Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1288: Asthma

Before the winter vacation, Ye Chen was engaged in a free clinic at the Chinese Medical Association. He met a patient who had bronchial asthma.

However, for that patient, Ye Chen felt that his condition was more inclined to asthma.

In Western medicine, this category is classified as asthma.

In Chinese medicine, asthma and asthma have to be distinguished.

Let me talk about wheezing first, which refers to a type of pulmonary-qi system disease syndrome in which wheezing is sound, and it is difficult to breathe but cannot be lying flat.

It is often caused by phlegm staying in the lungs, caused by a variety of inducements, phlegm obstructs the airway, airway contracture, lung failure, cough and wheezing. The wheeze will sound when you send out, the wheezing will increase, and the going will be just as normal.

Clinically, bronchial asthma, allergic lung diseases, pneumoconiosis, diffuse interstitial lung disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and other diseases have similar symptoms.

This disease syndrome is related to cough and wheezing syndromes, and the symptoms overlap each other.

TCM dialectics is divided into attack period and remission period, and different treatments are taken respectively. Among them, the attack stage, also known as the acute stage, is divided into cold, hot, phlegm, wind asthma, etc. according to the symptoms and etiology; the remission stage, also called the chronic stage, is due to repeated attacks of the disease, and closed injuries. His spleen and kidneys are often affected.

The treatment of this situation was clearly explained to the members of the Chinese Medical Association during that free clinic.

However, when it comes to asthma syndrome, there is a big difference in Chinese medicine.

Now let's take a look at the situation of the old woman Wu Fang.

"Ye Chen, you saw it to related patients during the free clinic." Liao Wenen asked.

He knew Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue's free clinic activities. After Liao Bingxue came back, he naturally knew that he also did not expect that Ye Chen would treat nearly 300 patients for free in half a month.

And these patients, if they all go to the hospital for treatment, I'm afraid they want to spend a lot of medical expenses.

However, Ye Chen treated nearly 20 patients every day, and then explained to the members of the Chinese Medical Association and improved the foundation of those members of the Chinese Medical Association. It took more time.

"I have seen a case of an old man in his fifties who had bronchial asthma. However, his condition is more biased towards asthma in Chinese medicine. Last time, after a first visit before a holiday, his The effect is already very obvious, and after the second clinic treatment, his disease should be cured by this time." Ye Chen said.

On this point, he naturally didn't need to say more, Liao Wenen also believed it. Thinking that Ye Chen was in the Xiaowang Village plague area first, and saved many people without taking a break for several days and nights, when he won the Eastern Medical Contest, he could see that his Chinese medicine skills had already exceeded many people.

Now Ye Chen will see the old woman Wu Fang again. When Ye Chen talks like that, it naturally gives her some confidence.

At this time, Liao Bingxue had come downstairs and was playing there with Fu Dog A Wu and Husky A Er.

"Aunt Wu, Ye Chen was right. He showed an old man near Dongfang University Town that he was suffering from asthma. It took less than a week and it had obvious results," Liao Bingxue said.

"It seems that I should have come to see Dr. Ye for treatment long ago, so I don't have to be so painful," Wu Fang said.

Ye Chen smiled helplessly. He also came to Shanghai from Zhaojiacun, only two months ago. Even if she finds out early, she can only go to Zhaojiacun to see his grandfather for treatment.

Now Ye Chen has officially started to see the old woman Wu Fang. From her inquiries, she learned that 15 years ago, when she was about forty years old, she began to feel breathing problems.

However, in the beginning, it was not that serious, and it was not too serious. Later, it became more serious. I have seen many doctors near my home, but they were not effective.

She had taken many Chinese and Western medicines before, and she had forgotten. However, in the past month, her condition has worsened. She mainly takes anti-allergic drugs, ventolin, seretide spray, etc. for relief.

Now I have severe asthma, coughing and vomiting white foamy sputum, not much volume, difficult to cough up, holding my breath, usually lying on his back, swollen eyelids, dry mouth, not swollen lower limbs, and mediocre appetite.

These are the facts that Ye Chen had just asked about her and what she had learned from the past. When she was examined in detail, she found that her hands were suffering from solar dermatitis, her tongue was pale red, and the fur was thin and white, and her pulse was flat. .

From these symptoms, Ye Chen was diagnosed with asthma, and tended to be asthmatic. The main symptom was the syndrome of lung failure.

Soon, Ye Chen recognized that the patient had cough and asthma for more than ten years, lack of lung qi, and recurrence of exogenous pathogens, causing lung failure to declare and descend, lung qi upside down and coughing and wheezing; lung qi deficiency, abnormal suppression, water dampness If you stop internally, you will see swelling of the eyelids; if the lung qi is unfavorable and the phlegm dampness is blocked, you will see white foamy sputum.

In fact, in Ye Chen's opinion, no matter how big or small the disease is, the disease that is difficult to treat, or the disease that is easy to treat, it is not difficult to treat only if the dialectics of Chinese medicine is truly correct and the right medicine is prescribed.

Like this old woman Wu Fang’s situation, she has been seeing doctors as she did 15 years ago, but she hasn’t been cured, but has been dragging on, which shows that when the doctors saw her, they didn’t really do it. Prescribe the right medicine.

"Auntie, your condition is already an intractable disease. However, it is not that it cannot be cured. I will prescribe medicine for you now and see how effective you are when you drink it. If the treatment effect is fast, it may be able to cure the disease before the Spring Festival. If the cure is slow, it will be cured by the Lantern Festival at the latest." Ye Chen said.

"Really? That's great. I want to have a good year. I don't want to torture any more, and I don't even think that all of them will have sprays." Wu Fang said.

When Ye Chen asked Liao Bingxue to find him a piece of white paper, Liao Bingxue could only go upstairs and get him a piece of white paper.

Ye Chen quickly wrote on a white paper: "Wu, female, 55 years old. The patient had a cough and asthma for 15 years, and was aggravated by external cold for a month."

"First visit: The patient had cough and asthma for 15 years, and was diagnosed as bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the hospital. It worsened in the past month, and he took antiallergic drugs, ventolin, and seretide spray. Now the patient has asthma, coughing and vomiting white foam. Phlegm, not much volume, difficult to cough up, holding breath, still lying flat, swollen eyelids, dry mouth, no swelling of the limbs, acceptability, two stools. Examination: solar dermatitis of hands, pale red tongue, thin white coating, The pulse is flat."

"Chinese medicine dialectics: diagnosis of asthma, lung failure to declare and drop syndrome. Treatment: reconcile lung qi."

"Prescription: 6 grams of fried sesame seeds, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 6 grams of Pinellia ternata, 6 grams of roasted licorice, 2 grams of Asarum, 10 grams of Peucedanum, 10 grams of bitter platycodon, 10 grams of cassia twig, 6 grams of magnolia root, 2 grams of dried ginger, 15 grams of ginseng, 12 grams of lily, 10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 5 grams of schisandra. 7 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he checked it again and found that there were no other problems, so he showed it to Liao Wenen.