Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 173: Father and daughter meet

"I..., oh, I'm really confused. I really can't see Daisy like this. As long as Daisy lives well, I have to clean up and see her again, so that she can't give her any bad impression. "

Calvin saw himself from the reflection on the table. He saw his face full of stubble and disheveled hair. It was indeed a bit indecent. The body odor that he usually ignored also came up. Calvin blushed suddenly. If you see him like this Daughter, I'm afraid my daughter will consider herself a tramp.

"Calvin, you can talk about the size of your clothes. I asked Athena to buy it for you. By the way, Athena is a smart housekeeper, developed by Daisy."

Wang Kai said to Calvin.

"Hello, Mr. Zabo."

Athena said hello.

"Oh, Hello."

Calvin felt that he didn't understand his daughter more and more. He really wanted Wang Kaiduo to tell him something, but he should sort it out first.

According to Wang Kai's instructions, Calvin cleaned in the bathroom and shaved off his beard. Because the clothes had not been delivered yet, he wore Wang Kai's bathrobe first.

Calvin finally looked like a scholar after he was cleaned up. Calvin didn't care about his exhaustion from coming overnight, so he pulled Wang Kai and asked about Daisy. Wang Kai told Calvin about Daisy's affairs over the years.

Calvin knew that his daughter had dropped out of school early. Knowing that his daughter had no place to live, he could only live in those houses for sale. Knowing that Wang Kai was a shareholder of Stark Industries and a friend of Tony Stark. Only then was my daughter able to go to Stark Industries as an assistant to the CEO, knowing that Wang Kai owns a company with unlimited prospects.

Calvin returned to the guest room to rest with infinite emotion. I really didn’t expect that he would meet his daughter in this way. Without Wang Kai, I really don’t know how her daughter would be reduced to. Calvin, who had seen all kinds of darkness, didn’t dare. To imagine.

And after seeing Wang Kai talking on the phone with his daughter and asking her daughter to come back, Calvin was even more excited, even if he was physically exhausted, there was no sleepiness.

The next day, Skye returned to the ranch in a daze. After entering the house, he found Wang Kai and a rather hurried man sitting there. The man seemed to be a little fidgeting.

"My dear, is there anything to **** back in such a hurry?"

Wang Kai helped Skye put down his bag and coat, and Skye kissed Wang Kai on the cheek and asked.

"My dear, I want to give you a surprise. I have found your parents for you."

Wang Kai let Skye sit on the sofa, and then said to Skye.

"..., really...really?"

Skye was stunned, and it took almost a minute before he regained his ability to think, and his eyes were already looking at the middle-aged man who appeared suddenly, and the man's eyes were already shining brightly.

"Of course it is true. This is your father, Dr. Calvin Zabo, and you should be called Daisy."

Wang Kai said to Skye, this is enough surprise, don't play any tricks.

"I...I...I am your father. You can call me Calvin first. I know you will hate us very much, but we didn't intentionally abandon you. We have been looking for you for many years. I...I..."

Calvin stood there, not knowing what to do with his hands, he couldn't wait to slap himself a few times, he had already prepared hundreds of sets of meeting, but now he can't even remember one set.

"Calvin, you sit down first. Daisy is a smart girl. She will understand. Let's take it slowly."

When Wang Kai saw the situation a little embarrassing, he immediately took control. After all, it was not so easy for Daisy to suddenly recognize a stranger as her father, even if the stranger was really her father.

All three are sitting on the sofa. Wang Kai and Daisy are on one side, and Calvin is sitting on the other, with his legs close together, as if he were an interviewer.

"My dear, don’t be nervous. If you don’t believe it, we can do DNA testing. The company has the most advanced equipment. Calvin has been looking for you for many years. They did not abandon you, but you were taken away. They It's also sad."

Wang Kai soothed Daisy who didn’t know what to do. Daisy had been looking for her parents for so many years. It was the same for countless times when she dreamed of meeting her parents. It’s just that the faces of the parents in the dream are now manifested. It turns out that this is his father.

"It's okay, I'm okay, I... can I call you Calvin first?"

Daisy said to Calvin that it is still a bit difficult for her to be father at once, so let's go over it first.

"Yes, you can, just call me Calvin."

Calvin was very excited, as long as her daughter could talk to herself, even if she called herself a pig.

"Calvin, if you don't mind, we can go to my company and verify the DNA, so that it will be more acceptable, my dear, what do you think?"

Wang Kai said that although he has watched TV series, reality is reality, so I should check it in the safest way.

"I have no opinion, my dear."

Daisy said, she also wanted to make a final confirmation, otherwise she would not be able to recognize a stranger as her father in her heart.

"I can too, I have no problem."

Calvin quickly said that the daughter agreed. How could he not agree? He is absolutely certain that this girl is his own daughter, because she is so similar to her mother, that is his Everyone agreed, and Wang Kai didn’t linger. He drove two people to Umbrella Company and came to Umbrella Company. Calvin only knew how big Wang Kai’s company was. This is really a big company. Kai also said that in the future, he will let his daughter manage it. It seems that he really loves his daughter.

Daisy has been to Umbrella, so she is not too surprised, but she still has some unconfidence in managing such a large company. She has to study with Pepper for a few more years. Pepper is also 30 years old. He was a CEO only when he was a few years old, and he was also an assistant to the CEO for many years.

"Stern, let me introduce to you. This is Skye’s father, Dr. Calvin Zabo. Today I want to talk to Skye about DNA. Calvin, this is my partner, Dr. Stern. It manages the company’s technological aspects."

Wang Kai found the big boss and introduced the big boss and Calvin to each other.

"No problem, as long as a little blood is provided, it will be completed in less than an hour."

Stern said that the world's technology is very advanced, and Umbrella's equipment is top-notch, it is easy to test a DNA.