Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 577: Cosmic princess

Therefore, in the eyes of others, it may be apostasy, but in the eyes of the Supreme Master Gu Yi, it is flexible and not so rigid. The viciousness of the Dimensional Demon God could not be better used to deal with these endless types of demons.

Even if there is a powerful demon that can kill Clark with a punch inside, it will die without a burial place if it enters the territory of the Dimension Demon God.

Unless the Darkside body comes in person.

So these dimensional demons are also very useful sometimes.

The demon-like army was eroded by the dark energy, and the two bubbles were silent without rising.

Although there are so many of them that they cannot be calculated by numbers, even so, the major dimensions still feel that they are not enough.

"I choose different methods in other universes."

Zod looked at the parallel universe.

There are infinite gems. He is already at the level of the multiverse, the same level as the five gods, but this level is not what the body wants, unless it is the Nemesis body, it is possible for the body Zord to value.

In the parallel universe, another Zod didn't know that he was being observed, and he was also frowning, looking for a way to deal with the invading demons.

He has been in this parallel universe for three years. Although he has not joined the Avengers, he has become the leader of a "Justice League" by virtue of his own powerful strength.

However, the members of his Justice League cannot be opponents of the demon army.

For this reason, he went to find someone specially, and he felt that only this person could deal with the army of demons!

Each universe's Zord's thoughts and consciousness will change due to the environment and itself, and then there are countless possibilities, which is what the Ontology Zord wants.

Looking at the beautiful young girl sitting on the side of the street where people come and go, while enjoying the coffee to kill time, while watching the lights coming and going on the street.

Zod tidied up his appearance and approached the girl cautiously.

No way, although he has been in the sun for three years and has beaten invincible hands all over the earth, he can't be the opponent of this girl.

And the closer, Zod marveled at the beauty of this girl. Exquisite and delicate, like an elf appearance, this girl is full of enchanting magic. Many people passing by her couldn't help but put their eyes on her. Only because of her ethereal and completely non-human temperament, no one has the courage to touch her.

Zod is the only one who has the courage to do so. And when he did this, he was inevitably a little nervous in his heart. After all, this is a dangerous existence, and it is still that kind of extremely dangerous existence. Such a guy can't be overly cautious.

"Hello, excuse me."

Zod spoke up.

The girl looked up at him suspiciously, as if she didn't know what was going on.

"Is this the daughter of the Planet Devourer, Princess Ganata?"

Zod said.

In terms of identity, Ganata is the only daughter of the Planet Devourer. The Planet Devourer is the defender of the cosmic order and the scavenger. It is even called one of the five greatest gods in the universe. And if you look at it in this way, Ganata can be called a cosmic princess.

Cosmic princess! Not the princess of any galaxy, nor the princess of any planet. But the princess of the entire universe.

The Planet Devourer represents the existence of the order of the universe and is the cornerstone of the universe. His meaning to the universe is actually similar to the meaning of the existence of Lady Death. Some advanced civilizations in the universe call him, the goddess of death, and the three other great beings the five great gods of the universe, which has certain truths. On the one hand, it is because he has a special meaning for maintaining the balance of the universe, and on the other hand, he has the power to shake the universe.

None of the five great gods in the universe is a good role to deal with.

The ability of the planet devourer is to devour the planet. The reason is that he needs to rely on the energy of the planet to sustain his life. The planet is food for him, and he can transform an entire planet into the energy he needs.

After all, she is the daughter of the Planet Devourer, born to be the highest-level existence in the universe. She has no natural enemies in the universe, and even if she is put into the endless universe, no one will have the ability to pose a threat to her.

"who are you?"

After the girl was seen through her identity, she asked with interest.

"Oh, no, I know who you are, the giant of the Justice League, Batman."

Ganata recognized Zod.

"However, you shouldn't know who I am?"

Ganata said puzzledly.

"Your identity is what I know from the Supreme Mage."

Zod didn't even want to get directly on the banner of the Supreme Mage.

Ganata obviously also knew the existence of the Supreme Mage, and nodded.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Ganata asked.

How old Ganata is, I'm afraid ordinary people can't guess. Even said that even she herself is a little too lazy to calculate such things.

Because human calculations are too impractical for her. You can't expect a dying mayfly to understand the human way of life, because the two species are really incomparable throughout their lives.

Calculated in terms of the way a person can live for a hundred years, the lifetime of a human being is 36,500 times that of the mayfly. And Ganata, as the planet devourer, the daughter of the cosmic order maintainer, her life is so long that it can be compared with those galaxies in the universe. So if she compares it with humans, I'm afraid she will have to add more than a dozen zeros to the previous number. UU reading

In this kind of situation where the human beings have changed for more than ten generations, even if Ganata looks young, she can't be as ignorant as the young girl who has just stepped into the society.

Therefore, Zod's beauty is just like that.

"I need your help, or rather, I need you to let go of your stomach to eat something, organic life form."

Zod didn't care about Ganata's attitude either, he directly stated his purpose.

Then, as soon as the voice fell, Ganata grumbled and swallowed uncontrollably.

"What you said is true?"

Ganata couldn't help asking.

"I don’t know why, I’ve always been very hungry these days. It turns out that a planet can manage a long stomach. If there are high-level races that don’t open their eyes, they can eat more. But now I don’t know how to get back. No matter how you eat, I’m not full. I’m already hungry and I can’t help but eat those natives on the earth. How many organic life forms you mentioned, I’ll say it first, if there are too few, I’ll go crazy ."