Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 508: Cosmic Rubik's Cube


Zod asked him to be responsible for all the scientific research work of the administration, including all the containment objects including the study of the universe cube.

When Zod sent someone to S.H.I.E.L.D. to receive the Cube of the Universe, Nick Fury wanted to pretend to be dead, and then he was shocked by Bronsky's unceremonious punch through the wall.

Obelisks, cosmic cubes, and all the supernatural items belonging to SHIELD are now owned by the agency.

However, Dr. Banner is not the only scientific researcher in the scientific research team of the Administration. There are many top talents recruited from all over the world. They will not obey an airborne team leader.

From the first day of entering the game, Dr. Banner was ready for everything.

He knows these **** and horrible things in scientific research, and he has the ability to deal with them.

This is not, so far, after a full month and a half in the game.

Relying on his extremely professional strength and unconstrained ideological realm, he successfully conquered countless great scientists under him.

At this time, he also successfully enjoyed the happiness that he had not experienced in countless years!

I saw that after finishing today's work, he walked briskly and freely to return to his dormitory.

At this time, his dormitory was no longer what it used to be like a prison, but an ordinary scholar's dormitory.

But it is this ordinary, this ordinary, but let him experience the happiness that he desires most.

He is no longer a monster in others' mouths.

Now he has truly become one of the most intelligent scientists on the planet, and has become Dr. Bruce Banner who truly deserves his mind!

Talking about his doctorate title, Banner walked into the room smartly and skillfully made a cup of coffee for himself.

He still has a lot of work at night, and it is not time to rest.

Director Zod trusts him so much, of course he has to make achievements in return, such as the Cosmos Rubik's Cube!


Boundless universe, the flagship spacecraft of the Temple.

The ring-shaped spaceship is loaded with countless beasts, which is the army that Thanos is most proud of.

And in the center of the spacecraft, in his own command room.

He was sitting on the high-hanging throne, receiving a guest who surprised him thoughtfully.

Beside the throne, the thin but elegant ebony throat gently waved his right hand.

"Welcome, Prince Rocky from Asgard, please visit our Lord!"

"It's your Lord, not mine!" Loki responded with a smile.

When the voice fell, Ebony Mouthmoto's elegant face suddenly became more dissatisfied.

He turned back to look at Thanos, and silently asked how to deal with it.

Do you want to kill the proud prince?

But before Thanos could reply, Loki continued to speak to the two of them.

"But I hope to be the forerunner for you, the great Universe King Thanos."

At this point, Loki quietly bent down and surrendered to Thanos.

Ebony Maw finally nodded in satisfaction, and then he replaced Thanos and said softly to Loki.

"The prince of Asgard, is coming to join Lord Thanos' empire. Do you want to start a war between the empire and Asgard?"

"No, the wise Ebony Maw, although all this happened not long ago, I have to admit that I no longer belong to Asgard. I initiated a failed rebellion in Asgard, but I was so stupid that I was The lucky brother defeated him, and finally ended up in the vast universe. Your Majesty Thanos, I need a suitable one, worthy of my previous status as a prince, so I chose to join your subordinates. As a gift, I will present to you Space gem among infinite gems!"

I saw Loki raise his right hand, and then a clear image flickered between Loki's palm.

Thanos on the throne was finally interested.

Of course he knows what it is!

I saw a cube shimmering with crystal blue light in the image. Before this cube was sealed by Odin, it had a name that made Thanos pursued for countless years.

"Space gem!"

Thanos spoke, his voice full of fatigue and vicissitudes.

But apart from that exhaustion, Loki could only hear the wailing of countless lives from Thanos.

Even if he knew Thanos would not do anything to himself, Loki became nervous uncontrollably.

He tried his best to control his expression and said to Thanos.

"Dear Lord Thanos, I want to use the news of this space gem to exchange Midgart's dominance with you."

"It's just news...?" Thanos asked himself.

"Of course not. I need you to provide me with an army, an army sufficient to defeat the Hall of Valor of Asgard. I hope to win a real victory from my father. In exchange, I will give me space gems with my hands. Offer it!"

The voice fell, and the spacecraft fell silent for a while.

After a while, Thanos's majesty and terror coexisting face showed a look of remembrance.

"Five thousand years ago, Odin became the king of Asgard. He was controlled by ambition and desire and attacked who I was. I lost to him, and the price of that battle was that I lost the space gem. Coming down, his soldiers swept across the universe until he mastered five of the six infinite gems. But after that, he stopped his footsteps, withdrew his army, stopped his aggression, and even gave up The infinite gems he collected. I don't understand him, but he doesn't need my understanding. Until now, his son came to me and decided to retrieve the space gems for me. This made me feel the meaning of destiny. I Will give you the army you want, go, get my things back for me!"


Loki immediately leaned down and offered Asgard's heaviest etiquette to Thanos.

But even when he took the Mind Scepter from the Ebony Maw, he couldn't understand the meaning of Thanos' words.

Odin once won Thanos?

Odin almost collected six gems?

Odin almost dominated the universe?

But why is Odin now a kind and forgiving old man!

And he's still an unknown a ruthless old bastard! ! !

Doubtful, Loki picked up the scepter inlaid with soul gems.

Immediately, the power of the invisible soul filled Loki's body.

He seems to be able to feel everyone's mind, he even feels that he can manipulate everyone he sees!

Infinite gems, even if they are only indirectly mastered by inlays on tools, it has increased his power countless times!

If he had such a terrifying psychic power before, he could even directly order Thor to commit suicide!

But he felt these forces even more incomprehensible.

Since the infinite gem is as powerful as the legend, why did Odin give it up?



Just as Loki kept thinking about it with doubts, Thanos opened his mouth and ordered.