Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1094: Fujian Street Chinese Medicine Store

Soon, Huang Xiaowei thought that if she received Ye Chen's acupuncture treatment once every two days, wouldn't it be necessary to see him once every two days?

Now for Huang Xiaowei, that's already very uncomfortable. If it happens every two days, how can I stand it?

Seeing Huang Xiaowei's appearance, Ye Chen felt a little contemptuous in his heart. Thinking of the chaos in the entertainment industry, what is this? I just want to treat her, want to cure her earlier?

"If you don't receive acupuncture treatment, let's continue to drink the medicine slowly." Ye Chen said.

Now that he has sorted out the prescriptions for the second clinic, he can naturally buy medicine for Huang Xiaowei. However, this is here in Vietnam, where she is not familiar with her life, and when she is alone, if she is asked to go out to buy medicine, her words are not clear. Then I don't know what will happen?

"You!" Looking at Ye Chen like that, Huang Xiaowei was almost taken to death.

At this time, Liao Bingxue had already woke up, came out of the room, and had heard Ye Chen's words. From Ye Chen's words, she also felt that Ye Chen seemed to have a lot of misunderstandings about female stars and didn't like to communicate with those female stars.

"Ye Chen, why don't we go over and buy medicine for Xiao Wei when we arrive!" Liao Bingxue said.

In fact, Ye Chen found that it was quite troublesome for Huang Xiaowei to follow along. Although Huang Xiaowei can use acupuncture to relieve his pain when he has an attack, it is impossible for someone to decoct it specially in the hotel if he usually drinks medicine.

However, Ye Chen thought that since there are electric decocting pots in China, they should be available here in Vietnam too. If you buy them, you should put them in the hotel to decoct them.

"Then go to dinner first!" Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen asked the two women to go in for a simple wash, and then dress up. It was already past four in the afternoon. Ye Chen and the two girls came out of the suite, locked the door, and went downstairs. When they were about to go to the hotel restaurant for dinner, they thought that they would buy medicinal materials and a pot of decocting medicine for Huang Xiaowei later.

Therefore, he thought for a while and said: "Let's go to the Chinese gathering area for dinner!"

Thinking of eating Chinese food in the hotel, Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue had no appetite.

After Ye Chen asked the Chinese-speaking waiter at the front desk, he learned that there are several gatherings of Chinese and overseas Chinese in Hanoi, most of which are from China. They are doing business there or temporarily staying there.

In fact, Vietnam is very similar to China in this respect. China does not have any streets in other countries, and Vietnam is also here. Naturally, foreigners are still relatively strict. Unlike Europe and the United States, there will be a large number of immigrants, and slowly Form a place where immigrants from the same country gather.

In order to avoid the hassle of taking a car for a while, Ye Chen asked the waitress at the front desk to write it down on a piece of paper in Vietnamese and confirm the price of the car. Ye Chen and the two girls went outside without seeing other taxis. Instead, they are tricycles, and there are many motorcycles.

Many of them were waiting to pick up passengers now. Seeing Ye Chen's three people coming, several tricycles drove over. Ye Chen thought that it would be better for a female driver to drive a tricycle. When she got on the tricycle and showed her the place where the Chinese and overseas Chinese gathered, the other party knew exactly where the three of Ye Chen were going. .

When the other party drove towards Fujian Street, where most of the overseas Chinese from Fujian gathered, Ye Chen still saw those wearing Ao Dai with a top-notch bamboo hat on their heads, and they used them from time to time. Vietnamese men and women who communicate in Vietnamese.

These are the characteristics of the streets of Vietnam. Ye Chen and the three people saw it in the morning. Of course, Vietnam is not without tourist attractions, there are still many tourist attractions, but most of the new and interesting ones are still on the coast of Vietnam.

I heard that there is a place in Vietnam where there are legal casinos. At this point, I am also learning from Macau, China, so as to attract more gamblers to make money, and it is also to boost Vietnam's tourism economy.

Now when the black and thin Vietnamese female driver drove a tricycle to Fujian Street not far away, Ye Chen had already seen a lot of Chinese-character advertisements there, as well as those Chinese characters.

When the three of Ye Chen got out of the car and paid the money, when Ye Chen took Liao Bingxue's hand and went inside, he found that it was very lively at this time.

This street is only four or five meters wide, with a variety of small shops on both sides. In addition to Chinese and overseas Chinese, tourists and even many local Vietnamese come here to shop.

Of course, now those signs or prices are marked in Chinese and Vietnamese. Seeing the voices here, Ye Chen found that he felt a lot more cordial.

Although he could hear that Mandarin with a Hokkien accent was not very standard, he still spoke Chinese at least, unlike the Vietnamese, and didn't know what to say.

Ye Chen took Liao Bingxue's hand, and Liao Bingxue took Huang Xiaowei. Along the way, on this street, he saw a variety of goods, including Chinese and Vietnamese.

Ye Chen still took Liao Bingxue's hand and entered a Chinese herbal medicine store. On the entrance of this pharmacy, North Medicine from China was written in Vietnamese.

From this point, Ye Chen could see that the business here is really taking care of the local Vietnamese.

Entering inside, Ye Chen saw three pharmacists standing there picking up medicine. In fact, since the morning, the business of this pharmacy will be many times better than usual.

Boss Hu, who is in the medicinal material business, naturally knows that it is because Vietnam held the first Eastern Medical Contest. Most of the contestants in this Eastern Medical Contest are from China. Chinese doctors prescribing prescriptions for those Vietnamese must use a lot of Chinese medicine.

This point, boss Hu had already known in advance, so he deliberately bought a large amount of medicinal materials from Guangxi and shipped it over. Unexpectedly, he digested a lot today.

When Ye Chen came in with Liao Bingxue and Huang Xiaowei, he was sitting on the side of a coffee table made of huanghuali and drinking from Hu Datong. When the three of them came in, he felt that the identity of this young man was not simple.

There are already three pharmacists there to help pack medicines, but they are still too busy, so Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue wanted to wait a little longer.

The three of them stood there, and Ye Chen looked at the rows of medicine cabinets inside. The outside of the cabinets were marked with the names of Chinese medicines and some medicine names.

Generally speaking, in addition to the fixed name of Chinese medicine, domestic Chinese medicine also has a uniform medicine name number, which is the same as the student number of college students. What kind of Chinese medicine needs to find the same number.

In this way, when the pharmacist packs the medicine, the speed will be faster according to the number.

Of course, doctors and pharmacists in many hospitals in China may have different numbers for the same medicinal materials because of various interests.

This is naturally to prevent the patient from going to the pharmacy outside to buy the medicine after seeing the illness in the hospital.

In this way, the number of medicinal materials or drugs written by the doctor can only be understood by the pharmacist who has learned it, and outsiders cannot understand it.