Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

v4 Chapter 1593: Blizzard storms! Gulong entry!

"Blizzard raid?"

The old man and the bounty hunter were taken aback for a moment. Before they were puzzled, the storm of heaven and earth suddenly increased, as if a huge force suddenly pushed them, almost throwing them into the thick snow.

The old man reacted extremely fast. At the moment his body was just slanted, a heavy force emerged from his body flowing around his body, breaking his body back like a tumbler, and then piercing it on the ground like a nail.

The bounty hunter was slightly embarrassed, but still relied on his vigor to cushion his pause.

"What happened to that strange wind just now?!"

Strange wind?

The old man ignored the scolding bounty and looked up at the sky.

"The blizzard has intensified..."

He suddenly remembered what the Voice of the Sky had said in his mind.

[The wind and snow will gradually devour the world, and those who stand still will be swallowed by Winter. 】

Does that mean that?

The power of the wind and snow has increased exponentially, and people of average strength may not be able to stand normally here. If they are not careful, they will be buried by the blizzard or blown into the ice cave.

When the environment is getting worse, in the face of battle, I am afraid...

At this time, there was a hearty laughter behind them.

The two looked back and saw that the two teammates who had been hanging from behind followed, and the figure wearing horned dragon armor, even in the wind and snow, showed off to them: "Ahahaha~ look at me! This armor is amazing. It not only protects you from freezing, but also prevents ice piercing."

"Still complacent, I don't know how to die for a while."

The bounty hunter twitched the corner of his mouth, and continued to move forward with a grumble of laughter, but he suddenly found that the old man had not moved, but stopped in place, his eyes kept looking back.

Is there anything behind?

The bounty hunter watched for a long time, except for the blizzard, it was still a blizzard, and it was like a substantial snow curtain.

No matter how strong his eyesight was, he couldn't tell whether a man or a ghost was a few meters away. What the old man could see.

"Blizzard devours the world... not right... not right."

In the eyes of the old man's slightly squinted eyes, the pupils expanded rapidly, as big as a falcon, and the yellow edge of the outer circle of the black pupil exuded a faint magical light.

He has figured out what game this so-called battle royale is.

People are thrown into this world, fighting each other with the goal of winning championships and competing for treasures.

In the short period of time at the beginning of the game, the chances of the players meeting each other are very low. During this process, there will be many supply points and equipment points. If you get these things, you can take advantage of the battle.

Without equipment and supplies on his body, unless he has a strength far beyond the previous one, or has special means to save his life, he will only become the soul of others under the sword, but if he wins, he will be able to get the opponent's equipment and his strength will be greatly increased.

At the same time, in this process, in order to prevent people from being too timid or hiding in remote areas, a mechanism was created that can force everyone to advance, meet, and fight.

This is Blizzard's raid.

And this world is in a shrinking circle, until the end, everyone will meet on the top of the mountain!

However... according to the normal situation of the game, the players are not weak. If this is a Blizzard raid, I am afraid that they cannot be forced to advance.

Just like the latter idiot who got the equipment and was complacent, he can survive in Blizzard by relying on his physique and equipment.

Many thoughts flowed quickly in the old mind, and when the bounty hunter looked back, he had already caught up and hurried to his front.

"Wait, you can easily fall into the cracks if you walk so fast. Damn, this heavy snow is about to bury your thighs."

"There is no time to worry about that, hurry up, I have a bad feeling!"

Huhu~bang~huhuhu! ! !

Suddenly, the blizzard intensified again, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the wind and snow curtain behind it.

"Oh oh oh oh ——————"

"Be careful!"

"Get down!!"

The magical perception that the old man radiated was instantly filled with danger warnings. He stretched out his hand to pull the cloak and covered his head, forming a magic shield. The other two hurriedly looked for cover when they heard the screaming dragon roar. The Kronan people in horned dragon armor took a step slower.

Next second.

I saw the torn snow curtain sliding past the ground.

The cabin where they took a short rest was ruthlessly destroyed under its low-altitude flying. Then the Kronan tribe wearing horned dragon armor was also lifted out by the whistling force, smashing into the snowdrift less than five meters in front of the old man, directly Was buried in the snow.

When the old man felt the strong wind passing over his head, he looked up.

It was a very elegant dragon with a slender keel and arc-shaped wings.

The name of this dragon also appeared before his eyes: [Wind Piaolong]

But how did he feel that he saw something under the dragon's claws?

"Feng Piaolong... Fortunately, he didn't turn his head and kill us, but maybe we can kill it? I don't think he is very strong.

The bounty hunter also saw Feng Piaolong's name. Although he was joking, everyone could see that he was relieved.

It is not a wise choice to fight the dragon in the home environment of others.

"Oh oh oh oh————!"

"He's back again?!"

"The voice is behind!"

The three people who had just planned to come out hurriedly hid again, and then a wind-drifting dragon flew out from behind the snow screen.

Wait, not a...


This... why are there so many? !


The three of them looked at the sky in shock, and witnessed eight wind-drifting dragons passing above their heads.

There are so many dragons here alone, what about other places?

They had never said that there were so many dragons that they knew before!

"This is the real Blizzard raid? If we were discovered just now, I'm afraid we are already dead."

Blizzard raid?

No... He doesn't believe that the dragons haven't found the idiot who just got up from the snow.

Blizzard should have killed the players, but now think about it carefully, how come these dragons seem to be running away? !

Moreover, why did he faintly hear a singing...


The old man turned his head suddenly, just in time to see a figure that was twice the size of those wind dragons tearing through the blizzard.

No, it should be said that under its control, Blizzard has separated like an obedient child.

The dark brown gradation scale armor is draped all over the body, strong and terrifying on all fours.

The joints, neck, shoulders, and the edges of the two huge dragon wings are wrapped, and under the wings a spine-like ice-ling gauze is formed.

In the end, there are the Bingfeng bends on his head proudly upward, and the Bingfeng crowns growing upside down on his forehead.

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