Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 133: Hidden weapon-fully cooked meat

Halogen stopped his steps when he heard the voice behind, turned his head and found Hulk lying on the ground, and ran back again ...

"Boiled egg! Come on!" Watson rushed over with open wings, and I hadn't really found the salted egg to be so dead!

Just when Watson ’s words came into the ears of braised eggs, the braised eggs had ran to Hulk and lifted up the blasting meow hammer, and when they just got up, a big green hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the neck of braised eggs.

"Meow · Ga ···"

Hook looked at the little guy who had licked his hair and grinned to reveal a row of big teeth, and then began to work hard ··

Big egg's big eyes were squeezed out like fish-eye bubbles, the hair of the tail became a feather duster, and the meow hammer also fell out of the paw.

"Let me release that cat!"

嗖 ~!

"Roar !!" This time Hulk turned back and grabbed the flying dragon knife 0.01 centimeters from his hips, watching the violent thunderbolt and raging flames winding above it somehow unconsciously relieved ...

Was not finished before he was kicked in the face for the second time by a pair of 42-yard big feet.

The huge force made Hulk slightly faint, and the braised egg took the opportunity to break free from the milligram hand, and Watson also grabbed the falling dragon knife, and turned it over to pull it across the crotch. Hulk instantly sobered his leg with a clip to block the blow.

This series of operations gave the watching Ross and Nick Fury a new understanding of Watson ...

"Cough ... you moved my cat first." He said that he picked up the falling meow hammer and shouted on Hulk's head, and then spread his wings and quickly withdrew.

Escaped Hulk's punch.

Huasheng turned back the Miao Miao hammer to the braised egg and said: "Then help you hammer, then don't be so tiger next time I heard it, go and protect the Lord Ban, BUFF can't be broken."

"Meow ~"

System, I summoned the prince 1km above my head. With a white light emerging in the air, the prince in the air once again cast off!

After doing all this, Watson incites his wings slightly away from the ground, and raises his hand to make a second move to the Hulk who extinguished the flames from his hair for the second time.

"Come here ~"


Hua Sheng looked at the Hulk that was rushing in just in case he took out two more coins and raised his hand to raise two orbital cannons, since the seduction must of course be seduced in place.

After the two shots, Watson looked at the growing black dots on his head and fluttered his wings and flew back. When he turned around and found Hulk just one step away from the trap, he suddenly jumped up? !

Why are you so skinny? !

"What's wrong with me? Look at the hidden weapon and give it to me!" On the occasion of a thousand shots, Watson took out something from his backpack and threw it at Hulk, directly hitting Hulk's roaring mouth, Ho Ke felt a scent in his mouth and took a subconscious bit ...


The Hulk that fell on the ground still had taste in the future. One big foot stepped on the trap of halogen eggs.

A golden-colored lightning burst out instantly, and the golden lightning made a harsh electric sound, turning all the cooked meat in Huoke's mouth into roasted charred meat ...

"Roar !!!" Hulk's movement stiffened instantly, and the golden yellow snake formed a large net that enveloped Hulk and eroded him continuously. The angry Hulk began to struggle hard, and all the blue bars popped out from under his skin. The golden thunderbolt on her body is fading fast! It is a pity that it is too late.

"Sure enough it won't last long, but it's enough."

Finally, Watson turned around and walked to Lord Ban !


General Rose sighed at the scene of another smoke storm, it seems that this war has been divided ...

"It ’s incredible, this dragon can actually cooperate with him, unparalleled strength, wisdom that is not lost to humans, and the ability to collect storage space ... Huh, Nick Fury, you really will find yourself in trouble . "

After speaking, Rose thought of the ‘monster’ Hulk he made, and that Bransky ...

If you want to trouble yourself, these two people are really half a catty.

"Deputy, let's go to the hospital to see Betty, this should be over."

"Good sir."

"Oh, don't forget to let our people take over Bronsky, he belongs to the military!"

The adjutant heard General Rose's words and carried a stern expression on his back.

"No problem, sir."

at the same time,

"This is the second dragon? Is the huge corner and the tail the main attack? Is it stronger than the last dragon?"

Following the battlefield, Nick frowned when he saw the scene where the prince was showing off his power. He didn't know what he wanted.

"Forget it, at least solved one trouble."

Thinking of this, Nick Fury also breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the newsletter and said, "Agent Romanoff, how are you doing?"

"Sir, we have already caught Bronsky is transporting him over, General Ross's people are coming ... Clinton, we should go."

Nick who wanted to say something suddenly heard a loud noise from there ~ ~ Then came the sound of gunfire!

"Romanov! What happened to you ?!"

"Sir, it's Bronsky, he woke up ... ah! Zizi ..."

Nick Fury heard that the other side had become a murmur and quickly answered Watson's communication.


And at this time, Watson had already put away Jiao Ye, who was taking Ban Ye and the braised egg, and was walking down the round pit to check the situation of Banner.

Walson walked and found that Ban Ye still had a blasting meow hammer in his hand and quickly said: "Ban Ye, put away the meow hammer, if Banner becomes an ordinary person, he will be injured."

"Meow ~"

Watson saw that Ban Ye had put away his weapon, and he turned his head and said, "Braised egg, I will set up a trap next to it just in case."


In fact, Watson has always been curious. When Banner is comatose in the state of ordinary people, will he automatically become a Hulk when he encounters a fatal danger. Anyway, in the Deadpool slaughter comics, Banner is killed in a human state. of.

Walking to the bottom, Watson noticed the feet exposed on the dirt at first glance, and it was definitely not Hulk.

"Found, we ..." At this moment, Watson suddenly felt a bad hunch in his mind, and then there was a voice in the ear communication.

"Watson, something happened to Natasha ..."

A pair of vertical pupils instantly appeared in Watson's eyes and glowed scarlet. Watson summoned a small flower to stay in the pit and said: "You two wake him up and bring them over!"

After speaking, a pair of dragon wings suddenly spread out into the sky.

Wasson just flew out of the hole and heard a roar not far away, as well as the sound of gunfire!