Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 76: A hunter's weak electromagnetic gun

Natasha couldn't think of anything when Watson didn't speak, and was quickly attracted by Laura's voice.

Cooper watched the father and mother who came back quickly ran over: "Daddy ~ shall I try it?"

Lila didn't speak while holding the braised egg, but she could also see the desire in her eyes.

"Of course, let your mother come down first, man, do you want to try it yourself?"

"No! Absolutely not! He is too young dear."

Clinton shrugged at Cooper and said to Lila: "Come on, my little princess, will you come with us?"

Laura looked at the children crowded in front of Clinton and said, "Can you do it, dear?"

"Man can never say no ~"

"This is so cool! It's like the Dragon Knight in the comics!"

"Cooper, don't move, and your sister is there."

Coulson looked at Laura's family, and there was a trace of envy in his eyes, but soon he didn't make a firm replacement. He belonged to the battlefield. When he was thinking about this, when did he go to see her? ? I have rarely met her recently.

Dididi ~

Watson turned to look at Coulson and said, "Shouldn't it be bad news?"

"··· It's really bad news, but it has nothing to do with you. ··· This bad news belongs to me only ~"

Colson's face was helpless but he didn't hesitate at all, his heart belonged there.

"Colson, are you leaving? Now?" Clinton came with two children riding Xiao Sao, and Laura walked over to look at Colson.

"Did you all understand that ~ temporary task, sorry Laura, missed your birthday party halfway."

"It doesn't matter, Coulson, I understand that your task is important."

"Meow ~?" The braised egg came over and waved at Coulson.

Colson went to Laura and looked at the braised egg and said: "I will also miss your buddy, as well as the two of you, this wine is owed today and we will continue next time."

"Of course, you can't run away ~"


House of Roar

By the time Watson took Natasha back to the House of Roaring, the sky was slightly shining.

Put Natasha gently on the bed, kissed her face lightly and turned and walked out of the door.

"I still have some slackness now, I should take time to exercise my ability every day."

Huasheng was lying on the sofa, watching the electric flower beating in his hand, thinking of Xiaolei.

Does the flying thunder dragon belong to Thunder Dragon Lady and Xun Niang? It is estimated that eight or nine will not leave ten ...

Is it possible for me to have a blown-out state ... Unfortunately, I can only make thunder and lightning, and ca n’t be transformed into thunder and lightning like One Piece, the elementalization really hangs ...

But when it comes to destructive power, the first thing that comes to mind is of course the super electromagnetic gun of the gun sister!

Electromagnetism doesn't make a difference ... but I don't understand it, really, there is a way out of studying? Even if you don't understand knowledge, you won't be able to play it. Why not buy a book tomorrow?

No matter, I will not try it out. You have to know that Lu Xun once said that practice is the most important thing.

Close your eyes and try to find a high school physics teacher ...

Stretched out his right hand and squeezed it. What is it called?

Came out of the body and gathered the electric flowers in his right hand, then flowed from the palm and then from the fingers ...

Watson, who originally closed his eyes, suddenly felt brighter? The current flowing in the right hand with open eyes is getting faster and faster! Almost formed an aperture! On the periphery of the hand, a blue electromagnetic circle appeared out of thin air?

"Is this ... succeeded?"

Removed the lightning in his hand, and the vision soon disappeared. It seems that the longer the acceleration orbit is, the more NB is coming.

Watson, thinking of this, found a coin first, and then it was the moment to witness the miracle. He jumped out of the window and jumped to the roof, watching the sun rising in the distance. Knowing the effect of using the power to the fullest, randomly throw the coin vertically upwards, and extend the right hand to send out a current again, this time with full power output!

噼 mile, the whole body burst into a huge thunderbolt instantly, as if a layer of thunder clothing was attached to the body!

The whole body entered the hair-blown mode, a black hair has become a Saiyan hairstyle ...

Start full control to gather to the right hand and accelerate! Keep accelerating!

When the coin just fell on the thumb, the index finger popped up suddenly, and the huge kinetic energy seemed to have a cathartic push to burst a fierce red orange beam behind the coin!

Then ... Is it gone?

Just 50 meters away from the attack? It seems that the gun sister hit 50 meters because the coins melted and disappeared, and she seems to have not even reached 50 meters ...

Bounced ~ Something seemed to have fallen on the ground. Watson picked up the coin in a semi-melted state and shook his head: "Thunder is heavy, rain is small ... The discharge level of his own is still not as good as that of the gun sister, but in the future Kirin If the gene can be absorbed, it is estimated that hehehe ~ "

Then I tried a variety of tricks that Watson knew, but few of them worked.

The normal discharge is naturally the larger the range, the better, AOE damage. If you use it alone, you do n’t know what level the lightning gun can reach.

The thunderbolt can gather a thunderbolt ball in the palm of your hand, a bit like the ball of the flying thunder dragon, even Watson can feel the violent energy inside, but after using this, the whole body of thunderbolt seems to go to sleep It seems that a one-time overdraft requires recovery time.


"Sir, a level 3 energy response suddenly appeared in the Manhattan area of ​​New York."

"What kind of energy?"

