Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1013: Malingering

Now in this apartment, only Ye Chen and Yang Jingya, it can be said that they are lone men and women, and Yang Jingya is also a little nervous.

However, she still knows Ye Chen's character better, knowing that he will not mess around.

"Sister Jingya, do you want to take a bath? Why don't you take a bath first!" Ye Chen said.

Yang Jingya's small bag contained those clothes, but when she came, she had already washed it in the new house, so she didn't need to wash it again.

When Yang Jingya shook her head, Ye Chen said, "It's late, then you can go back to the room to sleep. Just tidy up that room. I can sleep on the sofa outside."

When Yang Jingya entered the room, she found that it was also very rudimentary, with only a mat, a quilt on the mat, a pillow, and nothing else.

Although Ye Chen just broke through to the middle of the seventh floor of the Qi Refining Period last night, Ye Chen still took a pack of rare medicinal materials to soak.

After entering the bathroom, he filled it with hot water, and then lay there comfortably for about an hour. After the water inside had cooled down, he got up and washed it again and went out wearing a new brief.

Yang Jingya, who lay in the room, fell asleep without closing her eyes for a long time. She did not hear Ye Chen’s footsteps coming in. Now it’s about to enter November, and it’s very cold outside, so let Ye Chen fell asleep alone outside, and she was afraid that Ye Chen would freeze when she arrived.

Ye Chen came out from the inside, just as Yang Jingya came out, and saw that Ye Chen was just wearing a pair of pants, and hurriedly turned his face to the other side and asked, "How do you wash for so long?"

"I'm taking medicine." Ye Chen said.

No wonder Yang Jingya smelled the strong smell of Chinese medicine just now. However, she still asked Ye Chen to put on a set of clothes and follow her into the room to fall asleep.

"It's very cold outside, and there is only a quilt. Come in and sleep!" Yang Jingya said.

When Ye Chen wanted to say something, Yang Jingya had already pulled him in. After entering, Ye Chen dried her hair and stopped. Yang Jingya lay on the other side and fell asleep. Now both of them are sleeping in clothes with a blanket on it.

Soon, the two fell asleep, but the two got closer together. Early the next morning, when Ye Chen opened his eyes and woke up, he found that Yang Jingya was lying in his arms asleep.

It might be because Ye Chen moved. Yang Jingya first opened her eyes and woke up, first she was terrified, and then she calmed down when she realized that it was Ye Chen and remembered what happened last night.

"Are you still sleepy?" Ye Chen asked.

Yang Jingya shook her head and got up from the bed.

After Ye Chen took out a new toothbrush and brushed Yang Jingya's teeth, he washed in the bathroom, then sat on the sofa, and then came out of the apartment with Yang Jingya, who was simply dressed.

Ye Chen and Yang Jingya went to the dining hall for breakfast first. After the two had breakfast, they each went back to the dormitory and took their books towards the library.

As for the three of Wu You and Sun Xiaowei, Ye Chen returned to the dormitory. They had not yet got up. After Ye Chen asked them to eat breakfast, he also went to the library.

Li Jingxi, who was in the girls' dormitory, was too lazy to get up now. Some time ago, she was so motivated to get up so early, naturally because she got up and gave Ye Chen a seat.

However, it is useless to occupy a seat in the library now. She knows that Ye Chen will no longer sit by her side. Even now, she doesn’t want to go to the Taekwondo club anymore. It’s just a sweat and vent when she punches there. She feels nothing. meaning.

The most important thing is that she still feels that Taekwondo is not as good as before. She used to think Taekwondo is very powerful. However, when she thinks of Jin Injun and the others, being beaten directly by Ye Chen, she feels that it is meaningless to practice Taekwondo.

"Jingxi, do you go to the library or the classroom?" Ali asked.

Since on Friday afternoon, she and Li Jingxi saw Ye Chen and Yang Jingya leaving in the car. She found that Li Jingxi was even more listless than before, and it seemed that nothing was meaningful.

Li Jingxi is like that now, she doesn't want to get up early, she doesn't want to eat breakfast, and she doesn't want to go to the classroom.

Ali and the other roommates in the dormitory can see that Li Jingxi already has a knot in her heart. If this knot is not solved, it will be difficult for her to return to a regular life like before.

"Li Jingxi, don't we often see Korean TV series? Can't we learn something from it?" another roommate said.

"What to learn?" Li Jingxi asked.

"It's said whether the male protagonist really likes the female protagonist, in fact, just give it a try. It's the same now. You feel very contradictory. I don't know if Ye Xuedi likes you. You can give it a try? The roommate continued.

When Li Jingxi and Ali heard this, they thought this was also a good way.

Thinking of the previous two times, Ye Chen came over to see Li Jingxi in such anxiousness. Li Jingxi felt that Ye Chen at least liked her and cared about her.

However, when I heard that Ye Chen sent the senior sister to Ruijin Hospital for treatment in the same way, she somewhat denied those thoughts and contradicted for a while. I wonder if Ye Chen really liked her?

If Ye Chen really didn't mean anything to her, she knew, why would she fight Ye Chen with Yang Jingya?

"But, how do you try?" Li Jingxi asked.

"You get sick again, and see if Ye Chen will come here for the first time?" said the roommate.

"Sick? I got better soon since I had a cold and fever, and now I don't have any other diseases. I'm completely fine." Li Jingxi said.

"If this is the case, it is better. As long as you pretend to be sick and see if he comes over at the first time, if so, it means he is interesting to you. If not, then you may be thinking too much." Said.

After Li Jingxi listened, her eyes and expressions were a little different.

However, when Ali heard it, she felt that it was not good to deceive others, especially to deceive others like this. What would happen if Ye Chen knew about it then?

Ali is not sure.

However, now that Li Jingxi is like this, it is better to give it a try, or it is really possible to succeed. Moreover, she felt that Ye Chen, a junior, had a good temper, and she shouldn't be angry.

"Why don't you give it a try?" Ali also said. Now that Ali said the same, Li Jingxi naturally gave it a try, because she felt that she could not drag on like that.

Of course, no matter how pretending to be sick, some preparations must be done.

Now Ye Chen came to the library with the analysis book of The Book of Changes, and sat there reading with Yang Jingya, occasionally looking up at each other, remembering when she hugged and slept like that last night, Yang Jingya also blushed.