Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 519: Trouble to Tony

, Marvel’s Kryptonians


   In the underground "research room", Stark greeted the two in embarrassment.

   Little Chili showed an expression of anger and dissatisfaction behind Zod. Because of Zod’s presence, he didn’t say much, so he turned around.

   "Tony, your condition is not very good."

  Zod found a place to sit down casually.

   It looks like a young Huahua came to a friend's house to tease his friend.

   Zhen Huahua shook his head helplessly, walked to the freezer next to him, found a can of Coke and threw it to Zod.

   Tony opened a can of Coke for himself, sat down and asked.

   "What are you looking for?"

Zodhis is the director of the Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Containment Administration. It stands to reason that he is a busy man. He came to find himself and made Tony Stark a little worried that he might not be an alien again. Right?

   Ever since he came into contact with the Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Containment Administration, and learned from them that aliens have always existed, and have been eyeing the earth, and witnessed it with his own eyes, Tony Stark has been very upset.

   "I heard that you are depressed, come and watch the excitement." Zod said.


   Tony is helpless.

   "First of all, I am not depressed, but I feel a little lack of security. Second, are you actually watching the fun?"

   Tony Stark is speechless.

"of course not."

  Zodhis, of course, came to watch the show, but he couldn't say that.

   "Tony, you can't sleep well at night, right?"

   Zod asked.


   Tony nodded.

  As a real man, he does most of the things by himself.

   Even if the resistance is very hard, he will carry it through gritted teeth.

   Tony Stark is a man who wants face.

   If he had passed it, he would probably preach it as a highly compelling past.

   And before that, Tony would not tell others with fanfare that he had some "war sequelae".

   But it's not enough. Zod came to ask about the condition and was still covering up, saying that he was okay.

   "Do you feel insecure?"

   Zod continued to ask.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Yes." Tony admitted.

   "That's right," Zod said.

   "Typical post-war sequelae, now we provide you with two treatment options."

   "There are two more?"

   Tony was taken aback.

"Yes, the first one is to overcome this lack of security with your usual arrogance. Think about it carefully, what you said to Steve, after taking off your armor, who are you, dude, billionaire Rich man, great philanthropist, and talented scientist."

   Zod said.

   "Even if you don't have a battle armor, you are Tony Stark, awesome Tony Stark."

   Tony gave a wry smile.

   It's easy to say, but difficult to do.

   His current problem is that he has self-doubt, and feels that he is an ordinary person among ordinary people without the armor.

   can't wait to hide in the armor forever.

   For this reason, Tony has developed Mark 42, the detachable armor, which is more convenient than the armor used during the New York War.

   can arm himself almost anytime, anywhere.

   According to reason, he can still become Hulk, but... Tony Stark doesn't want Pepper to look at himself with the look of monsters. This is also something that Zordhis doesn't understand.

  Dr. Banner’s girlfriend, Betty, did not dislike her man as a big green man and a child. Why do you think that Pepper will dislike you and become a big man?

   So it’s one thing to be confident that the steel suit is not worse than Hulk, but Pepper’s opinion largely limits Tony Stark’s idea of ​​turning into Hulk.

"Then it is the second one. It is also the purpose of my coming to you today. The Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Containment Administration faces the threat of aliens. Ordinary weapons and equipment are no longer enough. Therefore, we need your steel. Battlesuit MK series."

   Zodhis said.


Tony Stark, who has always disliked giving the steel suit to others, hesitated because he knew that Zodhith didn’t need to conspire with the steel suit. He had the mature Hulk manufacturing technology and didn’t need the steel suit at all. It's the MK4 steel suit, and I don't know how long it can last in the face of Hulk.

   "Also, the Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Containment Administration will also set up a Hulk unit in the near future. We need more Hulk and strength."

  Zodhis plans to strike while the iron is hot.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "...I can give the steel suit technology, but I want to join the Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Containment Administration."

   Tony Stark said.

   "No problem, welcome to join, Tony Stark."

  Zodhis nodded.


   Tony Stark asked unexpectedly.

   "You performed well in New York, so I think you meet the needs of our human supernatural strategic defense attack and logistics security containment administration."

   Zod said.

   "In other words, the previous me failed?"

   Tony Stark was startled.

"Yes, the Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistical Support Containment Administration is an organization that wants to safeguard the safety of all and you were just a **** before, even if you became the much-anticipated Iron Man, we I can't trust you either."

  Zodhis answered calmly.

   Tony Stark's expression is bitter, of course he knows what he was like before.

   "But because you just joined, you are only a first-level agent."

   Zod said.

   "First level? What is the highest level?"

   Tony Stark raised his brow.

   "If you make a contribution, you can upgrade. At present, the highest is my director, the only thirteen level authority."

   Zodhis said.


If Tony Stark had been in the past, he would probably think that Zod looked down on him, so he would not join, but now, after the New York War, after the Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and the Logistic Security Containment Administration did effectively protect the safety of mankind , He thinks it is good to join the Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Security Containment Administration.

   He likes the feeling of fighting side by side.

   Then Zordhis went to Aldridge Killian, he felt that he had to inspire the villain and cause Tony Stark a little trouble.

   "Mr. Heath--"

   Kylian's face was gloomy and terrible when he heard Zord's visit, but when he went to meet Zord, he still smiled very brightly.

   "Mr. Kee, you smile so reluctantly, don't you welcome me?" Zod asked with a smile.

   This time, even if Kylian smiled hardly, he was reluctant.