Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 399: The slaughter of the ghost rider

At this time, the noise from outside interrupted the leader's fantasy.

"what happened?"

The leader felt as if he heard explosions and gunfire.

But how is this possible, with the armed forces of the Tariha organization, there are still people who dare to provoke them in the land of chaos?

"Oh, boss, a flame-burning skull monster rushed in on a motorcycle and killed anyone when he saw it!"

One of the subordinates ran in and said in a panic.

After all, now is not the kind of alien invasion in the future, the whole world knows the period of the dance of gods and demons, so Bucky's appearance has scared these terrorists who gather religion as their beliefs.

"What monster?"

Chief Tariha didn't believe it. He turned on the surveillance screen and found that there was a flame-burning skull on it. He was riding the same flame-burning locomotive to slaughter the terrorists in Tariha.

Facing this monster, the members of the Taliha organization did not have the courage to fear death in the past, and became extremely scared and fearful.

They are afraid that this monster is the devil that can take their souls to hell. On weekdays, Taliha advertises that they can go to heaven to enjoy the blessings when they die, but it is not necessarily the case that they die in the hands of the devil.

"Damn, how could there be such a monster?"

Even Chief Tariha couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. He fooled others, always wondering why religion is false, but now he is beginning to waver.

Do gods and demons actually exist?

The Taliha organization arranged in the periphery is mostly cannon fodder mainly composed of tribal militias.

But there is no shortage of elite mortar and sniper teams.

The leader of the sniper squad is a one-eyed man who has just evacuated from the Polar Bear Country's Iron Fortress.

"Be careful, everyone, the opposite is the incarnation of an evil demon with extraordinary power."

"Notify the mortar team, covering shelling!"

But he quickly woke up. Now is not the time to think about this. Look at the opponent's posture, don't stop killing them all, and in any case, they have to kill the other party before talking.

With an order from the leader, the mortar made a harsh whistling sound.

A few seconds later, where Bucky was.

Suddenly covered by the explosion fire.

The members of the Tariha organization quickly cheered up and began to fight back against Bucky.

Bucky completely ignored their attacks, whether it was guns or whatever, after coming into contact with Bucky, he was gasified by the burning hellfire on his body.

This is Zod's reward to Bucky, which strengthened his hellfire and made him stronger without being dragged by guns to the efficiency of killing.

"Quickly ~ fire!"


All kinds of light and heavy machine guns in the hands of the tribal militiamen opened fire.

The Cyclops also personally set up the sniper rifle and pulled the trigger.

Bucky's body turned into an afterimage, jumped over the obstacle, and landed next to a firepower spot in the middle of the mountain.

When one foot fell, the bunker where the firepower was located collapsed and turned into rubble.

The machine gun inside naturally stopped dumb.

At the same time Bucky barely stayed at all, and immediately refraction returned to another firepower point.

The snipers frantically wanted to keep up with Nabucky's movement.

But desperate to find that Bucky could move faster and faster at such a high speed.

Let them say that these snipers want to successfully sniper, but they really can't do it!

The tribal militiamen have never received complete military training, and the uneven personnel is the first to wipe out their morale.

After watching Bucky get closer and destroy the bunker along the way.

The morale of these militiamen collapsed, and they threw their helmets and armors and fled.

Several tribal nobles were so angry that they jumped but helpless.

A tribal nobleman, who seems to be the son of the patriarch, just picked up a pistol and shot several deserters, berating his slave and hurried back to fight.

Huh, an afterimage suddenly appeared beside him, and waved his hand to pat the two guards around the nobleman.


The nobleman yelled in native language, raised his pistol and pulled the trigger.

Bucky ignored the bullet and snapped a finger at it.

Immediately exploded the head of the nobleman, and lifted a strong force, causing the headless body of the nobleman to fly upside down and hit the mortar position.

The artillery in the mortar position was at a loss.

I was surprised to find that Bucky had jumped high and appeared above their mortar position.

The ghost rider burning hellfire fell into the center of the mortar position.

Suddenly, under the loud bang, the artillery all flew into the air.

That batch of mortars were all turned into parts.

The one-eyed dragon man took a breath and looked at Bucky, who was almost invincible. He wiped his cold sweat and picked up an anti-tank sniper rifle.

A bullet was shot out with a bang.

Bucky discovered the opponent's location after being attacked.

He picked up the barrel of a mortar, used it as a javelin, and threw it fiercely.

Just pulled the trigger and was about to put down the sniper rifle and escape, the Cyclops man felt a flower in front of his eyes. The barrel that had been forced to fire the gun hit his chest, and then his whole body flew up and rolled down from the sniper position to the foot of the mountain.

The rest of the snipers were dumbfounded, and they couldn't see what happened at all. They only knew that the enemy of this invasion was so terrifying that they could no longer resist it.

They couldn't help but no longer have their weapons, and fled backwards in a panic.

Along the way, the team saw more than a dozen armored vehicles with khaki-painted rush to support.

Seeing them crashing into the battlefield, these snipers just felt that with the war machine joining, they should be able to delay the monster.

When a loud noise almost blasted in their ears, they were scared to lie on the ground one by one, and it took a while before they dared to get up and look around.

The sharp-eyed immediately saw an armored vehicle stuck upside down into a mountain On the side of the body exposed outside, a big pit was dented unexpectedly.

There are cracks everywhere in the pit, and blood is constantly flowing out of these cracks.

"The steel machine can't stop the monster?"

A sniper stood up and looked at the source of the loud noise, muttering to himself.

Suddenly an armored vehicle fell from the sky, and the roof of the vehicle fell into a scrap metal state, and it also squashed the sniper.

The remaining snipers were dumbfounded and screamed and ran away again.

In addition to them, in the past ten seconds, there were also more militias and elite Taliha fighters. They lost their fighting spirit. They were evacuated from the bunkers without waiting for orders, so that Taliha organized the defense system painstakingly managed to survive And collapsed.

Under the smoke of gunpowder.

The entrance area of ​​the canyon where Taliha organized thousands of people to defend has already fallen into the hands of one person in just one minute!