Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 191: Jodenheim = Black Soul ...?

"This time I will not block your perception, you can see all of us. If you find that you are not aware, you will inform King Odin to go to Jotunheim."

With Watson's remarks, everyone was a little dumbfounded. Heimdall looked at Watson as if he was thinking, but Watson was impatiently waiting for him.

"Heimdall, although I praised your personality, this is not the capital that you can provoke the dragons over and over again."

"Watson, would you please let me know?" Thor gave Watson a look and turned his head to look at Heimdall. "I don't have any problem. Heimdall, I believe him. And you saw us too Did n’t the previous conversation in the house be? "

"Well, if this is really the case, I also want to know how those frost giants did it."

"Well, since that's the case, don't tell anyone our news until there are no problems. Understand?"

After everyone came into the eggshell, Heimdall went to the center and inserted the guardian sword into it.

As the energy interweaves and the eggshell spins again quickly, Heimdall looked at the people in front of him and said, "Listen, I will keep my promise and be a dedicated gatekeeper. If your return will affect Asgard The safety of the city, the Rainbow Bridge will not be open to you, and you will be left to die in the cold wilderness of Yodenheim. "

Vostag spread his hands to look at Heimdall and said, "Can't you keep driving the Rainbow Bridge for us all the time?"

"If I have been driving the bridge, all the energy here will be released, and Jodenheim and you will be destroyed."

Watson smiled a little after hearing it, it seems that the Frost Giant of Jodenheim should not know the power of this star-extinguishing weapon, otherwise Lao Fei would n’t be so iron and Odin to say war ==

"Hahaha, I don't want to die today, and we can't die!"

Heimdall glanced at Watson, and then controlled the launch of Rainbow Bridge. A huge force will draw several people into it. A colorful light beam instantly penetrated the endless universe.


Nine worlds-Yortonheim.

On the dim sky, there is no light beyond the starlight. This is a dark, cold, dead world.

There are hardly any signs of life on the dark glaciers. Even the aboriginal frost giants here are missing, as if all hiding in dark corners.

The accidentally dropped ice **** made a sudden explosion, and the ever-stopping whistling cold wind would push them heavily into the abyss.

Suddenly, in the dark sky, a burst of light appeared, and at that moment a colorful beam of light directly hit the icy planet, and left a deep scar on it ~

After the smoke had dispersed, I saw seven dwarfs coughing ... I saw a group of Asgard + seven dragons + two meows set foot on this cold land.

Everyone looked around, and they could see nothing but cold wind and dark mountain ice.

"We shouldn't be here."

"Meow meow!!"

Hogan looked at Ban Ye who made faces to himself and said, "How do I feel like you are saying that I am timid."

"Meow ~"

"This ghost place is too quiet ..."

Vostag walked to the edge of the cliff behind while talking, and gently replaced a stone into the abyss for a long time.

[It is detected that the host is in an extremely cold environment, the fire attribute energy release effect is reduced by 20%, and the ice attribute energy release effect is increased by 20%. 】

【Do you enable dragon attribute energy blessing? After blessing, the fire energy release effect will not decrease, but it will increase the energy consumption. 】

Watson frowned slightly when he heard the sound of the system. He stretched his palm and felt the temperature here. Then suddenly the fire flashed on his hand, and the fire dragon handguard still covered it.

Tor was the first time he saw Watson using flames and came to him and asked, "What's wrong, Watson?"

"Nothing, I just want to try if the flame ability will be compromised here. After all, the temperature here is too low."

Watson said as he squatted down, placed his hand with the fire dragon armor on the glacier under his feet, and then a flame burst out of the armor. The bright fire brought a ray of light to this dark world Angry, when the flames collided with the ground glaciers, the ground glaciers began to melt a little bit, and Watson looked at the flames that had been fully released on the armor and it was indeed a little smaller than before.

"Meow?" The two meows approached the fire slowly.

‘Turn on the dragon attribute energy blessing, my fully cooked meat is not eaten in vain. ’

【Dragon attribute energy blessing is enabled. 】

The flame that had been smaller in the original circle suddenly increased as if it were added, and even the temperature increased a lot, and Watson found that the speed of the glacier melting after the blessed flame was removed from the glove increased, and the fire did not weaken. trend.

"Meow ~!"

"Meow meow?"

"Ha ha ha, let you come really come, right now, it is much more relaxed ~"

Watson looked at Thor and put away his handguards with a smile: "Let ’s go ~ ~ This frost giant might give you a surprise. But this ghost place really resembles the dark soul ... ·· "

"Black Soul? What is that?"

"Uh ... an interesting world I've been to before, the world that inherited the original fire. But now it's gone."

"Initial fire? Haha we Asgard have eternal fire ~"

With the end of the chat of the people, the tour group and the cat group are on the move, and everyone is watching the surroundings with some vigilance. The occasional falling stones and ice will slightly attract everyone's attention. Leisurely ~ even these two meows asked for a bottle of wine from Watson, and ran to the front to find a small ice pit, put the wine bottle into it to start iced ...

"Hahaha these two cats are really interesting. I didn't expect them to love drinking so much."

Looking at the movement of the two meows, Loki asked softly, "Where did you get your wine from?"

"Like my guards, this is my natural ability, space storage, but my space cannot store living people."

While saying this, he remembered the scene where Odin entered the monster space, but Odin said that he would see Zulong soon, and he would say it later.

‘System, open the mini-map ~ named Yodenheim. I am 芸 芔 茻, I forgot to update the mini map in Asgard ···· ’

[The host is detected in an unknown world and has been named Yodenheim. 】

With Watson's order, a 3d ecological map appeared in front of Watson's eyes. Seven avatars were walking forward in the middle of the map, and there were dense red dots around ... ! !