Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1246: Hemorrhage

Based on what Ye Chen knew about Zhang Youkun, Ye Chen knew most of his situation. He had just checked his pulse condition, and now after checking his tongue condition and other conditions, Ye Chen could confirm that his disease was vomiting blood due to gastric perforation, which can be classified as hemorrhage in Chinese medicine.

What is hemorrhagic disease?

Hemorrhagic disease refers to a disease in which the blood does not follow the usual path, or overflows in the orifices of the mouth and nose, or drains to the front and back of the vagina, or seeps out of the skin.

The etiology is mostly due to insufficient congenital endowment or acquired loss, deficiency of qi and inability to ingest blood, or deficiency of yin and fire, compelling blood to act rashly.

In clinical practice, the most common types are the three types of heat and blood pressure, yin deficiency and fire, and qi deficiency. Depending on the cause and location, it can be manifested as nose bleeding, tooth bleeding, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, hematuria, purpura, etc.

This disease has long been recorded in the book "Huangdi Neijing Lingshu". Therefore, as long as the right medicine is prescribed, Ye Chen feels that it is not difficult to treat.

Of course, like this Zhang Youkun's situation, if in ancient times, when he was nearly fifty years old, he belonged to his fifty-knowing destiny and sixty sixties, he would be regarded as an old man.

However, the modern age is better than the ancients in all aspects, and fifty is at most the age of a middle-aged person. Because of his long illness, his body does not look very good.

Ye Chen saw that he was hitting the sling, mainly the glucose waiting sling. He felt sick in his stomach because he was eating food.

After Ye Chen asked Lin Xinting to fetch a new medical record, Ye Chen looked at Zhang Youkun and said, "Mr. Zhang, I can treat you as well. But you must listen to me, otherwise, the genius doctor will not be able to treat it."

"Doctor Ye, tell me then." Zhang Youkun said hurriedly.

"First, we must give up drinking, whether it is high-purity liquor or ordinary beer, starting today, a drop of wine can no longer stick to it." Ye Chen said.

"I can do this. When I talk about business now, I can have my secretary drink for me, and even use tea instead of wine." Zhang Youkun said.

There is no doubt that, like Zhang Youkun’s situation, drinking high-purity liquor is the most deadly to his stomach, so Ye Chen continued: "If you don't listen, continue to drink, I am afraid you will not survive 70."

People are not afraid of death, let alone Zhang Youkun now, his business is booming, he doesn't want to die so soon.

Therefore, when Ye Chen said that if he drinks for a long time again, and he will not survive 70, it is a severe reminder to him.

"Second, recently, avoid spicy and stiff foods. Your stomach can't bear those spicy and stiff foods. You'd better not eat them until you get better," Ye Chen said.

At this point, it's actually not a big problem, as long as you control your own mouth.

As the saying goes, the disease comes from the mouth. This is exactly the point. If it is done, in fact, there will be no such situation.

"Doctor Ye, I can do it. I can eat other foods, no hot peppers, or stiff foods." Zhang Youkun said.

"The third point, before you get better, don't overwork. It is best to do a normal life routine. At this point, even if you are discharged from the hospital, you must follow it in the future, as long as it is of great use to you." Ye Chen said.

Needless to say, Ye Chen, Zhang Youkun also knew this.

He is fifty at his age now, and even if he tries his best, he is not a young man anymore. Therefore, he can no longer be like before.

Now he should say everything clearly. Ye Chen didn't say anything else. Holding the medical record of the affiliated hospital, he wrote: "Zhang, male, 50 years old. He has repeatedly vomited blood for many years after gastric perforation surgery."

"First visit: The patient reported that he had undergone a surgical repair for a sudden gastric perforation in 1997. After that, he had bleeding at the anastomotic site many times, about 15 times, and the amount varied. On weekdays, he drank half a bottle of high-purity liquor, plus 6 Bottle of beer. Because of work needs to drive away, eating irregularly, often eat instant noodles and sausages, love to eat pickles, mother and older brother have stomach ulcers."

"Present symptoms: occasional hematemesis and blood, burning and swelling of the gastric cavity, especially on an empty stomach, pantothenic acid, heartburn, accompanied by belching, dry mouth and reluctance to drink, fatigue, poor appetite, normal night sleep, and normal stool."

"Examination: pale and bloodless, eyelids and nails pale, tenderness under the sword. Tongue appearance: large and fat tongue, pale tongue, thin white coating. Pulse condition: narrow pulse."

"Traditional Chinese Medicine Dialectics: Heat Injury, Blood Collateral and Blood Spill. Treatment: To invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, clear heat and detoxify.

"Prescription: Imperata cylindrica 25g, lotus root 15g, Poria 15g, Coix seed 10g, Panax notoginseng 5g, Baijiang 20g, Coptis 1g, Squid bone 20g, Forsythia 20g, Agarwood 5g, 15 grams of bamboo leaves, 15 grams of malt. 6 doses, decocted in water, 2 doses a day. He should not be overworked with a spicy and rigid diet."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he checked it again and found that there were no other problems. Naturally, he had read it to Zhang Youkun.

Ye Chen gave the prescription to Lin Xinting, and asked Lin Xinting to take the medicine to the pharmacist to pick up the medicine, and then sent the decoction to Zhang Youkun to drink it.

Now that Lin Xinting went outside, Ye Chen naturally followed.

Outside, Lin Xinting looked at Ye Chen and said: "The head nurse of one group told me that she said that I have performed very well in the past few months and that I have been well received by the nursing patients. The hospital leaders are going to promote me to be a deputy of the group. The head nurse."

"Sister Xinting, are you going to be promoted? Congratulations!" Ye Chen smiled.

"Ye Chen, if it weren't for you, I would still be a nurse in the general ward." Lin Xinting said.

Of course, she knew very well that it was Ye Chen that she should be most grateful for. If it weren't for him, she knew she was in the affiliated hospital, and she didn't know how long it would take to go to the advanced ward to care for those patients.

Ye Chen followed Lin Xinting to the large pharmacy of the affiliated hospital. After seeing her handing over the prescription, the pharmacist inside was checking the medicine, six doses of Chinese medicine.

After the package was finished in less than five minutes, the medicine was taken to the decocting pharmacy of the affiliated hospital.

Now there are dozens of female nurses in that decocting pharmacy, and hundreds of decocting pots are working. They can smell the strong smell of Chinese medicine before they reach the door of the decocting pharmacy.

Ye Chen liked it very much, and enjoyed the smell of Chinese medicine.

Although the traditional Chinese medicine soup tastes bitter and unpleasant to drink, when it is smelled, it is found to have the smell of plants, which is not unpleasant.

Because Lin Xinting hasn't got off work yet, Ye Chen definitely can't accompany her out to play. Therefore, when Ye Chen arrived here, he naturally left here and went to Fan Dazhu's father's general ward.

When he came to the door of the general ward, he had just entered inside, and he had seen Fan Dazhu's father chatting with the patient in the next ward.