"Well ... After comparison, it seems to be thunderbolt?"

Colson listened to the report and said, "Can you mark the location?"

"Can't be a sir, he has existed for too short a time, we just disappeared as soon as we found out."

"Mark Thunderbolt time 1 and save it in the file, the priority marking location will appear again next time."

"Good chief ... Chief! It appeared again !! And it reached level 5 at the junction of Manhattan and Hell's Kitchen ... The chief seems to be ..."

Coulson heard the place where it happened, and suddenly remembered the sparks at the party. He turned to the inspector and said, "Well, cancel the Thunderbolt file 1, it's all right." Then he took out the phone.

Hua Sheng once again put on the Lei Yi to shine like a big light bulb, but this time it was not a simple outer armor, but an attempt to stimulate cell activity.

"The state of blown hair is almost a kind of thing like Lei Kai? Isn't it enough to stimulate cell activity to increase the speed of power through lightning? I'm going to exercise a lot in the future. Now the stimulus can't reach that level yet. There are many things in this city center that are not convenient ~ "But I am still very satisfied with the successful use of the super electromagnetic gun.

Jingle Bell ~


"Yes, it ’s me, buddy, can you move a little bit next time you order a cigar again ... this is the city center."

"So I said that if you want to move, you can rest assured that you just experiment and enjoy your working time."

Went back to the bedroom from the balcony and looked at Natasha, who was shrunk together, frowned and had a nightmare? Stepped forward and hugged her, stroking her smooth back, Natasha seemed to feel the presence of Watson, and slowly quieted down.

Hua Sheng closed his eyes in the bed, the system, opened the personal template.


Host: Watson Diallante

Occupation: Intermediate Hunter

Grade: 14 (1210/3000)

Life: 100%

State: Healthy

Constitution: Intermediate hunter physique (average of the dragons in the second stage).


The first stage: Sao bird speed bonus, earth sand dragon strength physique

The second stage: flying thunder dragon thunder attribute (thunder resistance) barbarian dragon power constitution

Monster summon point: 3

Authority: 1. Lottery (unlocked: medicines, general equipment, general materials).

2. Monster space (unlocked) can be accessed freely within a 1km radius.

3. Monster summoning (unlocked in the second stage) upgrade to obtain summoning points, summon and upgrade monsters.

4. Talent fusion (unlocked) fusion dragon talent. Complete primary growth, 2 talents per stage

5. Ecological map: 10 km detection range.

Achievement: Cat Kitchen Hunter

Backpack: Keel (Large) × 5, Cat Chef ’s Recipe

Medium Healing Potion × 5 (60% health recovery)

Medium-sized endurance agent × 4 (Keep energetic for 8 hours)

Detoxification agent × 6 (release poisoning status)

Mystery × 4 (Improves the upper limit of 50% health and restores all health points, keeping the energetic effect for 3 hours.)

Perfect mystery × 2 (Improve the upper limit of 100% health and restore all health points, maintaining 6 hours of energetic effect.)

Monster expansion pack (Volume × 3 Pack × 2, Quantity × 3 Pack × 2, Volume × 2 Pack × 1, Volume × 4 Pack × 1, Quantity × 4 Pack × 1)

Essence of evolution of any dragon level × 1, essence of ancestor dragon × 2

Draw Points: 200

Monster Space: Big Fierce Jackal × 2 (8 meters), Sao Bird × 1 (6 meters), Tusha Dragon × 1 (12 meters ~ ~ Poison Bird × 1 (12 meters), Poison Bird × 1 (16 meters), upper horned dragon × 1 (100 meters), flying thunder dragon (16 meters), upper explosive dragon (100 meters)

Already has general equipment: fire dragon suit, flying dragon sword "Red Leaf",

Big fierce jackal suit, horned dragon suit, alloy-head, earth sand dragon-foot,

Bleach suit-head!

Special ability: escape from death,

Effect: All fatal attacks on you will always cause some accidents.

Effect level: unknown.

Please ask the host to find the energy source as soon as possible to compare the rules and update this value.


Looking at the personal template Watson is in deep contemplation, the expansion packs are left until now, this is the real hole card. Can the system and volume expansion package be infinitely improved?

[The upper limit of the dragons to use is 100 meters, the upper limit of the dragons to use is 300 meters, and any surplus is not counted. 】

What about the ancient dragon? What about battles? Is there a body size limit?

【Please upgrade the host as soon as possible to solve this problem. 】

···· Forget it, don't scold you. I did n’t expect to have an upper limit. It seems that the dream of walking around the center of the earth with 10 kilometers of blackhorns is broken. But this is all set aside. If all the expansion packs are used ... × 3 packs 2 × 4 packs One, first expand the volume of Jiaojie to 300 meters, and then expand the capacity ... 8 300-meter Jiaye? Nima, drill New York into a horse honeycomb in a few minutes, or bombard with 8 Explosive Dragon Carpets?

Cough, calm down, we are not the big devil, but this strength is still there ~

System, can Gulong be expanded by quantity?

【Please upgrade the host as soon as possible to solve this problem. 】

I still can't help but want to scold you!