Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 1058: Return


Skye followed Coulson to his office. The blade and the old Wei who had just met were holding information at Coleson's desk to see what was going on.

"Hi, is there any progress?" Coulson asked at the desk.

Old Wei Diao holding an unlit cigar, wrapped it around the corner of his mouth with his tongue and said, "No ... this thing, we have never seen it, blade?"

The two held a picture and related report in each hand. The picture above was a metal with a folded column shape, silver and silver throughout. The name annotated next to it was: Obelisk.

"Me too. I haven't seen this alien item either from the vampire side or the king side, is he right to be an alien item?"


"That's sorry, we can't help, and we two are not familiar with this aspect. Maybe you can ask Mindy later. When she stays with the king, the king often gives her a little excitement. Stories, short stories beyond the earth. "

A little story outside the earth?

Coulson and Skye looked at each other, and the two of them remembered the conversation they heard on the monitor just now. It seems that the little story may be true, which is a bit scary.

"Well, I remember, I'll ask her." Coulson nodded, and then sideways let Skye out behind.

"That ... Hey? Coulson said you are looking for me?"

The blade nodded and stepped forward and said, "Hello Skye, before we came over, we were entrusted by an ally to take you to find her."

"She? Who is it? And you are an ally?"

"Her name is Jiaying, and she is also part of the strength of the King, but it is not a hunter group, but other organizations have merged into it and become one of the peripheral forces under her."

When Coulson heard this, he could not help but come together and said, "So, did you take her away?"

"It was just a request to pass on, and she said that Skye thought about it for herself, and if Skye refused, she would stay here."

"Let me decide?"

"Yes, although I don't know why, she seems to know you."

Coulson couldn't help turning his head to look at Skye, who knew her, and it was the merger force under Watson's, is it related to Skye's life experience?

"So, are you leaving?"

Skye was hesitant and looked subconsciously at Coulson, hoping he could make an idea, but what she saw was a loving look like "parents": "Don't look at me Skye, you can do this yourself Decided, and not permanent, right? "

"Of course, some of them will be able to send Skye back, and they know your relationship with the king will be no problem."

"I ... I want to stay. Now that we have a lot of things, I can't go away now. Sorry."

"It's okay, I'll tell her just fine."

Blade said when she recalled that the woman who had entrusted herself was slightly silent. When she said this request, she was not very clear. As if there were any worries, she only made a tentative request.

But thinking about doing so much, I can't control the reasons behind it. Anyway, I have already brought the talk to me.

"Wait, if you can, Blade, can you do me a favor? Help me tell me that I want to see her, or video call or something." Coulson said suddenly.

"Um ... yes, but don't care too much about the result."

"of course."

"Then, let's go if there is nothing else."

"Oh, wait, there is one more thing." Coulson said and took out a remote control from his desk. With a light press, the large projection screen in front of the office suddenly rose up and followed. There is a wall rising.

The blade and old Wei and even Skye were startled by the things that appeared in front of them. Peerless Tangmen fo

The wall behind this wall is densely engraved with some symbols. These symbols are folded and interlaced, with deep and shallow, full of mystery.

"What is this?" Skye frowned and reached forward to touch, the corner of a ♀ symbol suddenly rubbed off.

"This is a new engraving?"

"I engraved it." Coulson sighed softly, but this statement suddenly turned Skye around and his eyes became very serious.

"Skye, this is my secret."



On the other side, the border **** domain.

Under the cover of the squad leader, four G-squad teams that can maintain combat capability, and two teams with higher HR levels.

A group of hunting cats pushed their own cat car and quickly landed on the reconnaissance ship. The other hunters took the lead in responding, and carried materials to resist the attack of monsters.

Although the incident was urgent, the reconnaissance ship did not carry a large attack weapon ‘dragon rifle’, but some artillery was still there.

Of course, this is also one of the places that surprised Watson, because the appearance of these artillery are all similar to the primary smoothbore guns of the modern navy, and the ones that require manual reloading of the shells. As for the power ... bitme modern field operations The howitzer is much larger, at least it can cause damage to the dragon, although it is very small.

Watson even suspected that there was some kind of magical inscription ‘increase the damage to dragon-type creatures by 100%’ inside the turret, and only later learned that the problem was with those round shells, but that was a digression.

"This is yours, this is yours, everyone has a share."

Among the many temporary ‘injury beds’, Watson ran around like a white angel, distributing the potions to those injured hunters. As for Yamato, they were temporarily transferred to the rear of the temple.

At this time, the huge roar from the distance still did not stop, but when Watson thought that the president of the squad was going to be a fisherman, he found that they all came back.


The Yamato Seikyo people ran over to Watson with both hands, and Sakuragawa next to them directly passed them: "Brother Watson!"

"How did you come back?" Watson said, saying hello to Jieyue. He was spit out by the Terror Dragon before, and when he wanted to fly back, he saw her running directly to save herself. Although it's no big deal, it's quite touching.

Yamato touched his head and said rather helplessly: "This is no way, the dragons roared there, but they haven't done it yet."

"... so they are pretending?"

"It's because of fear of the sky."

At this moment, a thick voice suddenly appeared behind several people. Watson and others looked back, and it was actually President Kan who came over.

"Oh, I remember you called Watson, right." President Kari patted Watson on the shoulder: "Thanks to you this time, if we delay for a while, they may be in danger."

"You don't have to thank this, after all, we all said yes before. But it's… to be afraid of the sky?"

Watson hasn't finished talking yet ~ ~ Suddenly looked up at the sky with a sense, just to see that the red-huang meteor flew from the far side of the sky.

"It turned out to be because of him."

"Well, Gu Long's breath will feel very strong for them, even if they are far apart.

Moreover, those monsters are not in good condition. In the end, they may fight and then evacuate. "

The head vet turned his head and looked at the busy people and hunting cats on the deck, and sighed deeply: "Although I also want to leave one, it is too dangerous here, their life is the most important.

Okay, don't say this, now you have to meet the special training. Instructor he wants to train you alone, I hope you are ready for the future hunter's life. "

After the president said, he turned and walked to the cab.

"Set sail! Maintain the low altitude, don't attract the attention of the flying dragon!"

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