Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 1025: Real borders are not childish

"It turns out that your hunting cats are here because they went to the team to carry out the mission, so they are not here."

Watson suddenly said: "I'm still wondering why I didn't see your hunting buddies. I heard there are hunting eagles or something here."

"It is true that hunting eagles and hunting cats are reliable hunting partners."

At this time, Little Loli answered: "Yes! Cats and cats are not only cute, but also open unique skills to transport injured hunters away from the battlefield in times of crisis ~"

Yep? Hearing this, Watson couldn't help but stunned for a while, was it originally set by the cat car?

Watson thought for a while, and Gu asked hesitantly: "So, if I said that I was accidentally knocked down by the monster ... Is it too late to be rescued by the cat car?"

"How is it possible ... The monsters here are much more fierce than the mainland, and will not give you this opportunity!

Basically, everyone tries to retreat as soon as they ca n’t resist. The unique ability of cats will make monsters temporarily ignore your existence.

In spite of this, there are still many hunters who have not escaped. "

"That ... I can ask you if you took over the task before battling this velociraptor? Or did you happen to meet halfway?"

"This ..." Little Lorient put his head on his chin with his hands. He thought about it very cutely and said, "From taking the task to arriving at this task setting area, and then confirming its position. It ’s been tracking for a while ... mmmm ... It ’s been almost six days. "

"Today is the seventh day, Sakuragawa." Yukiki, who walked in front, turned back and reminded.

"Ah, that's a week."


Watson's mouth twitched, what is the wonderful setting of Nima? Although the bug-level skills of the cat car have been weakened, they still exist, which is similar to the game's settings rather than reality.

But the hunter will really die. The task is not reached in one second. You also need to find the target in the huge world on your own, to explore the law of action, and only after you are fully prepared.

All of the above can only be found in a very real world. If it is a game, this is impossible.

A world where the two are mixed? Really mad ...

"Yes, if there are hunting partners, it should be easier."

Captain Daiwa sighed as he said, "But our original hunting target was ordinary velociraptor, so we took advantage of this opportunity to let them gather together to collect supplies.

But we didn't expect that the guild information would be wrong. It turned out to be a velociraptor, and its comprehensive strength is not something that our hunters who have not yet reached the G position can handle it.

Being able to knock him back is also a remarkable record.

Well, of course, thank you Watson! "

Watson scratched his head with a smile: "I said not to be so polite, I also ask you to find the right way, otherwise a person running around in the huge rain forest may never find the right way."

"Hahaha, you are polite too!"

A group of five people walked in the rainforest, and Watson kept on tapping sideways in the process, hoping to get more useful information.

First of all, all four of them are hunters who have not been promoted to the G position. The highest level is the tall girl who used the laser cannon before, Yuuki. Now the guild's hunting level HR is 91.

The remaining three were Daiwa HR88 and Sakuragawa HR87 over Pingping HR85.

Listening to what they said, it should be the HR100, you can start the G assessment, it seems quite cumbersome, the last step is to explore Gulong.

That's right, it was to explore Gu Long, get the news related to it, and successfully bring it back, which is the last level of promotion to the G hunter.

If the information obtained by the hunters on Gulong can bring substantial progress to the institute, then even if the final assessment is a big success, it will also receive a generous reward.

Of course, the most important premise of all this is ... to survive.

In the impression of Watson games, the later version of the border game changed. When the new hunter HR reached 7, he could directly choose the G mission. After that, he was directly a G hunter. He also entered the pit at that time.

Before the update, the hunter level HR999 + SR (can be regarded as weapon proficiency) level 999 was required to borrow the task.

Well, for an online game border, it is actually a brush brush ...

Now it seems that the border of the Monster Hunting God Realm set by this reality + BUG should be different. The level setting of the hunter is not so high, and it is impossible to upgrade it by brushing monsters ...

Otherwise, every hunter will play for a few minutes, not to mention thousands of monsters, not to mention the border, the whole world of monster hunting can brush you bald, and the earth can not find living creatures three times. .

In contrast, in reality, the ancient dragons have few sightings and very rare species. Although various ancient dragons are plural after a long-term research, it is impossible to let the hunters encounter them in minutes.

Even if you encounter it, it depends on whether you have the strength to survive from the front of the ancient dragon.

In the normal background world, the ancient dragon, as a mobile natural disaster, will cause everyone in the region to fear. It is necessary to gather a large number of experienced combatants and rely on huge weapons to be able to repel it. The number of casualties produced will definitely make people cry.

The god-level monsters in the border are even more so ...

However, it does not mean that there are no fairy hunters. Listening to them, the powerful G-bit hunters are basically able to contend with different species alone, team up to kill, and even support the existence of Gulong for a period of time.

On top of this, there are also Z-level hunters, which can usually solve the Qianyou species with their own strength, and can face the ancient dragon in the border.

Although it is difficult to kill, at least it will not die.

If there are four Z hunters teamed up, it is basically guaranteed to repel ancient dragon-level creatures.

As for the killing ... I just heard about it, because the dragon in reality can't beat it and will run.

In addition to the strength level, there is also the size of the border.

The scope of this rainforest alone is beyond Watson's imagination.

Although they did not fly to the sky to find out, but from their description, it should be the rainforest near the center.

Similar to the general setting, the closer to the center, that is, the deeper position, the easier it is to encounter high-level monsters. On the contrary, the edges are less likely to be encountered. Basically, they are small social monsters and harmless creatures.

When triggered from here, it takes 10 days to reach the hunter base by walking.

Speeding up the journey ~ ~ It takes a little more than five days to get on the road quickly at the expense of endurance.

Although this is not a problem for border hunters, the outside world is always in danger, and no one knows that they will encounter ‘love’ that they ca n’t beat at that corner, so for safety reasons hunters generally do n’t do this.

So at this time, the hunters began to spontaneously open up the ‘official way’ and open up channels from all the precipitous places with collective power.

And on the way ...

"Oh! Here we are."

"Meow ~"

Watson smiled as he watched the white hunting cat waving to himself and others on the road.

That's it, the cat car station on the road!

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