Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v1 Chapter 982: Hardcore persuades invincible, shameful

Wonderland, located in the mountains behind Morgan Le Fey Castle.

As a dark space channel opened, Watson was thrown out of the void channel by a force. His eyes were filled with the smoke of the sky and a dense mountain jungle. Looking up to the sky from his head, he found that the black crack had shrunk It became a circle and almost disappeared.

From his point of view, this is all that can be seen, except for the faint roar and shouting from a distance in the ear.

The war continues? Didn't Baako and Bajergous solve it? And this irritating heart, even the feeling of wanting to kill again.

Most importantly, why didn't I appear on the wall?

[Remind the host that there is space energy flow nearby, so there will be a certain deflection of the transmission position. The current host is about 5.8 kilometers away from the return point. 】

"5.8 kilometers?" Hua Sheng frowned, his shoulders shook slightly behind him, a huge dragon wing stretched out, and a gust of wind blew the trees around.

Watson, who looked straight up at the sky, opened his vertical pupil and scanned the battlefield, and found that Morgan's castle had been broken!

There was a lot of smoke around the whole castle, and the center of the huge wall did not know what was exploded. Just like a donut bite, a big piece was missing. The monster may have been attacked from this big gap, just do n’t know What happened to the battlefield inside the castle.

As his line of sight continued to move, Watson saw three giant beasts fighting together on the vast third plain.

In other words, it's two dozens and one.

One of them is the bleating son that Watson thinks can level the battlefield, while the other two are a flesh-colored creature like a giant octopus, and the other is the super slime slime that first fell.

The two monsters seem to know that 咩咩 子 relies on strong physical strength, and they are entangled with each other from left to right, and they do not give the 咩 哩 zi room for power, even if their tentacles are pointed because they are too hard. Punctured, the thick blood was scattered all over the place without shaking.

Even if the bleating son suddenly broke out, vigorously throwing one of them out, it would also run back at the fastest speed. Before the bleating son tried to solve the other, he flew a bear hug and choked the bleating son. The upper part of the body, and then the whole body is attached to continue to lock the bleating child.

The problem is that their posture is more or less spicy.

The two monsters together have at least more than twenty tentacles, and these tentacles are still very slippery, with the kind of slime.

These tentacles were wrapped around the bleating dragon wings and arms, and a few came from behind his neck, then struck two sides from the hips, and then entangled with the tentacles on the back dragon wings. .

When two monsters exert their force at the same time, bleating will even be forced to raise their heads with a strong chest.

In this strange (shameless) dragon-locking method, it is difficult to struggle even if there is a lot of clapping power. You can only rely on physical strength to roll and hit from the ground, wanting to let them loose themselves, but this The monster seems to be very capable of being beaten, and does not let go at all, even if the two of them "pick up" the two of them from the ground, it is useless.

For a time, three behemoths stalemate on the battlefield, and around them, countless magical creatures launched long-range attacks around them.

There are all kinds of ice thorns, water polo, flames, and lightning, but they can't cause too much damage to them. Only the high temperature lava shells of the lava man can burn the two flesh-colored monsters more obviously, although they are of his size It ’s trivial, but it can still play a role under so many magic bombardments.

In this way, the bleating son locked in the middle by two monsters would receive the least magical damage.

But how could he be beaten twice?

Watson's question just appeared, and a huge explosion sounded from behind. Watson turned his head and looked at it. A dozen kilometers away from the battlefield, Badgergous was fighting with a monster with white hairless winged wings. , This monster is one lap smaller than Badgergous, but it also has long tentacles but not many, only six, and the tactics seem to be the same as that of the battle. Ergous hugged him.

It was just that it rushed into the arms of Bagelgous, but before the tentacles had time to wrap him up, he was blown away by the instantly red-hot street scales, and the purple explosion lotus that spread out stuck to him and continued to explode , The flesh-colored skin of his body was directly burnt with erosion in the burnt black, but the monster did not retreat, ignoring the damage of the body and rushed again to Bajergous, and before he did not respond Hugging, both lose their ability to fly and fall into the sky.

Although the above is complicated, they all happen in a few seconds. Watson didn't expect that the two dragons he left behind not only did not end the battle, but were entangled by these monsters again!

At this moment, Watson's thoughts turned quickly, raising his hand to summon the gold lion Lagarne from the farthest distance, and gave him the command to help Bajergous, with a golden light rising into the sky, The passionate golden lion incarnate into the super saiyan cow jumped deep into the jungle.

Then he turned his head to look at the plain battlefield. The distance here was within 10 kilometers. As Watson raised his hand again, the king of gluttony and the tyrannosaurus Ibi Lujiu summoned from behind one of the monsters.

A monster that was rolling around on the ground holding a bleep suddenly raised his head, and turned around and found a cucumber that looked very uncomfortable, and a face of me, my elder brother, appeared in the back. He bit off his butt, and the thick liquid spread all over the ground, but this did not affect Ibi Lujiu's appetite.

[Monitored that the three major policemen appeared at the same time on the battlefield with multiple forces ~ ~ to stimulate the achievement effect. 】

[1. Hard-core persuasion to be strong and invincible: from now on, but in the place of contention, they can all have their figure. Effect: Pulling forcibly as a third party, gaining a 5% increase in offense and defense level.

Special reminder: After the achievement effect is inspired, it may draw everyone's hatred. 】

[Hate value is successful, the host will face a joint attack by both parties. 】

[2. Trio: When the Terror Dragon, Golden Lion, and Explosive Scale Dragon are on the same battlefield, they will get a 5% increase in offense and defense. 】

After the appearance of the three major policemen, the magical creatures under siege by the monsters froze for a moment, and when they looked at the dragon clan again, how could it be hateful, if not them, how could the war of waiting for others become like this? !

Especially the major lords, looking at the terror tyrannosaurus and bleating son want to see the murderous father and the enemy as fierce. It is found that Watson has quickly summoned a new force, a super excavator that has been forgotten in the space war for a long time.

Jiao Ye and Xiao Jiao Niang!