Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 397: Black hand status

After solving Pitro, Mindy rushed to Steve, and when Steve was dealt with, the opponent would have no leader, and without correct judgment, they would only be arrested.

"Tony, I'll deal with Steve."

Mindy said to Tony that she could see that Tony would not be able to defeat Steve without using a lethal weapon.

"Okay, leave it to you here."

After the fist-to-fist fight, Tony's anger had already vented a little. Knowing that he wouldn't hurt Steve, it would be impossible to catch Steve, so just leave it to Mindy.

"Steve, just grab it, you are not my opponent."

After Tony flew away, Mindy said to Steve.

"Then try it."

Steve put the shield in front of him. His confidence came from the shield, but it was a foreign object after all.

Minty punched him, Steve blocked the shield in front of him, and directly received Minty’s punch. The special design of the shield removed 90% of Minty’s power, and Steve was completely out of the rest. Can bear it, this is really a weapon for cheating.

Knowing that he couldn't break through Steve from the front, Minty chose another way, and at the same time he was speechless to Steve’s shield. When he turned around, Master must also build some, and then let the company’s security department use it for self-defense. , Don’t even need to be afraid of shells.

Mindy's fighting style is not just a hard hammer with a fist. He reached out and grabbed the edge of the shield. He picked up Steve and threw it out. Steve's power could not fight Mindy. If you want to keep the shield, you must be thrown. Going out and falling heavily to the ground, Steve felt pain all over his body, and his bones were about to break. This Minty was really strong.

Finding that Steve’s shield was not snatched, Minty continued to attack. Steve had fallen to the ground. Taking advantage of his inconvenience, Minty flew up with a set of combos. Steve was beaten by Minty. You can only block your head with a shield, and enjoy Minty's fist in other places.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Steve couldn't see, Mindy pulled hard, and Steve's shield was finally taken down. Steve completely lost the ability to resist.

"Mindy, get out of the way."

Tony flew over and said to Mindy.

Minty flashed, and ejected several parts from Tony's armor, which directly combined and bound Steve's hands and feet. These were metal handcuffs built by Tony, and Steve's strength couldn't get rid of it.

Steve was also arrested. In the end, only Wanda was still insisting. Seeing that he was surrounded, Wanda also stopped resisting. If the fight continues, I am afraid that someone will really be injured. The Steel Patriot is already Raised his arm to himself, he was about to launch an attack at any time.

"Okay, take them all to Rose, so you don't have to worry about it."

Wang Kai fell and said to Tony, as long as Steve and the others were handed over to Rose, Tony's task would be completed, and he could go to Colonel Zemo to settle the account.

"and many more……"

Before Tony could answer, a voice rang in the channel, and another Quinn fighter landed from the sky. Nick Fury's bald head jumped down and went straight here.

"Director Fury, do you want to help Tony get people back?"

Wang Kai said to Nick Fury, this guy does not appear sooner or later, but he appears at this time, is he picking peaches? This abacus is too loud.

"No, look at this information."

Nick Fury threw something to the ground, and a 3D image was projected in front of everyone. On it was a dead person, a dead person lying in the bathroom, and a person's head beside him. Steve recognized it at a glance. , That's the psychiatrist.

"This person who has died is the real Doctor Theo Broussard. He has been dead for a few days, and this person is the one who saw Barnes. His true identity is Helmut Zemo. The colonel, a member of the Sokowia Intelligence Agency, once led a Sokowia secret assassination unit called the Echo Scorpion, with the ability to infiltrate, assassinate, and subvert, and it was he who came into contact with Barnes."

Nick Fury's words changed Tony's face. He had doubts about Steve's words before and didn't fully believe Steve. Now it seems that it was his fault.

Others also understood a little bit why the other party wanted to do this, Sokowia, a place that impressed the Avengers, where they experienced a brutal battle, and there were many accidental injuries, maybe Helmut · Someone in Zemo was accidentally injured by the battle, otherwise how could he target the Avengers.

"We must stop him and not let him find other Winter Soldiers. He already knows where the Winter Soldiers are stored from Bucky. We must hurry over."

Steve also said immediately, now that the truth is clear, then this colonel Helmut Zemo must be stopped, this guy is as dangerous as the Winter Soldier.

"Tony, I know that you have promised General Rose to take Steve and them back. I have already talked to General Rose. First let Steve commit crimes. Let's stop this guy. Then Steve will go back and confess his punishment. "

Nick Fury said that when he came, he had communicated with General Ross, that is, the general Ross who arrested the fat green. General Ross also saw the information found by S.H.I.E.L.D. and knew in his heart that Barnes was Framed, but there must be a culprit.

"What about the others?"

Tony asked.

"The others have to be taken back to jail first, after all, they are in the wrong place."

Nick Fury didn't say anything and others chose the wrong action after all. They are all adults and should be responsible for what they do.

The faces of Sam and the others became a little ugly. It seemed that they were inevitable. The soldiers of SHIELD had already come over and handcuffed them all and prepared to take them away.

"Kay, what's your opinion?"

Tony asked Wang Kai.

"I don't have any opinion. I took Steve and Barnes to find this guy. When confronted, I want to see how much courage this guy has and dare to calculate me."

Wang Kai said, the next step is to face the black hand behind the scenes, but the fate of Colonel Zemo has to change a bit. It is impossible for him to serve so comfortably. The laboratory of Umbrella Company is his final destination. .

"That's it, let's go together and see what this guy wants to do."

Tony saw that Wang Kai had no objection, so he said to Nick Fury, now that by catching the real murderer behind the scenes, he can completely explain the matter, which is good for everyone.