Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v3 Chapter 1511: Thanos' action

"Ah! Uhhh-"

"Lena? Lena!" Lena's sudden movement made Watson frown and stretched out her hand to support her body.

She looked like a ghost's upper body at this time, her body was constantly struggling, her eyes turned white, her mouth and nose opened and twitched, and she made a grunting sound of being choked on her neck, looking painful.

The movement here immediately attracted Colson and the others who hadn't gone far, but after Watson waved to him, he directly asked Gu Yi to take them away.

The top of the mountain.

After the three of them appeared here, Gu Yi directly opened the mirror space to include them just in case.

"Lenna? Relax, relax."

"Use your heart to feel the ability, accept it, and magnify it."

Watson dragged Rena's palm with a faint soft energy, and the energy poured into Rena's body from the back, making her trembling body slightly better, but the ferocious affection was not relieved.

But she heard Watson's voice.

"I... I saw..."

"What do you see?"

"Explosion...many war...and starry sky..."

Explosion, war, starry sky?

This doesn't sound like the Red and Black Dragon playing, but I can't tell.

"Is there a flame?"

"Flame...some, burning flames, ruins and wreckage..."

At the end of Lena's words, her whole body gradually recovered, her upturned eyes slowly corrected, and her body stood up again.

As before, she looked at Watson again, her eyes faintly with anticipation, and the shock left over what she had just seen.

"Very well, Lena, you did a very good job, don't always deny yourself."

Watson looked at her with a smile and ridiculed: "In fact, you have more talent than many people. What I am more worried about now is that you will be too proud in the future."

Hearing this, Lena couldn't help but smile. This was the first time she laughed after she became a monster.

"I, I won't, I will make myself... um... better."

"I believe in you because I know you before, the confident and beautiful Lena.

Remember those lizardmen just now? They all come from the dragon world, a beautiful world full of magic and vitality.

After that, you will go to the Dragon Realm with me, where your physical fitness and abilities will be greatly increased, including restoring your appearance. "

What Reina sees will be based on what she believes in, or will be dangerous to herself.

The current ability is not under control, no matter the time, length, or time, there are only countless fragments.

But this can all be exercised, and the foundation of any ability, physique will occupy a certain proportion. Of course, the system here is not just ‘strength’, it is like Morgan Lefé’s magical body that is strengthened in other levels.

Energy is everything.

"Dragon World...I, can I?"

"Of course it can." Watson reclaimed the energy in her body and said: "I will set off after this trade conference, but now I am going to verify what you have seen."

"Can I go and see it together?" Lena expressed her wish. She was able to see the future, but she had never personally confirmed the future, and she did not dare to confirm it in the face of a terrible future.

"I will."

Watson shook his head and said, "According to what you said, it is very likely that it is not on the earth. You certainly can't do it now, but you may not be the future.

Lena nodded in understanding, and Watson asked Gu Yi to open the portal and send her back to the main hall, asking her to go to Colson to find out what happened. This was also a required course.

After Lena left, Gu Yi cancelled the mirror space.

The merchant ship belonging to Ba Jin in the sky has already arrived in the Dragon Island. Of course, this is only a landing ship. The flagship is too big, so it took the fleet to park in the outer sky. Anyway, it is very convenient and not in the way.

"It looks like you like that kid because of her ability?"

"To be honest...Most of them are, but not all. Her character and ability to do things are indeed very strong.

In the first and second phases of the Dragon Clan group, the number of people gradually increased, but until now, I have not found a suitable person to serve as the ‘group leader’.

Reina has a calm and calm personality and careful thoughts. As far as mortals are concerned, she is absolutely superior, but many practical factors and weak power limit her.

I believe that as long as she is well trained and her ability to foresee the future, she will be a good candidate for the'group leader'. "

Watson turned his head to face Gu Yi and opened his hand helplessly: "After all, I am the king of the dragon clan. Like... butler?"

"What about your girlfriend?"

"Natasha? Haha~ She will be the queen."

Gu Yi smiled, not teasing Watson, and said, "So do you have any impression of what she said?"

"No, what she said may indeed appear like a red and black dragon, but it is too fast, and I feel that what she said is more like a picture of a space war, a space war... beautiful and dangerous... Shandal?"

Watson thoughtfully took out the interstellar communication and sent a message to Nova Supreme. After a while, he looked up and said, "Go, let's go to Shandal, and then to Asgard."

Gu nodded a little, and drew a circle in front of him according to the space coordinates provided by Watson, and went directly to the hall of Xandar Star, the headquarters of the New Star Corps.

Xinxing Supreme with a few old faces is already waiting for them.

In other words, since the last war, Shandal Star has not only rushed to regain its vitality, but its military defenses have been continuously upgraded.

One of them is a device that suppresses the generation of space energy to prevent someone from using the air plus capability to raid the Nova headquarters.

Gu Yi mage can directly open the portal here because Watson greeted him in advance, otherwise there would be turbulence on the other side of the portal.

"The King of Dragons."

"New Star Supreme, this is the guardian from the earth, Supreme Master Gu Yi."

Xin Xing Zhizun looked at Gu Yi's bald yellow robe for a moment, and then nodded to it. It must be no weaker than the person Watson deliberately took, and the spatial energy came from her.

But now I’m not thinking about those In fact, before you contact me, I plan to contact you. "


Watson frowned slightly as he was about to ask what was going on when Thrall, an old friend next to him, dropped a holographic image.

In the deep space, the Shandal fleet dragged the corpse of the Celestial Group to the destruction site.

suddenly! A deep purple thick energy tore through space, hitting the flagship in the center of the fleet, and the huge ship was broken into two pieces. Then countless spaceships appeared behind the surrounding stars to surround it, and a very tragic unfolding in space massacre.

Yes, it is a massacre!

Most of Shandal's forces are rebuilding the homeland, and the fleet that was mobilized to drag the corpses of the Celestial Group is a patchwork fleet. The armed forces are not strong and the number is not large.

But what they are facing is the overwhelming enemy, and the person who releases an irresistible purple light.

Thanos, Thanos!