Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 193

"The 'little boy' you said is tired of your sarcasm!"

Hearing Thor ’s words, Schiff and the three warriors thought that the negotiations were about to fail and they all joined together to form a four-corner formation that Watson had seen before.

At this time, Watson, who had been watching the drama, seemed a little awkward ... but he didn't care much. With the return ball, he didn't have to worry about being beaten by others.

And from Watson's point of view, Laufe's description of the current Thor is still very accurate. It should be said that these two brothers are in this state of mind. It's just that Loki hides himself very well ~

Thinking of this, Watson took out the Atlas of the World from his backpack directly under the eyes of everyone's doubts.

‘System, use the atlas of different worlds to store Jotunheim. ’

[Begin recording a different world. 】

With the sound of the system, a scene very similar to the previous one in Asgard appeared.

The dim sky and ice around Jottenheim seemed to have received some kind of traction. A small part of cold wind, frost, and darkness merged together to form a chaotic light ball, and then the light ball slowly entered the album .

[Congratulations to the host for collecting a different world-Yodenheim, currently included in the world: Asgard, Yodenheim]

[Congratulations to the host for collecting the second world, rewarding the essence of Zulong x. 】

With the sound of the system, the second album can finally turn to the second page. A picture floats on the paper. It is a dark and cold Jotunheim. If you are near the book, you can even hear the cold inside. The roar of the wind.

Luo Fei, who didn't care about people other than Thor, finally couldn't help asking questions after witnessing this strange scene.

"Who are you? I just found out that you seem to be a little different from these Asgards."

Hua Sheng raised his head and looked at Lao Fei with a smile and said, "Did King Lao Fei not recognize who I am?"

Luo Fei carefully looked at Watson with those scarlet eyes. Suddenly he remembered the news that he had informed him before entering Asgard.

Asgard and the legendary dragon clan to form an alliance to attack and defend! So he is a dragon? But the purpose of his follow-up ...... Isn't it just to help Odin's boy?

"It seems that you are a dragon clan that formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Odin? So what is the purpose of the dragon clan to come to Jotunheim?"

Offensive and defensive alliance? This seems to mean a bit of a smell, is it that Loki also pulled the tiger skin of the Dragon Race ... it should be Dragon Skin.

Watson looked at this giant with a length of at least 3 meters and said, "I thought King Laufi recognized me from the beginning. I said here I want to ask King Lau Fei, the dragon clan has only been from the beginning to the present. Skard and other world guests who attended the ceremony today know. Those guests seem to be ... people who do n’t have King Laufi? How do you know the Dragon Clan? "

Lao Fei frowned slightly as he watched Watson. This person was more difficult than the 'little boy'. It was when Lao Fei was thinking about how to deal with the suddenly appearing Dragon Clan. Loki behind Watson heard his words and face. He couldn't help but changed, but he was quickly concealed by him, and Thor frowned when he heard Watson's words.

"I said, Odin family ..."

Hearing the question from Thor here again, he raised his head in anger and watched Lawy yelling: "Shut up! I will never allow you to insult Odin's name !!!"

"The boy of the Odin family pays attention to your identity, and you are not qualified to talk to me like this!"

The frost giants who had been hiding all around heard their anger angry, and they came out of the shadows and slowly came over. They appeared on the buildings in the front, back, left, right, and even above, and the hands of the giants were sharp. Thick skates! The frost giants stared at Watson and his fellows with a pair of blood-red eyes. Their eyes were like looking at food or prey that proves glory.

Seef and the three warriors saw the giants around them all took out their weapons and slowly leaned together. After looking around, Loki noticed that Watson still had a dull expression. There is no habit of giving your own life to others, let alone a dragon!

So Loki approached Thor and whispered, "Tor, stop and use your brain to look around. We are outnumbered."

"Pay attention to your identity brother! And we still have Watson but not alone. And if you are afraid, you can let Watson take you to heaven now."

"Watson?" Lao Fei looked at the Watson who was quietly watching him. What kind of person is this person in the Dragon race?

"Boy of the Dragon Clan, do you want to fight with us?"

Watson shook his head gently. When they thought Watson was timid, he said, "No, no, you should say King Raufie, do you want to fight with our dragons?"

"Hehehehe, you don't know what the consequences of this move will be, but I know ... Go back and take advantage of my permission."

A tall frost giant stood not far in front of Thor ~ ~ It seemed like the defender's own king. In fact, he was ready to get Thor ready to invite the king for the first time.

Tor glanced at the frost giant disdainfully, then turned his head to look at Watson as if to ask his advice.

Watson saw that Thor turned to himself, shrugged to Thor and said, "The main purpose of this trip is the safety of Asgard, so I won't be the one to take the lead. And I think Heimdall should have seen it all. , There is an answer to the previous question, isn't it. "

Huasheng's words made some nervous Loki relieved. Then Loki glanced at the silent Thor and found that he was also somewhat shaken, and he raised his head directly and said, "We are willing to accept your tolerance."

Tor was obviously unwilling to hear Loki's words, but Watson knew that he was a little short of losing his reason, but the No. 1 ice silly in front of him was about to be cheap ~

"Let's go brother."

The result was when Thor just turned around ...

"Go home, little princess."

Hearing this sentence, Loki instantly lowered his face: "Sorry ..."

And the corner of Watson ’s mouth slightly raised: ‘The show is over ~’

Tor stopped shortly after hearing it, and a smile of unexplained expression appeared on his face. Myrniel suddenly fell and let Thor grasp the strap of the hammer handle.

Call ~ pound! !


Tor's backhand is a hammer that hammers out the ice giant who dare to call him a princess a dozen meters away.
