Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 685: Facing the air in a daunting manner (2)

Being mocked by Daisy’s words, even the Secretary-General of the United Nations didn’t know what to say. Originally, he was a bit arrogant and wanted to use untenable righteousness to suppress people, but Daisy’s retort made him not Know what to say.

"well said."

Wang Kai watched Daisy's performance from the surveillance, this group of bastards, if Daisy was wronged, he would immediately kill him to see who dared to bully him.

"Then Ms. Daisy, how do you want to modify the treaty."

After all, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is cheeky, and he still wants to continue to preside over the conference, and he must be fair and just on the surface, or the other party will definitely turn the table and stop playing.

"Of course, it is for our capable companies to obtain a separate resource and land allocation. As for how much we get, it depends on our own capabilities. Of course, a combination can also be counted as one."

Daisy said, as long as you win over the interests you should fight for, Wang Kai said anyway, her company has two exclusive planets, Shipboard and Umbrella, and she disdains fighting in the solar system, as long as it belongs to her. Benefits will do.

"I'm afraid this won't work. How can a company be equal to the country? The country has far more resources than a company."

The Secretary-General of the United Nations said that if they follow Daisy’s proposal, they will be able to make a fair and just treaty directly, and what calculations they have to do with such great efforts.

"Why not? The country does have more resources than enterprises, but how much more can it be? In terms of technology, enterprises are not inferior to the country in terms of technology, and in terms of manpower, I am afraid that the manpower of the country is not as good as that of enterprises. Enterprises can recruit workers independently and help the country increase Employment, contribution should be greater than the government, as for the land, after entering the universe, is the earth’s land still valuable?"

Daisy disdainfully said that maybe other companies are still far behind the country, but Umbrella and Stark Industries, as well as large groups like Olympus Group, are not inferior to the country at all.

Daisy’s words made many countries present feel ashamed, because what Daisy said is the truth. Although in other respects, Umbrella may be inferior to a country, but in the field of aerospace, it has surpassed the world’s largest company. In most countries, there are few countries in the world that have the ability to get out of the earth, and most of them are attached to these countries.

This time the conference is a conference that benefits them. Otherwise, only a few countries can enjoy the profits of space, how could other countries be willing.

Daisy now unceremoniously pointed out this point, which made these countries face quite shameless, and her own country is actually inferior to a company, so it makes people feel embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Miss Daisy, after all, the government is a formal organization that manages the earth. Enterprises should act under the management of the government. This is the norm."

The Secretary-General of the United Nations cannot continue the sophistry because he is in the wrong, and others are on the side of the reason. No matter how sophistication he is, he can't turn the situation around, he can only speak hard.

"Our Umbrella company has always been a law-abiding company, and I very much agree with the government's work, but for the development of the universe, do I have relevant laws? There is no relevant law that requires legislation, and our Umbrella company can wait for related issues. Laws are promulgated, but do you dare to formulate laws for the country to strictly control enterprises?"

Daisy said disdainfully, saying that she just wanted to be tough, so okay, the big deal is to call Wang Kai, and everyone will be tougher than anyone else.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations was speechless again. What Daisy said was not wrong at all. What companies obey the government is to obey the law. The law has established rules. The company must play within the framework of this rule. The law stipulates the product specifications of the company. Companies must produce products that meet specifications.

However, the West is a contractual society. Everything is lawful, and they are very good at playing with the law. In their eyes, the law can be done without prohibition, that is, what the law does not expressly prohibits, that can be done. This is also the West. The reason for many innocence defenses is that lawyers can accurately find loopholes in the law, so that their clients can be exempted from being prosecuted. Often such criminals are locked up under other laws that have express provisions.

In the development of the universe, there is really no detailed rules on the earth, only a general framework. The solar system belongs to all mankind. At that time, mankind had too little understanding of the universe, so this conference is the first stipulated provision. It is a pity that if Umbrella does not sign, Umbrella cannot be brought into the game.

As for the enactment of laws that Daisy said, no one dared to enact legal provisions to suppress their own national enterprises. Although this time may only be directed at Umbrella or aerospace-related companies, they will sometimes be opposed by all entrepreneurs because They all have a foresight, knowing that you can suppress Umbrella or companies in the aerospace field today, and tomorrow you can suppress energy companies, people's livelihood companies, and so on.

They will support Umbrella for their own consideration, and more than 90% of the lawmakers who made the law were introduced by companies. How could such a law be passed?

So Daisy hit the key It is impossible to refute. The Secretary-General of the United Nations can only look at the U.S. representative secretly, and the U.S. representative secretly made an adjournment. He breathed a sigh of relief, casually dealt with a few sentences, and immediately chose to adjourn the meeting.

Daisy did not hesitate to lead Umbrella's representatives away and go to the lounge, as long as they stick to the bottom line, see what tricks these people can play.

Brent's heart dripped with blood. Daisy was so tough that it was impossible for her to persuade herself in a roundabout way. Daisy made it clear what else could she do.

Coming to the lounge full of heart, everyone was seated, an assistant immediately brought coffee up, and the members of the negotiating team looked at Brent and Daisy, waiting for the two leaders to speak.

"Brent, you come first, I just finished what I wanted to say at the conference."

Daisy didn’t prepare to speak, but asked Brent to come. Brent didn’t say a word at the conference just now. Daisy and the organizers of the conference were adamant. Now it’s his turn to say something, Daisy I also want to know if Brent can say something to see how he finishes the scene.