Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 413: I knew you were a good person

"Thor, son of Odin, my friend, comrade in arms."

Looking at the lively Thor while he heard Watson actually calling himself the first, he looked at him in surprise.

Watson gave Thor a grin, then looked at the crowd below and teased.

"I remember when we and Thor first got along, we had some minor misunderstandings."

"Because of this misunderstanding, we have also made an agreement, an agreement to decide the outcome.

Thor, when things on both sides are resolved, I think we should implement this agreement ~ "

Watson spoke with a teasing look at Thor sitting below.

After staring at each other, Thor smiled shyly.

It seems to remember the way he was, the hammerhead **** of the tiger head and brain.

Then Thor lifted his glass and raised the glass to Watson.

"Of course my friend! I'm always there ~"

As Thor's words fell, the following group of melon-eating crowds seemed to find a shocking point, and they immediately got up.

"Oh ~ roar ~"

"Hahahaha! This is a big surprise!"

"Really? The Dragon Prince has an appointment with our Thor?"

"Did you not listen to what the dragon prince said personally? Tor he also happily replied, this must be a real man!"

"Haha ~! It seems that there is really nothing in vain today, and I must tell my little cute Lisa about this when I go back ~

She is a fan of Thor, and it will be exciting to hear this ~ "

"Wait what do you say? Buck, isn't your wife Salina?"

"What? Uh ... I mean to my child ..."

"As far as I know you don't have children yet?"

"Damn you so much!"


"Fak! I said I'll treat you next time at the Glory Bar Party, will you?"

"I knew you were a good person."


I do n’t know that Watson continued because of a sentence that almost led to a sudden incident.

"But it's not over since then.

The sudden appearance of the Frost Giant ruined the solemn ceremony, and also made me and the dragon clan I represented stand on the cusp of Asgard. "

Unconsciously, Watson's words were a little heavy, and everyone quietly consciously listened carefully.

Thor unconsciously pursed his lips, then looked at his father Odin vaguely.

It turned out that Odin was staring at himself all the time!

Uh ~!

Thor looked back instantly, as if nothing had happened. After two seconds of stiffness, he began to uncomfortably sip the wine in the glass.

Some people complained about why Watson mentioned this matter, but when he was thinking about it like this, he heard what Watson said behind him, and Thor was relieved.

"Actually, my personality is similar to Thor, and we are all more impulsive."

"But this incident made the misunderstanding between Thor and me more and more. When we met for the second time, we almost had to implement the agreement in advance ~"

Watson's ridiculous tone made Thor and Shiv and others laugh, and let the people who heard melodies who were somewhat vigilant in the heart feel helpless.

"It was Ms. Schiff and the brave three warriors that stopped the small conflict between us. Then I told Thor that the Dragons absolutely disdain to do such a thing.

So in order to resolve the misunderstanding between us, we went to Jodenheim together.

It was the first time I set foot in the extremely cold land, and it also made me see the ugly face of the Frost Giant for the first time.

All this is a conspiracy of the Frost Giant.

The king of the frost giant, Lao Fei, was empty. He even took the lead in declaring war on me and the dragons, and tarnished the honorary name of Asgard.

War also comes from this.

But it is precisely because of the practice of the Frost Giant that we are able to fight side by side.

Although that time we were at a disadvantage (next?).

Although that time they were many people (experience baby got together ~). "

When Watson spoke here, his voice suddenly became high.

"Although that time, it was the first time the Dragon Clan fought alongside Asgard.


We are strong and united.

We countless times retreat the Frost Giant's attack until exhausted!

We used battle to gain a solid comradeship!

We proved each other with battle!

We guarded our glory together! "

Vostag turned his head to look at the crowd of people shouting and shouting, picked up his glass and laughed: "Yes ~ let those **** frost giants go to **** ~ Haha!"


"Aha! This is great!"

Even Hogan, who had always been unsmiling, couldn't help but smile, and held up his glass of wine.

Hogan, who fought side by side with the Dragon race, still remembers the scene at that time!

Watson nodded at smiling Odin, then slowly walked to the banquet and put down his glass.

Reached Natasha's hand.

Natasha first looked at Watson with some surprise, then quickly reacted, put her hand up and followed him back to Odin, and heard Watson said: "Comrade is a word full of weight and meaning .

Just like me and Thor, Schiff, and our three warriors.

We have n’t met each other for a long time, but we are now comrades who can bring our backs to each other.

I once promised them that they deserve to be honored and recognized and honored by the dragons.

Now, it is time. "

Watson stretched out his hand and made a false gesture to Tor, Schiff, Three Warriors and others, and said.

"Come on, my friends, it's time to accept the honor you deserve."

"This is not only to honor the bravery of the Asgard Warriors, but also to commemorate the battle that witnessed the friendship between the two communities."

At this time, the entire hall was already surrounded by crowds, and the rooftops outside the hall had stood in several rows ~ ~ Many of them were inquired from the guests who were not originally banquets. For these people, Austria Ding did not stop, after all, this is also a long-faced thing.

It's just that everyone consciously stood a little farther.


Tor, Schiff, Fandral, Hogan, and Vostag stood up from their seats.

Encouraged by the eyes of Odin and Frigga, in the eyes and blessings of all guests and people, they walked in front of Odin in turn, then knelt down on one knee before Odin, then stood up and faced again. Watson.

Watson glanced at them with a smile, then his hands collapsed, and a dazzling light appeared out of thin air!

The sudden light made the warriors of the heroic loyalty loyal to their duty glance a little curiously.

When the light passed, a dragon-shaped medal lay quietly on his palm.