Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1056: The Controversy of Schools

The word salon originated from the Italian word salotto, which originally meant a room decorated with art. The word entered France in the 17th century. It was originally the name of the Louvre Palace Gallery. Salon is the transliteration of the French word “salon”, which generally means a larger living room in French, and specifically refers to the luxurious drawing room in the upper-class residence. Later, it gradually referred to an occasion for discussing art, playing cards, and chatting while appreciating the crystallization of fine arts. Therefore, the term salon became not a room for displaying artworks, but more of such a lady. A gathering of celebrities or scholars in the living room.

After the Salon has been introduced to China, most of the usual gatherings of the febrile disease group now take this form, except that the president or vice-chairman of the febrile disease group usually presides on the side to maintain order or guide the topic. It is up to the members to express their opinions.

Now the first batch went up to meet, and the second batch went up again. From around 9 o’clock in the morning until around 11 o’clock in the morning, during the two-hour period, except for the members to occasionally drink water and go to the toilet, all the others are sitting. Listen here.

Of course, everyone who wants to go up has a chance to go up.

As for the opinions expressed by the members of the Febrile Disease School, Ye Chen thought it was very good whether it was right or wrong. Of course, Ye Chen is very clear about the origin, development and decline of the Febrile Disease Sect, and even the research on the Febrile Disease Sect is probably more researched than the members of the Febrile Disease Sect here.

Ye Chen has read and studied the books of the main figures in this school of traditional Chinese medicine, and he even memorized many of them. Therefore, in the face of some diseases, Ye Chen will also use the medical techniques of the school of febrile disease.

When he saw Ye Chen sitting there and listening, Yang Yi first patted his palms. After the surrounding discussion stopped, Yang Yixian said, "Ye Chen, don't you come up and talk about it?"

"Professor Yang, what am I talking about?" Ye Chen asked.

Ye Chen did know a lot about the Febrile Disease School. However, now these members of the Febrile Disease School have talked about everything.

"Would you like to talk briefly about the difference between the Febrile Disease School and the Shanghan School?" Yang Yixian said.

Although the School of Febrile Diseases and the School of Febrile Diseases have a great relationship, these are two schools after all. Since the School of Febrile Diseases became one school on its own, there have been great contradictions and disputes with the School of Febrile Diseases.

Whether it was at the time when the Warm Disease School was most prosperous in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, or when the Shanghan School was the largest school, the dispute between the two schools was very high, whether it was in ordinary medical skills or academically in universities. The big argument.

Regardless of whether it is the Febrile Disease School or the Typhoid School, everyone is not convinced, and they all believe that their school of medicine is the best and can save more people.

Now Yang Yixian suddenly asked Ye Chen. When other members of the Febrile Disease School looked over, Ye Chen knew that Yang Yi was testing himself first.

Ye Chen had no intention to join the typhoid school, nor did he intend to join the febrile disease school, nor did he intend to join other schools. However, if he doesn't answer well now and spread it out, I am afraid that people on both sides will provoke him.

"Professor Yang, seniors in the field of Chinese medicine, I think so." Ye Chen said.

While Yang Yixian and other members of the Febrile Disease School were looking at him, Ye Chen said: "After the formation of the Febrile Disease School, for many years, doctors have caused academic disputes between'typhoid fever' and'febrile disease'. In 1720, Zhang Zhicong wrote "Explanation of Treatise on Febrile Diseases", saying that'the medical theory is explained by Xuanqi, and the book on Febrile Diseases is the essence of the book. Thousands of prescriptions are all side dross'."

"In 1732 AD, Cheng Guopeng wrote "Medical Enlightenment". He said,'Zhong Jing discussed typhoid fever, and the purpose of warming and febrile disease is not smooth.' There are also those who believe that the diagnosis, prescription, and medication of the disease must be based on locality and time. , It is used flexibly according to the different physiques of people. For example, in 1825 AD, Zhang Xugu wrote "Medical Club Drinking", he said, "He who treats the disease must examine his present evidence. The cold is hot, the hot cold is cold. "The medicine varies with the disease, day and night, but just ask for what is right." He also said that "Qihua is popular, changes are gradual, and the nature of life is different from north to south."

"In fact, both'typhoid fever' and'febrile disease' are both methods and principles for the treatment of several exogenous fever diseases, and the establishment of the theory of febrile disease is sufficient to show that it has made new developments on the basis of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" In the process of fighting against diseases, we have gained new and further understanding and treatment methods for disease diagnosis, which has enriched the content of TCM theories, methods, prescriptions, and medicines."

Ye Chen has already spoken out about the disputes between the two schools of predecessors, as well as some of his own opinions.

In this regard, in addition to showing that Ye Chen is very good in Chinese medicine, he also has a deep understanding of the two schools of Chinese medicine.

So that when he said it, he neither said that the school of febrile disease was bad, nor did he say that the school of typhoid fever was bad.

Therefore, when he just said it, Yang Yixian and other members of the Febrile Disease School could only smile bitterly after hearing it.

Of course, from these words, they could see that since Ye Chen could stand up and challenge the western doctor Aben's pulse diagnosis and pregnancy test, it was enough to show that Ye Chen was very powerful, not just as simple as publicity on TV.

In fact, these members of the Febrile Disease School don’t know, they don’t know, but Yang Yixian knows very well that the plague broke out again on a large scale in the plague area in Xiaowang Village, and even members of the Chinese and Western medicine expert groups In the case of infection, Ye Chen prescribed different treatments for different doctors.

Even among them, there are special prescriptions for treating febrile disease.

Judging from the prescriptions, Yang Yixian knew that Ye Chen was very familiar with the Febrile Disease School. However, in normal times, no matter what time it was, Ye Chen did not express any opinions on the major schools of Chinese medicine.

"Ye Chen, is this really your personal opinion? Or is your master Dean Liao's opinion?" Yang Yixian asked again.

"Professor Yang, this is purely my personal opinion and does not represent anyone else." Ye Chen said.

Yang Yixian knew that this would be the case. He was actually very familiar with Liao Wenen. Although Liao Wenen was the vice president of the Shanghai Shanghan School, he was not as aggressive as Tang Ru and had strong hostility towards the School of Febrile Diseases.

From his understanding of Liao Wenen, it is said that Liao Wenen's master was Li Qingyun, one of the legendary figures in the Qing Dynasty. Li Qingyun is a traditional Chinese medicine expert, as well as a Chinese herbalist and martial artist. It is said that he lived more than two hundred years old and experienced most of the emperor period of the Qing Dynasty.

Liao Wenen's master is Li Qingyun's disciple. Although most people still don't believe in Li Qingyun's personal legend, most people still believe in Li Qingyun's traditional Chinese medicine skills.

Now when Yang Yixian talked to Ye Chen about this, he suddenly thought of his master Liao Wenen. However, why didn't Liao Wenen hear of Ye Chen such a powerful disciple before? Yang Yixian is also very strange.
