Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 114: Gossip

Jiang Yu got up from his office chair and walked out of the desk. It may be that after taking the three Weitongning tablets, the pills had a certain effect, not as painful as before.

Jiang Yu sat next to Ye Chen, and Ye Chen asked, "Miss Jiang, every time you have a stomachache, what are the obvious characteristics?"

"I feel nauseous and vomiting, but there is no acid reflux, bloating, and sometimes dizziness."

"Then what was your digestion level when you were eating, and was your bowel movement normal? How was your sleep every night?" Ye Chen didn't think that as a responsible doctor, he should ask clearly.

"Digestion? It's okay. She has a mediocre appetite. Usually, in order to maintain a slim figure, she pays attention to diet and normal bowel movements. It's just that she suffers from insomnia at night, which may have something to do with my work." At this time, she believed Ye Chen is a doctor, because if she were an ordinary person, she would definitely not ask her those questions like that.

"Then show me your tongue?" Jiang Yu opened her small cherry mouth slightly and put out a tongue. Ye Chen didn't get close, but when she looked over, she naturally saw clearly.

"Well, the tongue is reddish and the moss is thin and white." When Ye Chen gave Jiang Yu a pulse again, he grabbed Jiang Yu's white arm and gave her the pulse. Jiang Yu was a little embarrassed at first. However, thinking that he was asking Ye Chen for treatment, he soon calmed down.

"Well, the pulse is gentle. Miss Jiang, according to your situation, you have chronic gastritis, which belongs to the syndrome of gastric deficiency and qi stagnation. During treatment, you should treat it with the method of invigorating the stomach."

"When I was seeing a western doctor, the doctor said that I had chronic gastritis. He just prescribed a lot of western pills and slings, but the effect was still not good."

"It is better to use Chinese medicine to treat the symptoms and the root cause. Miss Jiang, how old are you this year?"

"Guess this secret yourself." Jiang Yu didn't say it. Ye Chen could only shook his head. After guessing the age of the other party, when Jiang Yu asked Jiang Yu to bring him a comparison paper, Ye Chen wrote on that piece of paper.

"Name: Miss Jiang, Gender: Female, Age: 20 or so. Chronic gastritis is treated by replenishing the stomach and replenishing the stomach, imitating Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction. Codonopsis 10g, Poria 10g, Fried Atractylodes 10g, Roasted Licorice 6g , 10 grams of dried tangerine peel, 6 grams of French pinellia, 5 grams of Amomum villosum (back part), 6 grams of coke, 5 grams of raspberry seeds, 6 grams of fried citrus, 2 grams of light dried ginger, 5 grams of pot belly peel, dried follicles 5 grams of fragrant, 15 grams of fried grain sprouts, 4 grams of jujube. 7 doses, decocted in water, one dose a day."

Seeing that Ye Chen wrote down the prescription so quickly, the medicinal materials on the prescription, except for the tangerine peel and licorice, Jiang Yu knew, others did not know. However, from this, she could also confirm that Ye Chen should be a Chinese medicine student.

"Ms. Jiang, I think you, no matter how busy you are at work, you must have three meals a day, and your work and rest schedules must be regular. You can't go on like this for a long time, it will easily make your stomach disease worse."

"Mr. Ye, thank you for your reminder. After get off work in the afternoon, I will go to buy a decoction and drink it." Jiang Yu thanked him after taking the prescription.

For Ye Chen, this is just a trivial matter. Now Jiang Yu is done with his own business. Ye Chen just hopes to buy car insurance for his two cars as soon as possible, and then go to Dongfang Hospital to see Li Shengtian and Li Zi. The situation of the two Yang.

Maybe because of Ye Chen's help to her, Jiang Yu looked at Ye Chen with a lot of enthusiasm. This enthusiasm was different from the enthusiasm at work, but came from friends.

"Mr. Ye, this is the best car insurance plan. For a car insurance between 5 million and 6 million yuan, the annual premium is 126,000 yuan. As for your other Maserati, the price is Between two and three million yuan, the annual insurance premium is about 63,000 yuan, which adds up to 189,000." The car insurance plan Jiang Yu introduced to Ye Chen now is for cars and people. If something happens, the insurance company will make compensation.

Ye Chen didn't expect that just to buy insurance for the car, the insurance premium for both cars would be nearly 200,000 in one year. However, if you don’t buy it, you will have to spend hundreds of thousands more to repair it like that last night. Under such circumstances, Ye Chen knew that buying car insurance would naturally be more guaranteed.

"Then buy this car insurance!" Jiang Yu took out an insurance contract from the cabinet, and asked him to fill in the information of the two cars and Ye Chen's personal information.

After Ye Chen filled in the information for the two cars, he found that the license plates had not been completed, so he could only say: "Ms. Jiang, I just bought the two cars and the license plates have not been completed, what should I do?

"You can leave this blank. After you get the license plate number, you can call me again and wait for me to fill it up." In fact, Ye Chen didn't even get his driver's license, let alone those license plate numbers. of.

However, none of this is a problem for Ye Chen, and he can let Sun Da Butler do it for him.

After finishing all those things, Ye Chen filled in his mobile phone number on it, and when Ye Chen took out his bank card and asked where to pay the insurance premium, Jiang Yu stood up and prepared to take him to the other side. An office in the United States pays the fee, and only where the fee is paid and stamped with the seal of the Pacific Insurance Company will it be effective.

When the two were about to leave the office, there were several male salesmen in suits lying outside the door.

Just now, when Jiang Yu brought Ye Chen into her office and lowered the curtains on the glass door, it attracted the attention of many salesmen.

Because Jiang Yu’s business performance is very good, and she looks very beautiful, so in that case, there are rumors about Jiang Yu from the company, saying why her insurance business is so good, mainly because she usually Do not hesitate to use your beautiful body to attract other people to buy insurance.

This is also the case, so Jiang Yu has not been in the insurance industry for a long time, and has become a deputy manager of the product department.

Jiang Yu had heard those gossips a long time ago, and she didn't know which tongue came out first. However, she wanted to refute the rumors, but couldn't. Instead, it caused more people's situation.

"Have you heard? Just now I seemed to hear the young man in the Bentley driving over, letting Jiang Yu stick out his tongue. Wouldn't she be there to help him lick it?" A thin young man was envious and jealous. Said.

Taking Jiang Yu's beauty and annual income as a true white and rich beauty naturally attracts the pursuit of not young people. However, when they can't catch up, they can only look up at each other on the ground, just like a swan high above.

Just now I saw a young man driving a Bentley worth more than five million yuan. When he stopped at the door, the salesmen who worked in the office came to the door to watch it secretly after hearing the news. What are they doing inside?

"I heard it too, maybe it was really kneeling and licking there!"

"Hehe, it may be more than this, maybe there may be a battle inside!"

"This is impossible. I just heard Jiang Yu seem to be saying that he feels sick and vomiting. Isn't this pregnant? So, I think she can only kneel and lick there."

What is said inside and outside is not very clear to everyone. However, through the glass door, you can see some conditions in the office.

When Ye Chen was checking Jiang Yu's pulse just now, the male salesmen who were peeking outside the glass door could see that the two were clearly close together. With their thoughts of sex, they naturally thought that they were inside What did you do?