Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1133: Go to the abandoned brick factory

Ye Chen felt that Wu Yu wouldn't call him for no reason, but now Wu Yu didn't say it at all, so he was naturally afraid that Ye Chen would be harmed by his own business.

Seeing Wu Yu's expression, it seemed that he hadn't told her own situation. The boss of the gangster snatched her mobile phone and yelled at Ye Chen in the phone.

Ye Chen couldn't understand, so he could only get out of the room and hurried downstairs to ask the Vietnamese waitress who speaks Chinese at the front desk.

After the waitress heard it for a while, her expression changed immediately, she looked at Ye Chen with a little trembling and said, "Ye, Mr. Ye, that person said, Wu Yu was kidnapped by them, and you can only save Wu Yu. Go alone."

"What? Wu Yu was kidnapped!" Ye Chen asked.

No wonder, he felt a little uneasy just now and thought something was wrong. Unexpectedly, he had countless calculations, these little Vietnamese gangsters actually hit Wu Yu's attention to threaten him.

Wu Yu had an accident because of him, how could Ye Chen ignore it like this and definitely want to save the other person.

Ye Chen asked on the phone, "Wu Yu, where are you, I will save you now!"

"You, don't come over, these people won't let you go." Wu Yu asked over there.

The more so, Ye Chen wanted to save the other person.

To him, Wu Yu may be just an ordinary person, not even an ordinary friend. However, after I came to Vietnam, the other party helped me a lot as a volunteer. Therefore, in any case, this trouble caused by him must be solved personally.

"Where are you?" Ye Chen asked again.

Hanoi was so big and not the Shanghai he was familiar with. If Wu Yu was taken to any place, Ye Chen would never find it.

As for whether to call the police or not, Ye Chen knew that calling the police was useless, but Wu Yu might be harmed.

When he hurried upstairs, he looked at Liao Bingxue and the two daughters in the room. Originally, he wanted to go there alone and let the two women be here.

However, thinking that if you leave by yourself, if the two women have an accident again, you still don't know what to do?

So, hurriedly let the two women get dressed and followed him out.

"Ye Chen, what happened?" Liao Bingxue was surprised.

"Wu Yu had an accident and was kidnapped. Now those people are threatening me to go over." Ye Chen said.

Liao Bingxue didn't know why this happened, but now Wu Yu was kidnapped and threatened Ye Chen to see him. Obviously, as long as he thought about it, he felt that it was aimed at Ye Chen.

"Would you like to call the police?" Liao Bingxue asked.

"No, the police can't handle it," Ye Chen said.

The two women dressed simply, and when Ye Chen hurriedly came downstairs, Ye Chen continued to keep in touch with Wu Yu on the phone.

After asking Wu Yu several times, he learned that Wu Yu is now in an abandoned brick factory in the suburbs.

However, he really doesn't know how many such abandoned brick factories are in the suburbs of Hanoi, and he also doesn't know which direction they are in.

Therefore, Wu Yu can only ask the **** who tied her, where are they?

Ye Chen remembered it after the gangster over there spoke a specific Vietnamese place. Get out of the hotel, get on a tricycle, and tell the driver of the tricycle.

The tricycle driver did not expect to go to that remote place. However, when Ye Chen took out another one hundred yuan RMB, the other party immediately drove over.

"Hurry up!" Ye Chen said, looking at the tricycle driver.

It's just that the tricycle driver can't understand it, and the fastest speed of the tricycle is like this, it can't be faster at all. Now Ye Chen can only sit there and contact Wu Yu at any time with his mobile phone.

However, after twenty minutes, Ye Chen found that Wu Yu's cell phone had hung up. I don't know if it was because the other party's cell phone had no battery, or because there was an accident on Wu Yu's side.

Ye Chen has never been a person who is sorry for others, and it is the same now. He doesn't want to provoke those Vietnamese gangsters, and the other party is angry with the innocent Wu Yu, then he still doesn't know what to do?

"Ye Chen, how are you now?" Liao Bingxue asked.

"The phone suddenly hung up over there. I wonder what happened to Wu Yu?" Ye Chen said.

Now he really regretted it. He saved Chen Dajian by himself. He guessed that those Vietnamese gangsters would not let him go easily.

However, Ye Chen only thought of letting Liao Bingxue and the two women follow, but he did not consider Wu Yu's safety.

There is revenge and revenge, not to mention the cruel gangsters in Vietnam, Ye Chen will not let Ye Chen easily let go of their bosses like that.

Therefore, Ye Chen knew that before, he thought too easily, thought he had the strength, and let Liao Bingxue and the two daughters follow him half-step, surely nothing else would happen, then he would fly back to Shanghai by himself. , It ended like that.

"Then why are they looking for you?" Liao Bingxue asked again.

She knew that it was impossible for those Vietnamese to arrest Wu Yu and threaten Ye Chen for no reason. It must be because Ye Chen provoked him.

"Didn't I save the Chinese that night? He may have hatred with those Vietnamese." Ye Chen said.

With Ye Chen's explanation, Liao Bingxue somewhat understood.

Of course, Liao Bingxue knew that Ye Chen was great, and was not too worried about Ye Chen. However, if something happened to Wu Yu, she would also worry about Ye Chen.

When the tricycle driver continued to the abandoned factory building, it took about forty minutes before he came outside the abandoned and remote brick factory.

Looking at it from a distance, it was dark once, and I heard a little sound, and I didn't see a little light. Except for the moonlight above, I could see clearly a few meters away, but I couldn't see it at all.

Seeing this, Liao Bingxue and Huang Xiaowei were both scared, and didn't know how the Vietnamese would deal with Ye Chen next?

The two women were almost next to Ye Chen, and when they grabbed Ye Chen’s arm, Ye Chen wanted the two women to wait outside, but he was scared again. Instead, he fell into the tactics of the Vietnamese. By then, he didn’t know the two women’s meeting. how is it?

Therefore, even if it is a little inconvenient for him to move the two women closely, he still allows the two women to follow closely.

Entering outside the abandoned brick factory, Ye Chen saw the bricks still messed up on the ground, and the abandoned bricks stacked up in rows.

It's just that Ye Chen still doesn't know where Wu Yu was taken to the brick factory by them?

"Ye, Ye Chen, what should I do now?" Liao Bingxue asked in a low voice.

She looked nervous, but also a little excited. She had encountered this kind of thing since she was a child, but she didn't expect that she would still do this with Ye Chen. If it were in Shanghai, she knew she would never do such a thing.
