me so much!"

Tony spoke upright, as if this had never happened.

"Wow, Tony... Why haven't you seen for a few days, you're so abstinent?"

Lifting his body back, Dead Servant cried out exaggeratedly.

"Have you forgotten our joy the other night?"

Especially the bottle of Indian oil, I haven't asked you about its use, woo woo..."

As soon as he said this, Tony pounced on him and covered his mouth tightly.

Little Pepper gave him a strange look, and Tony quickly turned his head to explain.

"Ah...this...don't get me wrong."

What Wade just mentioned is an oil tea from India. I think it tastes good. I plan to buy more next time, so that you can try it too! "

This is fooling the ghost, Xiao Chili rolled his eyes and snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction well.

With a shy smile, Tony hurried forward to coax her.

"Well, it seems that our **** Tony, finally can't escape the cemetery of marriage..."

Looking at Tony's appearance, Dead Servant put his hands on his chest, showing a heart-wrenching expression.

"Look at Tony's abstinent little face now, I almost don't recognize him!"

"Understand, after all, you always have to be reserved in front of your own woman, I understand..."

Li Ang shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head with understanding eyes.

"..." Enough, you guys!

Staring, Tony couldn't stand these two guys.

"By the way, you live in S.H.I.E.L.D., what are you doing there?"

As for Nick Fury's black marinated egg, if he took the opportunity to do something, Deadpool thought it was impossible.

And Li Ang's answer is also a good proof of this.

"Let's teach those agents... There are more than 100 students, and Coulson is also..."

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Li Ang spread his hands proudly.

"As long as you teach two hours a day, you can get $10,000. Director Furui is really generous..."

"Li Ang, what class are you teaching? Isn't it a trick?"

With a jump in his heart, Deadpool thought of some bad experiences.

"Last time before you left, you told me to use chocolate for tricks and plastic wrap for tricks."

I tested it myself afterwards..."

"How? It's very effective. This is my experience for many years. I don't tell him to ordinary people!"

Li Ang smiled very modestly, and the lilies in the pot shook, but Dead Servant wanted to hit someone.

Is that a question of having an effect and not having an effect?

In one encounter, the lungs were pierced by the evil spirit.

Speaking of which, he was still wondering, it was all milk and plastic wrap, why Li Ang could do it, but he couldn't?

Is his posture not coquettish enough, or is he not handsome enough?

In view of his own immortality, Deadpool changed several positions and worked extra hard. Unfortunately, one time... is worse than the other!

Still Konstantin couldn't stand it anymore, patted him on the shoulder with a look of caring for the mentally handicapped, and said earnestly.

"To provide you with the fastest update of "Meiman: Beginning with the Dimensional Demon God" where the great **** snail is not present!

Chapter 135 Roosters don't lay eggs, this is science.

Free reading: !

Wade... People are different. Sometimes, the gap between people is bigger than the gap between people and dogs! "

Dead Servant said that he didn't understand it. He felt that the guy Constantine must be calling him a dog, and he was depressed for several days. Now that the master is here, he must talk about it.


Looking through his box, Li Ang took out a bottle of milk and a roll of unopened plastic wrap, and handed them to Deadpool himself.

"Next time, take what I gave you and see if it works!"

Humph... Deadpool didn't fall for him. A pit fell three times in a row, and no matter how stupid people were, they came to their senses.

He put these things on the table, refusing to accept the challenge of this temptation.

Speaking of which, those were also his tears. I originally thought that the topic of asking a child would become a hit, but I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that in the next few live broadcasts, it was either his death or his death.

In short, the three live broadcasts that listened to Li Ang's suggestion to fight with milk and plastic wrap drew a "perfect" end to his career.

The Internet celebrity dream was broken, just on that day, think about it... It's all a capital letter!

" don't accept milk and plastic wrap, I have a better way!"