Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 398: Black Hand Appears

Now that arrangements were made, Wang Kai, Tony, Nick Fury, Steve, Barnes, Mindy, and Natasha boarded the Quintin fighter jets. According to Barnes’s memory, they went straight to Siberia. The training ground for the Winter Soldier is in Siberia.

According to Barnes, the base where they were trained was an underground base near Oymyakon in Siberia. Oymyakon is one of the coldest permanent settlements in the world, with a three-month period throughout the year. The average temperature is lower than -40°, and the highest temperature throughout the year is 13~16°. People living here can freeze JJ out by peeing outside in winter.

After Wang Kai looked at the information, he could only think that the Russians really knew how to play, and the Hydra was really a rat in the gutter. It was actually able to hide here, and most people couldn't find it.

Along the way, Barnes didn't speak. The longer his memory, the more his memory recovered. Many things he did when he was under control slowly surfaced, which made Barnes a little bit painful.

Steve sits next to his friend and supports his good friends. He knows how hard it is to face the painful place once again. This time Barnes had to continue to face it in order to prove his innocence.

When I came to Siberia, the snow and ice outside told everyone that this was not a Hawaiian beach, but the few people present, except for Nick Fury who needed a coat, the others were afraid of the cold here.

The training base for the Winter Soldier is further north of Oymyakon. There is an endless wasteland. You can only see the white snow and the black soil exposed outside. Above the wasteland, there is a mountain bag. According to Pakistan The memory of Ensi, the original base was within the mountain of this mountain bag. Wang Kai saw and saw the vent hole dug in the rock wall. It seemed that Barnes's memory was correct.

Nick Fury opened the handcuffs of Steve and Barnes. They were brought on the road to prevent them from having other ideas. Nick Fury handed Barnes a rifle and took the pistol himself. , There is a Winter Soldier who Barnes said is more powerful than him, so you can't be careful.

At the top of the mountain bag, everyone saw a snowmobile, proving that someone had already arrived here, it was Colonel Zemo, who had already arrived first.

The gate to the base has been opened, and behind the steel gate close to a foot thick, the power that can subvert the world is sealed, but it is relying on conspiracy and tricks, rather than relying on brute force like Wang Kai.

"Be careful, everyone, Helmut Zemo has already arrived here, maybe he has set a trap and is waiting for us inside, and he may not be the only one who greets us."

Nick Fury loaded the gun and said that this is the most dangerous guy he has ever encountered. Without any effort, he broke the Avengers to pieces. This is something that neither aliens nor artificial intelligence can do. If you let him escape, there will be more troubles in the future.

"I will catch him with my own hands."

Steve took the shield and entered the base first, and the others followed.

Under the guidance of Barnes, everyone went straight to the frozen place of the Winter Soldier, sitting on the old elevator and slowly descending, everyone felt that they were back in the 60s and 70s.

"Maybe I should also build an elevator like this in the Stark Tower, at least in this shape, which is very nostalgic."

Tony looked around boredly, he was a person who wanted to do whatever he wanted.

"As long as Pepper agrees, it's up to you."

Wang Kai said that a high-tech building with such an old-fashioned elevator can't be imagined by Tony.

"I'm separated from Pepper."

Tony's words left Wang Kai speechless. The two people went through a lot of hardships before they were together, how did they separate.

"When? Could it be that you started to be romantic again?"

Wang Kai asked, questioning without being polite at all, and the relationship between the two people will not be problematic due to the questioning.

"No one is wrong, it's just...just separated so naturally, I abandoned the armor for her, and abandoned a lot of things, but...the result is still the same."

Tony is a bit disappointed, maybe it's just a momentary impulse for two people to be together, and it's reasonable to break up.

"Then you have time to play with me, maybe we can make a few parties and find you a new girlfriend."

If this is the case, then Wang Kai won’t say anything. It’s normal to separate, separate, and recombine. In modern times, first love can find the person you love in your life. Very few people are constantly looking for it to find the most suitable one. that person.

"Come on, go to your place for a fart party. This time it's over. You come to New York and I will take you to a swimsuit party at sea. Don't worry, I won't tell Daisy... Whoops, Mindy, **** Why hit me, your master is also a man."

As soon as Tony finished speaking, Mindy gave Tony a lap, even though he had armor protection, he still staggered Tony.


Mindy just snorted and said nothing.

On the ground floor, the elevator door opened, and everyone walked out cautiously. Steve and Barnes led the team, and the others followed, until they came to a huge circular space. There are many in this circular space. The instrument seems to be an experimental site. Around the space, there are several towering mechanical pillars. At the bottom of the pillars are glass containers. White mist diffuses from the Everyone just stepped in. The lights here were turned on, including the light in the glass container. Everyone clearly saw the situation in the violent container. It turned out to be a single individual. Five glass containers meant that there were five people in it. These people should be Winter Soldiers.

"Don't be nervous, they are all dead, their only role is to lead you here."

Suddenly at one side of the space, a light was turned on in a small window, and a person appeared on the other side of the window. Everyone recognized this person at a glance. He was Helmut Zemo. He used the radio to talk to everyone. .

After seeing Helmut Zemo, Steve threw out his shield. The shield accurately hit a window the size of a laptop, but the window did not seem to be broken. Wang Kai looked at it. I am afraid that the window was all It's nearly ten centimeters thick.

"Don't bother. The secret room built by the Soviets can withstand the impact of the UR-100 missile launch."

Helmut Zemo said triumphantly, all of this is in his plan. He has prepared for more than a year, just for this day, this day has finally arrived, and his voice is full of excitement. .