Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v3 Chapter 1468: Save the dwarven empire!

"It looks like the glove is real, don't you think so, Aitri."

When Thanos watched that section of the star ring was destroyed and turned into cosmic trash, the corner of his mouth finally had the first smile.

In fact, when Thanos triggers the gem and feels the energy of the Infinite Glove, you know that this is definitely a real Infinite Glove, and no experimental power is required.

However, he must let those who dare to deceive him know the cost of lying!

In addition, he was also curious about the difference between the two.

Just now, he did not use much power to cause such a huge damage. Compared with the previous Infinity Gloves, the gap between the power and the results obtained was almost dozens of times.

If this is considered to be a gem of power control, it was at best a fur.

Thinking of this, Thanos felt gloomy again to the bottom.

If what he got were real gloves, then he wanted to use the power gem to detonate the Sandal star core. He didn't need to squat on the ground and wait for such a long time like a fool. The so-called king of the dragon was also impossible. The front is harder than the power gem!

It's just... the pitch black dragon that appeared later and easily killed a celestial group...

Thanos held the glove, looked down at the shining power gem on it, plunged into self-doubt.

Since he returned to the Holy Land, he has intensified his knowledge exploration of the Dragon Race and that giant god.

Now he knew very well the identity and power of the god, but there was no news about the black dragon that killed the god.

Even if he could beat the man named Watson, could the gem of power really destroy the black dragon easily, and could there be only one black dragon?

Before his great career was carried out smoothly according to the plan, those who blocked him were vulnerable, but now he thinks that he suddenly appeared on the road to the great cause, looking up to the mountains, and he needs to work hard to overcome it. Thanos feels like he is... full of fighting spirit and passion!

To be honest, he hasn't felt this way for a long time.

Just like now, in order to make a quick battle, without any accidents, and considering the threat to the dragons and Asgard, Thanos has used the most elite troops in the sanctuary to raid the dwarven kingdom.

These spaceships are always in a state of preparing for battle and transmitting energy excitation. Those who come down to fight are all the elites of the legion covered in gold armor + red cloak, and there is no such thing as a ‘vanguard’.

We must know that the dwarves are not unarmed civilians. These iron-hardened dwarves are very fierce when it comes to hammers, but they were taken down before the sudden attack of the Thanos Elite Legion and General Ebonmaw and Dead Blade before they could organize a resistance.

"Ebony Maw, call Death Blade, let's go." Thanos glanced at the dwarf king who was stunned, turned his head and walked towards the spaceship.

As soon as Ebony Maw heard it, he pointed to the dwarves who were dispersed into two groups and asked, "Master Thanos, what do they do?"

The two groups of Thanos originally wanted to uphold his own style, killing half and leaving half, but now he has changed his mind.

"Except for him, all the others were killed, not one left."

"Thanos! You...ooh! Mum!"

At the half of Etri's words, the ebony throat was sealed with an iron sheet, and he gestured to the General Deadblade on the other side. The latter nodded, and the elite soldiers surrounded by the dwarves immediately raised their guns at theirs. head.


Suddenly, amidst Aitri's desperate roar, a beam of colorful light suddenly descended, directly shooting a battleship above the star ring into two pieces, and then accurately landing in the center of the two groups of controlled dwarves.

Several of the nearest Thanos Legion elite fighters just turned their heads, and a dark gold spear flashing with magical fluorescence passed through their chests instantly, passing through the other fighter behind them by the way.

"For Asgard!"

"Save Nidaville!"


The deafening roar made the Thanos Army stunned for a moment, and then a large group of Valor Hall warriors, also wearing gold armor and blue cloaks behind their backs, filed out.

Like a heavy tank, Vostag, wheeled with a large axe, led a large number of fairy palace warriors into the crowd on the right. The blade of the heavy axe chopped an elite to the ground from top to bottom.

On the other side, Fandral rushed into the crowd first, with the stabbing sword in his hand piercing the throats of the two enemies with great precision, and the subsequent fairy palace warriors followed.

Finally, the strongest female warrior after the Valkyrie came to an end, Sif, led hundreds of Valkyrie warriors to the direction of Thanos, and the first enemy she encountered on the way was General Deadblade.

This is Asgard's classic combat method. First, use the rapid and precise transmission of the rainbow bridge to attack, ride in the face when the enemy's reaction fails, and then use one's own melee and physical superiority to start the battle.

In addition to all-round, all-weather protection, or simply counterattack the Asgard homeland, this method has basically no solution.

How about few people in the fairy palace? What if there is no large-scale space fleet?

Directly teleport a large number of heroic warriors who are invincible in the "small soldier category" to the door of the house, and use their whole body enchanting equipment to crush them, as if others want to push the line, but they can steal crystals at any time, and they can also at any time Withdrawal, few forces in the entire universe can withstand this type of battle.

Just like now, the elites of Thanos Legion who controlled the dwarves on both sides only had time to shoot and kill dozens of people, and they were forcibly dragged into a fierce hand-to-hand battle.

Thanos looked at Sieve, who had been inextricably fought with General Deadblade at the beginning, frowning slightly.

Although he threatened the dwarf king with his clan’s life without asking for help, he was still discovered, which meant that the dragon would be here soon.

However, this is not important anymore.

"Go to help the dead blade get out of the battle, UU reading quickly left here."

Ebony throat nodded, pointing to the hopeful dwarf king Ai Tzu and said: "My lord, then this person, just let him go?"

"……of course not."

Thanos, who had just walked to the edge of the battleship's login port, paused, then raised his right hand, and the stimulating power gem was spotted on the star ring under his feet.

Countless purple rays spread across the entire starring like a spreading spider web, and the ebony throat that saw this scene quickly took off and rushed towards General Deadblade.

"Ting!" The sword blades crossed by, and Sieff turned and kicked the Death Blade away. Just as she was about to attack, she suddenly found dense purple energy spreading under her feet.

"this is……"

With a stunned effort, a whistling sound came from his ears, and a small furnace rushed to his front door.


Sif, who was thrown to the ground by the aftermath, was too late to pursue the Deathblade that turned around and fled, and immediately called Heimdall to save others.