Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 357: ‘Little Horn Lady’ who made Dragon f

Countless huge cracks spread like half of the cobweb in all directions. A frost giant who accidentally fell just stuck in it, and was stepped in by his mount before he could crawl out.

If it were not for Lao Fei to learn the last lesson and order to strengthen the glaciers underneath, this time it will cause another landslide.

The worst thing is the glacier giant carrying the cavalry leader and the guard who came to rescue the leader. Even the man with the beast was crushed by two super big butts.

The icy blue blood splashed all over, and the frost knights were all shocked by this scene.

When the ice dust and its dust had dispersed, Jiao Ye looked at the glacier behemoths surrounding him and grinned.

"Little girl, now is the best time to show. Remember what I said? Should we ... Hmm? Little girl?"

The prince turned his head suddenly, only to see that there was only a bottomless pit beside him, which was obviously dug.

"Alas ... I really hope that Wang can teach me how to discipline my children."

"Roar roar!"

The prince who was worrying about education flicked his tail extremely unhappy.


The solid tail hammer was thrown on the side of the frost giant closest to the horn, and the sound of crisp bones suddenly sounded.

The frost giant originally on the glacier giant flew out without reacting.

Ao Ao Ao Ao! ! !

The horned man raised his body and made a trembling roar. The rich energy of the dragon attribute accompanied the sound waves. The frost knight who was just about to rush to the back suddenly became angry with timidity.

Even the glacial giant's impulse under the knights was momentarily slowed down, when the glacial giant shook his head and was just about to continue to charge.

A super siege hammer crashed down from top to bottom!

boom! ! !

The ice blue blood splashed out immediately stained the tail hammer.

When the tail hammer was lifted up, there was only one cobweb crater and a distorted giant beast corpse. As for the knight above, it should have been smashed into that corpse.

The frost knights, who were completely awake, glanced at each other, raised their rifles and rushed towards the horn.

"Roar roar!"

Ao Ao Ao Ao!

On the other side.

The leader of the frost knight who had shunted out suddenly caught the reins when he heard the shock from behind.

"Roar roar!"

The glacier giant beneath him shouted and stopped.

The young Frost Knight turned his head to look behind his back, and suddenly froze.


The young leader's anger erupted in an instant, and even his face became cruel.

With the guards around him, Binchuan raised his hand and ran around with him, saying, "How do we stop the leader, we are not going to find your majesty, he ..."

"No, everyone, come with me!"

After the young leader finished speaking, he directly reversed the direction. This distance is just right for the most powerful charge!

"Wait, we have to save ... ah!"

Poof ~

The words of the guard were not finished yet, a huge lance pierced his abdomen directly, and even thrust it into the air.

The eyes of the young leader have been replaced by uncontrollable anger!

"That garbage that can only escape is no longer worthy of the king, who still has doubts now ?!"


Under the light of the curtain of flames, the golden jade heavy armor on the knights reflected a light.

When the young leader saw that no one dared to oppose himself, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Charge with me, kill those dragons, the glory belongs to Jotunheim !!"

After talking, he set up his lance and rushed out immediately.

"Roar Roar Roar !!!"

A group of short-trained glacier beasts rushed towards the horned master who was ramming in the herd in the distance with an uncoordinated pace.

But even this still caused the violent shaking of the glacial land.

The surrounded horned lord was just a dragon car and rammed several glacier behemoths out of hundreds of meters. A glacial beast body that had been soaked slowly slid off his huge corner.

The horned prince, separated from the encircling circle of the glacier giant, instantly felt the shock from the other side, and found a herd of cavalry beasts running towards himself.

Compete with the Horned Dragons?

Jiao Ye couldn't help but grin, then try.

You should know that when the 100-meter-level horned master was able to complete the glacial behemoth that was only a quarter of his size.

Today's Kakuya is more than ever. The 258-meter-long body is ten times larger than these glacier beasts!

In the past, a pair of dragon horns could pierce at most one glacier beast from the belly or side, but now two pierces can reveal a piece.

The super siege hammer at the top of the tail is almost as big as the glacier monster!

When Watson goes down a three-fold expansion pack for Lord Ye, the two are not a level of creatures at all, which is why Watson rest assured that Lord Yee scattered their battles.

Not to mention, there is a helper for the corner master ... Helper ... Hmm ...

"Where did this little girl go?"

Just when Jiaojie was thinking like this, he suddenly felt a distinctive vibration coming from underground. This vibration was not caused by a cavalry charge. This was the vibration caused by the Horned Dragon family drilling not far from the surface. !

The prince thoughtfully glanced at the cavalry rushing towards him, turned his head to continue to solve the residual soldiers on his side, but he was not interested in disturbing the little horn lady's battle.

And fighting alone can accelerate her growth.


The young leader, who was on the charge, was excited to whip the glacier giant under the hips several times after seeing the horn pointing at him. The sudden pain made the giant speed faster.

But just as he was preparing to testify his honor with his spear, he realized that his goal turned and walked away after glancing at himself. What do you mean?

"Humph, cowardly monster. Speed ​​up, we ..."

"The leader looks ahead ..."

A frost knight has just issued a reminder ~ ~ A big bag suddenly swelled up on their charge road, and quickly rushed towards them!

"Spread out! All spread out!"

The guard just shouted to the people behind, and was interrupted by the young leader who had gone crazy.

"No, rush me up! No matter what it is, knock me away!"

"Leader you crazy ..."

Just between the two of them talking, the big earth bag suddenly sank less than a hundred meters in front of them, and there was no movement.

The young leader, who could not stop the charge, was suddenly stunned, and a hunch of death quickly invaded his brain!

Without any reaction time, a very thick corner broke through the ice and was inserted directly on it.

The tough skin of the Glacier Beast is like a thin layer of paper pierced through and pierced from its back!

Poof ~