Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1036: Rheumatic Heart Disease

Since this Huang Xiaowei also came to see the doctor now, Ye Chen naturally treated her. However, before going to the doctor, I remembered that Wen Feijing and her agent Lin Yanan were aggressive and required him to sign a contract and could not disclose other information.

"Do you need to sign a contract?" Ye Chen asked first.

Huang Xiaowei felt strange when she heard that. She came to see a doctor. What contract did she sign?

Wen Feijing knew very well that Ye Chen was talking about her. However, now she is so convinced that Ye Chen will not reveal the news about these female stars.

"No." Wen Feijing said. Then, she whispered a few words in Huang Xiaowei's ear, Huang Xiaowei was already clear.

When Huang Xiaowei sat down, Ye Chen had already looked at her expression. Compared to normal people, Huang Xiaowei's expression was indeed pale. However, he hasn't gotten his pulse yet, looking at the pulse of the other party, can't he confirm what disease the other party has?

Asked Huang Xiaowei to open her mouth and looked at her tongue, and Ye Chen looked at her pulse again. It's just that Ye Chen is surprised, isn't this young woman a female star?

Could it be that I showed her her pulse, how could she still resemble a young woman who is afraid of being shy? Doesn't this seem like a mixed entertainment circle?

Soon, Ye Chen also read Huang Xiaowei's pulse and asked, "Do you feel pain in your chest?"

"Yes, yes, how did you know?" Huang Xiaowei didn't expect that Ye Chen knew her chest pains so quickly after only seeing her tongue and pulse conditions.

Ye Chen said: "Hello, I am studying Chinese medicine."

When he asked Huang Xiaowei about any other uncomfortable symptoms, Huang Xiaowei said: “Since five months ago, I found that as long as I exercise vigorously, I feel pain in my chest, a tingling sensation, and When singing loudly, it will feel like this."

Ye Chen nodded and asked her to continue: "I still often feel chest tightness, palpitation, joint pain all over the body, and dizziness. Also, every time I come, it is a lot more than five months ago."

After confirming that she had no other discomforts, Ye Chen asked, "Have you seen a doctor before? Did you bring your medical records?"

"I have seen it, the medical records have been brought." Huang Xiaowei said.

When she took it out of her small bag, Ye Chen looked over and found that it was a pile of thick medical records. She could see that she had seen many doctors before.

Ye Chen took the stack of medical records and found that the text on it was very scribbled. If Ye Chen had just come to Shanghai before, without the doctors and female nurses speaking out, Ye Chen really didn’t know these doctors and wrote so What does the scribbled word mean?

However, after coming to Shanghai, he has seen all kinds of scribbles written by these doctors, and it took time to read them.

In fact, Ye Chen already knew that the scribbles written by these doctors were not for patients or their families, but for pharmacists in hospitals or pharmacies.

On the one hand, because these doctors usually have a lot of work, for convenience, they write very sloppy words.

On the other hand, the main purpose of these doctors is to sell drugs.

Because they write the words, only the pharmacist in the hospital or the pharmacist in a certain pharmacy can really understand it. If they go to other pharmacies, those pharmacists will not see what it is written.

Therefore, in general, one is for the convenience of work, the other is for profit and commission.

Now Ye Chen could see the medical records. There were lists of photographs taken by western doctors, various test reports, and prescriptions prescribed by Chinese medicine.

For those western medicine doctors, Ye Chen focused on the photos taken and some laboratory test sheets. As for the western medicine prescriptions, Ye Chen didn’t read them much, and then looked at the medical records issued by the Chinese medicine doctors, which described Huang Xiaowei’s previous symptoms and their dialectics. Ye Chen could see clearly the prescription.

"Miss Huang, according to the medical record, you have a heart attack, right?" Ye Chen said. He already knew the surname of the female star in front of him from his medical records, and she was sick again.

"It's heart disease." Huang Xiaowei said.

In fact, as long as you hear this western medical term, you will know that this disease is not easy to treat. Moreover, the patient usually cannot receive excessive stimulation at all. Besides, she actually got this disease at a young age. Other people know it. That's a pity.

Although this heart disease is not as terrible as those terminal illnesses, it is also easy to get involved, and it is also difficult to treat.

As for Huang Xiaowei, who has been receiving Chinese and Western medical treatments for the past five months, it is completely normal.

After reading the medical records, Ye Chen showed the medical records to Liao Bingxue who was aside. Liao Bingxue also looked at it. She found that Miss Huang's illness was indeed difficult to treat.

If her grandfather is allowed to treat Ms. Huang, there may not be much guarantee. However, seeing Ye Chen's expression still the same, he asked: "How is it, can Miss Huang's disease be cured?"

"Of course, I can treat terminally ill patients, it's just a matter of time." Ye Chen said.

He was not joking, and, six months ago, he had already treated the taxi driver Lin Kun for heart failure and had to undergo a heart transplant. Ye Chen finally cured it with Chinese medicine.

Not to mention the current situation of Miss Han.

Compared with Lin Kun, Huang Xiaowei's situation is not that serious. However, when most people hear that it is a heart disease, they think it is very fatal.

"Really?" Huang Xiaowei said incredulously.

At first glance, she saw that the doctor who treated herself was a young man younger than her elder brother. She really couldn't believe it, and the other party was still learning Chinese medicine.

"I will not deceive patients." Ye Chen said.

According to the medical records of the Western doctors who had given Huang Xiaowei to Huang Xiaowei, her condition was rheumatic heart disease, with mitral valve stenosis and insufficiency.

Among them, in Western medicine, rheumatic heart disease is abbreviated as rheumatic heart disease, which refers to heart valve disease caused by rheumatic fever activity that affects the heart valve.

It is manifested as stenosis and (or) insufficiency of one or several valves in the mitral valve, tricuspid valve, and aortic valve.

Among them, clinical stenosis or insufficiency often exists at the same time, but often one is the main one. In the early stage of illness, there are often no obvious symptoms. In the later stage, it manifests as palpitation, shortness of breath, fatigue, coughing, lower extremity edema, coughing pink foamy sputum and other cardiac decompensation manifestations.

The disease mostly occurs in winter and spring, in cold, humid and crowded environments, the age of first onset is mostly 5 to 15 years old, and the recurrence is mostly within 3 to 5 years after the first onset.

Rheumatic heart disease is part of the allergic reaction caused by group A and B hemolytic streptococci, which is an autoimmune disease. The pathological changes of the heart mainly occur in the heart valve, and the mitral valve is the most commonly affected part.

Due to the disease of the heart valve, the heart has problems in the process of transporting blood, such as valve stenosis, which increases the blood flow resistance. In order to eject enough blood, the heart dilates and contracts more laboriously, which makes the heart work more intense. , The efficiency is reduced, the heart is easy to be fatigued, and the heart becomes hypertrophy over time.

For example, when the mitral valve stenosis reaches a certain level, the pressure of the left atrium will increase, resulting in increased pressure in the pulmonary veins and pulmonary capillaries, resulting in pulmonary congestion. After pulmonary congestion, the following symptoms are likely to occur: difficulty breathing, coughing, hemoptysis, and some Hoarseness and difficulty swallowing appear.