Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1030: Visit Mr. Fan

Xu Gongyao wants to deal with this matter, but now he has to continue the physical examination, he can't go, and the more he gets the physical examination, the more doctors he contacts, the more he knows Ye Chen's skill in Chinese medicine.

If before, he only knew that Ye Chen was a disciple of Liao Wenen, a student of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and now he is here at Dongfang Hospital, he knew very well.

Mingming Ye Chen is a Chinese doctor, and he is so famous in this large western medicine hospital. It is precisely because Ye Chen has treated many people before and after, many of them are officials and wealthy people.

Therefore, Xu Gongyao knew that if Ye Chen just threatened him and said he was ill, it would be fine. However, if it is true, he himself is sick, and he will not be cured soon, this is the real fear for him.

In this full physical examination, Xu Gongyao's whole body must be checked carefully, from hair to toenails, to see if he is seriously ill?

Now he can't deal with the gang and the books confiscated by the police, so he can only entrust a lawyer to deal with it.

. . .

When Sun Xiaowei and Li Yifan saw the noisy scene in the center of the square, when they finally dispersed, they were naturally a little proud.

They didn't expect that they would be able to chase away these people in this way. They had long known that they would be taken away.

However, they feel that it is also beneficial. They don't have to go to class for three consecutive days. Now they don't go back to the classroom, but go back to the dorm to play games.

After class 3 and 4 in the morning, Ye Chen and the five people came down to have lunch.

In the morning, Ye Chen was still wondering how the group of people left?

After hearing from Li Yifan, he already knew what was going on?

He could see that even if the three of Li Yifan didn't make such tricks, these people would not stay here for long.

"This person lives in the world for fame and gain, but if you want to seek fame and gain legitimately, not everyone can do it. However, if you do it from the opposite side, it will be much easier. Now these people like Xu Gongyao I want to do this." Ye Chen said.

In fact, he also didn't expect that this gang would begin to show their tails so quickly, and actually make money by selling books.

It would be okay if Xu Gongyao and the others gave those books to classmates for free, but they actually had to collect money, so that other students would think that Xu Gongyao was not as decent and great as he himself promoted.

"I heard that he sells hundreds of thousands of sets of books and CDs a year, and he makes several million a year by selling books alone, which is much higher than the salary of his associate professor." Li Yifan said.

In Xu Gongyao's situation, if he were just an associate professor in the philosophy department of a university, his usual salary and benefits would be more than 100,000 a year.

In particular, someone from his background is not a leader in a university, let alone an academic background that has a lot of research expenses. The income can only be a little more than the salary of the lecturers in those universities.

If there is the name Anti-Chinese Medicine Pioneer, it would be different. In addition to having a large number of fans, you can make money by selling books, then you can make money by speaking, and you can also endorse people, and even collect money from some anti-Chinese medicine institutions. There are many sources of income.

"How many millions a year?" Ye Chen asked incredulously.

"Really, I checked it on the Internet. He was ranked in the top 50 of the richest Chinese writers list last year. It is precisely because of selling books that he made a lot of fame and fortune." Li Yifan said.

If this is the case, Xu Gongyao found him this time, then Ye Chen would definitely want him to bleed heavily and vomit everything out.

After lunch, because there is no class after class, naturally they are separated.

Ye Chen wanted to make time to visit Fan, who was suffering from leukemia, and went back to Gao Meilin's villa to see her **** sister.

After he got into the car, he left Dongfang University City and headed back to the city.

Two hours later, Ye Chen returned to the city, and then went to the Affiliated Hospital.

Soon, he came to the entrance of the affiliated hospital and stopped the car. After the security guard at the entrance greeted him, Ye Chen responded with a smile.

When Ye Chen went inside, many doctors and female nurses greeted him one after another. However, Ye Chen did not see Lin Xinting. He still went to a general ward of the internal medicine department first. He knew that Fan was inside.

Ye Chen came to the door of the general ward and saw Fan's figure. He was sitting there talking to a patient in the next hospital bed.

When he saw Ye Chen coming, he hurriedly stood up and said hello: "Doctor Ye, you are here."

"Mr. Fan, let me see your condition." Ye Chen said.

The last time he came to visit Fan, it was already more than ten days ago. According to Ye Chen's calculation, the prescription for the second clinic should have been drunk.

So, now Ye Chen came here to see Fan Mou drink the medicine, what will be the effect? Does the prescription need to be changed?

"Mr. Fan, how do you feel now?" Ye Chen asked after sitting down next to Mr. Fan.

"Now I feel the joint pain, it is not so obvious, and the joint is not swollen." Fan said.

Ye Chen looked at the fingers of Mr. Fan's hands and found that all the swelling had really disappeared. Then he showed him his pulse. Finally, he looked at the tongue. Ye Chen already knew his condition.

In fact, to talk about Mr. Fan's situation, Ye Chen knows that he is a representative, or a microcosm of most ordinary migrant workers from the lower ranks.

In Mr. Fan's situation, he is in his forties or fifty. At this age, he doesn't have much culture or education. If he wants to enter a general company, those companies may not be able to hire him.

Moreover, in this situation, in order to make a living in the city, he can only do some unskilled work. For example, the tricycle he drove before, which was similar to riding a bicycle, and could go around.

It's just that driving that tricycle is dangerous after all. He has been ill for two years. During the past two years, he has had joint pain between his fingers.

I have pain in the knuckles of both hands, and I have to drive a tricycle. Sometimes I may not be able to hold the handle of the tricycle.

This is not only dangerous for him, but also for other passengers in his tricycle.

"Doctor Ye, this is the blood routine report two days ago." Mr. Fan said.

Ye Chen paid him money here. In addition to the usual nursing expenses and Chinese herbal medicine expenses, the other, that is, his usual blood test.

At this point, he does not reject advanced examinations of Western medicine. He knows that at this point, Western medicine can detect changes in a patient's condition through the condition of blood cells.

Therefore, even in the affiliated hospital, there are routine blood tests.

Ye Chen took the report and found that it read: "Immature granulocytes are significantly reduced than before."

This suffices to show that the effect of Ye Chen's treatment on Fan is still very good, as well as the effect. However, Mr. Fan's illness has not been completely cured.