Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1227: Office location

Ye Chen didn't expect that the school leader responded so quickly, faster than he thought.

Of course, Ye Chen didn’t know. First, Ye Chen was already a celebrity in Shanghai’s TCM circle. Dean Liao’s disciple also won the Eastern Medical Contest. He has already won a lot of praise for the University of Chinese Medicine. The status is naturally high.

Now, as long as Ye Chen speaks out, the school leaders feel that they have a lot of face.

Today, Ye Chen wants to establish the Chinese Medicine Association to improve the foundation of Chinese medicine among the students in the university. Of course, the school leaders immediately agreed.

Watching Professor Tang Yudou submit the application report, he found that the relevant school leaders’ stamps and their autographs were already on it.

"Professor Tang, in other respects, I don't need the school's help. I just hope to provide a fixed office space. As for funding, I will use my own championship prize money as a fund." Ye Chen said.

"Fixed office location? Okay, I'll call to help you ask." Tang Yudou said.

Like other major associations in the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, they have their own fixed office locations. Some office locations may be a classroom, and some may be just a room of more than ten square meters, with at most one association sign hanging inside and outside.

However, Ye Chen knew that, like he is now going to set up the National Medical Association, a fixed place where at least some related books can be put in it, as well as those that can accommodate many students in class.

When Tang Yudou called, he quickly hung up the phone, then looked at him and said, "The principal said that the new campus of the University Town of Chinese Medicine, as long as there is an office space available, can be used as an office. The office of your Chinese Medical Association."

"Where is that place?" Ye Chen asked.

"This principal doesn't know. You have to ask the person in charge here. Ye Chen, you go back to the classroom first, and I will help you ask." Tang Yudou said.

"Professor Tang, you have worked hard." Ye Chen looked at Professor Tang and said.

After Tang Yudou left, Ye Chen returned to the back row of the classroom and looked at the stamp and name on the application report. He believed that this matter should be done.

When Ye Chen just sat down, he looked at Wu You and Zheng Yang and said, "You join in, it's a favor for me."

"Then what about us? How about helping you out?" Zhou Zidong said.

"Forget it, you won't be able to do miscellaneous things." Ye Chen smiled.

After two classes in the morning, there were no classes in the third and fourth quarters. When Ye Chen was about to leave here and went to the apartment, he saw Professor Tang Yudou coming again.

Behind Tang Yudou was a middle-aged man wearing a suit.

"Ye Chen, this is Director Liu of the school's real estate management office, who is responsible for the real estate of the new campus." Professor Tang introduced.

"Director Liu, hello." Ye Chen asked.

Director Liu knew the young student in front of him, but Ye Chen might not know him. However, Ye Chen is now well-known in the university and also a celebrity in Shanghai's TCM circle.

When Ye Chen wanted to apply for the Chinese Medical Association and needed a fixed office location, Tang Yudou called the leaders above. Several leaders had already contacted him, asking him to make arrangements for Ye Chen.

"Student Ye, the top leaders have already explained clearly that the Chinese Medical Association you want to establish, you can choose a fixed office location." Director Liu said.

On the one hand, he has to take care of the leaders above; on the other hand, he knows that the young man in front of him needs a prescribed office location to establish an association, which is completely different.

"Then Director Liu, where is free?" Ye Chen asked.

When Director Liu was about to take Ye Chen to see in person, Ye Chen followed. However, Professor Tang has been busy for two hours, and Ye Chen doesn't need him to follow so hard.

Ye Chen and Wu You followed Director Liu to the outside of the teaching building. First they came to a place where the student union used to work. However, they have now moved to another place. Ye Chen saw that it was better than the others. The office space of the association is even smaller, and there are no more tables inside.

"Director Liu, this place is too small to fit." Ye Chen said.

"There are several other places." Director Liu said.

When Ye Chen and Wu You went to look at them, they found that if it were the office space on the first floor, although those areas were quiet and suitable as fixed office locations, the space inside was too small.

If it is the early stage and there are only a few tables, it may be suitable. However, if there are too many association members to join, Ye Chen will give lectures to those association members. I am afraid that there is no space available.

After looking at those places, when Director Liu found that Ye Chen was still dissatisfied, he said: “One place is wide, with two floors up and down, but it is on the sixth and seventh floors of the teaching building. Going up, there is no elevator, I don’t know how you feel?"

"It doesn't matter if there is no elevator, the key is that the place is big enough," Ye Chen said.

When Ye Chen was about to follow, Director Liu brought Ye Chen and the three people to the downstairs of the teaching building. It turned out that this was a fixed classroom for a major in the new campus, but after the major was cancelled, these two classrooms were naturally vacated.

Now when Ye Chen and Wu You went up to the sixth floor, the three of them had nothing to do. Director Liu, who had not taken the elevator up, was already a little panting, because he didn't usually climb the stairs directly to the sixth floor.

Ye Chen and Wu You came here. When Director Liu took out the key and opened the door, Ye Chen found that it was a standard classroom with many seats and tables. The tables and chairs were not dusty, but the space inside was large and air-conditioned. , Heating ones, all have.

As for the seventh floor, although they have not yet gone up to see, Director Liu has already said that it is the same as this floor.

"Director Liu, this is it," Ye Chen said.

"Student Ye, are you sure you really choose here?" Director Liu asked strangely.

"It doesn't matter, our students are young, we can climb up and down, and we can exercise." Ye Chen said.

Of course, with so many desks and chairs on the two floors, Ye Chen plans to use the classroom on the sixth floor as a member of the association to teach them or answer questions in the future, so there is no need to make too many changes. it's here.

However, on the seventh floor, Ye Chen is going to be used as a fixed office. In addition to him, there is also Yang Jingya, and even the office location of other association leaders. Therefore, most of the tables and chairs inside may have to be moved away. .

For these, it is not a problem. As long as Director Liu makes a phone call to the school security office, the security office staff will come over and move those tables and chairs.

Now Director Liu has given Ye Chen the keys to the two rooms. As long as the classroom does not harm the main building, Ye Chen can change it anyway.

After watching Director Liu leave, Ye Chen called Yang Jingya again and asked her to come here.