Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 158: Cracking down on the exclusive economy

Therefore, part of what Franklin said is true.

Zordheath wrote the record, but he still wouldn't completely believe Franklin's words.

This is a kind of caution of scientific researchers. After all, what if that Franklin was disguised by a certain dimension demon?

Or is Franklin deliberately misleading himself?

Moreover, the psychic power has been on for so long, and there is no shadow of the power of the phoenix.


The internal affairs of the earth are also currently having results. For example, S.H.I.

Obviously, it was an intelligence agency that hadn't been established for a year, and it seemed to have a promising future, but it ended up in the end.

However, the CIA received an increase in secret funding, reaching a very terrifying figure.

Where does the constant secret funding of the CIA come from? Rely on Congress to approve funds? Then it would be closed a long time ago.

Intervene in coups in other countries everywhere, plan color revolutions everywhere, and raise various leading parties everywhere. The source of funds for the CIA mainly relies on transactions of various unique products.

Take Hailuoying as an example. Many people don't know (and of course the media will not propagate it). After the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001, Afghanistan immediately became the world's first large Hailuoing producer.

According to United Nations statistics, since 2002, the production of Afghan plutonium has increased significantly. In 2014, it is estimated that Afghanistan produced 6,500 tons of opium (refining plutonium).

Ninety percent of the saliva consumed in Canada and Europe comes from Afghanistan.

The Taliban, who was beaten up and looking for teeth, have this ability? So why did they go? What do these show?

America's experience in controlling the world's unique products market comes from the Golden Triangle, which is the main origin of the world's unique products.

At the same time, the United States also actively supports Nuoyuanlijia's independence and sales. The Medellin Cartel, a Latin American cartel, has opened a cocaine processing plant in Darian Province, Panama. Many of these unique products were smuggled into the United States.

The CIA also knows this, but it is not the business of the CIA to seize independence, and the more unique products are sold, the more the CIA’s profit is shared. Therefore, the CIA also added Norie to the United States. The smuggled information was locked in a file safe marked with top secret.

The prosperity of the independent product industry has given birth to another industry-money laundering.

In 2012, the Federal Court of New York announced that HSBC, ****, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America were all involved in money laundering activities. Among them, HSBC transferred 1.1 billion U.S. dollars from the Sinaloa Independence Group in Mexico to the United States in 2008. Carry out money laundering.

The only ones caught were fines, while Citigroup, New York, and Boston were safe. Who is protecting the money laundering industry? Wall Street or the White House?

Unique products will not disappear in the next 100 years. The production methods will only be more advanced and the money laundering process will be more complete. But the anti-independence slogan will continue to resound in the sky.

The Excalibur Bureau’s annual funding has reached a terrifying 100 billion U.S. dollars. Although it is funded by the United Nations, it is actually conceivable how much money is derived from unique transactions.

It is difficult to contain the independent economy, not to mention it is not within the scope of the Excalibur Bureau.

Of course, this does not mean that Zod will allow the unique product to develop and grow. He thinks it is good to let the Weird Association to destroy such a thing that threatens human potential.

Anyway, in the eyes of the Weird Association, human beings are neither good nor bad. They have hit the production bases of the unique products, and after causing the effects of the unique economy, they can also arouse the hatred of those who make a lot of money from the unique economy. The sword game can also be more valued.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

Afghanistan, Mexico, Latin America, and even the Golden Triangle that has announced the full planting of tea and corn, are actually growing unique products.

And these are the unique origins that Zodhis knows about. I don't know it, and I know it through the Black Queen.


Afghanistan, an area ruled by the Ten Commandments.

A poppy field in full bloom. Pink poppies bloomed all over the mountains and plains, as if the clouds in the sky fell on the ground.

A group of women, old people and children are busy in the poppy field. Only by turning in enough poppies can they get food from the Gang of Ten Rings. If something goes wrong with the poppies in the field, they can only starve to death.

Under the control of the Ten Rings, the Pashtuns living here planted tens of thousands of acres of opium poppies. There are dozens of such poppy farms.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban grow opium poppies, and the Ten Rings also grow opium poppies. Even some large Pashtun tribes also grow opium poppies. The opium poppy cultivation area in Afghanistan has reached 328,000 hectares. The annual output of opium is expected to reach 90 million tons.

Since the US military invaded Afghanistan, the poppy production here has been rising year after year, and no one can refuse the temptation of poppies. If you don’t grow poppies, you will lose your financial resources. Without sufficient funds, you will not be able to buy more advanced weapons or support more armed personnel. Without sufficient force, it will not be long before they disappear from the land of Afghanistan.

Personal strength cannot reverse this environment at all.

A group of children dressed in dirty rags gathered together in a daze, very quiet.

These children have rotten teeth. In order to keep the noisy children quiet, some parents directly feed the opium as chocolate to their children. Noisy children will calm down after taking opium.

They are uneducated and have no idea that opium is addictive.

Some women and old people have only one hand left. That was the punishment of the Ten Commandments, punishing those who secretly concealed poppy fruit.

This land is What she needs is not Iron Man, not Captain America, nor god.

It's destruction. As for whether they can be reborn in destruction, it depends on them.

After all, there are too many things to mourn his misfortune and anger.

A huge monster fell from the sky.

"Hahahaha, human beings, I am an ice cream weird who ate too much ice cream, die!

The ice cream geek releases a large amount of ultra-low temperature ice cream. The temperature of this ice cream is so low that it can be directly frozen to the flesh and tissue of the frozen bad person only by touching it, and then it can be detached.

However, before touching the human body, a large number of poppies were submerged by them.

The old women and the children looked at this scene at a loss, the poppies are gone, what should they do?

The attack by the ice cream monsters quickly attracted the attention of the Ten Rings. After all, the movement was too loud, and what made these Ten Rings crazy is that the poppy fields they finally planted were destroyed!