Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 132: Sheep epilepsy

The first class in the morning is English class, which is the class given by the head teacher Anne. She speaks Chinese fluently. When she uses American English in class, she translates it in Chinese from time to time. This is to take care of most of the Chinese students in the class and at the same time allow those foreign students to learn Chinese.

However, Ye Chen, like those rich kids, most of the time, didn't know what those bird words meant. He didn't understand until Teacher Annie translated the English.

In fact, Ye Chen had already thought about learning English well. In addition to the fact that English is a compulsory test for the college entrance examination, it is also because of Chinese medicine. He wants to use English to understand the current level of Western medicine, and what is the situation. ?

Sun Xiaowei was also very bored. When he lowered his head to play with the mobile phone, Ye Chen was sitting there looking at the thick "Middle School Mathematics Dictionary".

Now he has no English foundation at all, Ye Chen can't learn it, but now he has a mathematical foundation, Ye Chen can use all the time to learn.

"Of course!" some students in the class replied.

"Xiaowei, what does this mean?" After all, Sun Xiaowei has been in this school for so long, and there are many foreign students in this Shanghai American school, so Sun Xiaowei still understands simple words.

"Ms. Annie asked just now, do you understand? Then some students also said, of course." Ye Chen nodded after listening. It turned out to be that.

It's just that now there is nothing to know about it, and nothing to know, anyway, he feels that with his learning ability, he should be able to accept it soon.

When the first get out of class was about to end, suddenly sitting in the middle chair, a blond white student suddenly yelled, like a ghost upper body, when the surrounding students looked over, they were all startled.

When Ye Chen looked over, he found that the white student kept twitching, his eyes squinted, his teeth closed, his limbs stiffened, and his mouth was foaming. It was obvious that as long as he had a bit of common sense, the white student had epilepsy. attack.

What is epilepsy? This is a term of Western medicine, and there are many sayings in Chinese medicine or Chinese folk, such as horn wind, sheep epileptic wind, sheep epilepsy, pig po wind, sheep hanging, and sheep epilepsy. In short, they all describe patients with epilepsy. The condition at the time of the attack.

Some people with epilepsy may fall down in just a few minutes, foaming at the mouth, and their eyes are almost protruding, even, it looks like a ghost's upper body, which is very scary. However, people who have been surprised are generally easy to recover from the sick.

It’s just that, now that the white student looks like, not only is Annie on the podium a little scared, other students are afraid to look at the white classmate who is foaming at the mouth, twitching in his limbs, and when the other classmates look at it. Don't dare to speak.

When Mr. Annie reacted, she hurriedly shouted: "George, you, what's the matter with you?"

"Teacher Annie, I'm either slinging a goat or being a ghost!" said a Chinese student.

It's just that Annie doesn't know what it means to send a sheep hanging, because the other party only understands the meaning of epilepsy. Although Ms. Annie is very familiar with Chinese culture, especially speaking Chinese fluently, it does not mean that the other party knows that epilepsy is called "Fayanghang" in China.

"I think it's seizures!" said another Chinese student.

It's just that the other party just talked and didn't dare to approach the white student. Only a white student, John, sitting next to George, hurriedly helped George up. However, now that George was delirious and looked like he was about to die, Annie said hurriedly: "You quickly send him to the school infirmary."

When John and another white student, Henry, helped George out of the classroom, Annie naturally followed, and the other students in the class also followed the past. Of course, most of these students just go to see the excitement.

"Xiaowei, let's go and take a look." Ye Chen naturally didn't follow them to watch the excitement. Ye Chen occasionally encountered this kind of epilepsy when he was in the village or town. Before, when he was in the village or town, he had already cured several of them.

However, epilepsy, which belongs to the heart and brain system of internal medicine, and even the nervous system and mental diseases, is very difficult to treat. Nowadays, in foreign countries, facing the situation of epilepsy, there is also no good treatment. At most, some medicines are used to suppress it.

When Ye Chen and Sun Xiaowei followed out of the classroom, Wang Cong followed along with them. Not long after I arrived in the classroom, when the first get out of class was over, many students who came out of the classroom heard that a student in Ye Chen's class had seizures during class.

When Ye Chen and Sun Xiaowei came to the school doctor room on the second floor, they found that when George was helped by John, the two school doctors inside, Jack Lin Guan, were doing a simple check on George. According to John’s description, Jack and the others had already Knowing that George had a seizure.

"Look at the pills he is carrying with him?" If this kind of disease occurs, if it does not fully recover, it will definitely relapse for a long time. When it happens, patients usually carry Western medicine tablets with them.

Especially for white people like George, his family must have those pills on his clothes. While John was looking for George’s pair of jeans, he quickly found a vial of medicine.

Sodium valproate, also known as antiepileptic agent, Dr. Jack took out five sodium valproate tablets and put them in George’s mouth, and then asked the female nurse to give him a glass of warm water and instill the sodium valproate. Go down.

George, who was still unconscious and convulsed all over, after being filled with the pills, at first, George and Lin Guan thought it would be effective.

However, the pills had not been drunk by George, they were directly vomited by George along with the foam. George and Lin Guan saw this situation for the first time.

How could it be like this?

"Doctor George, it's better to grind those pills into powder and mix them in warm water for him to drink." Usually when children or cows get sick, they use this method, because children and cows Don't like to drink medicine.

Only in this way, mixing in those water can enter their bodies.

Doctor George thought this was a good way, so he asked the female nurse to grind five sodium valproate tablets into powder, mix them into warm water, and with the help of the forest canopy, finally let George drink it.

But, for the last time, what disappointed them was that the warm water and powder they had just poured was still vomited by George. This shows what?

The first one shows that sodium valproate tablets have no therapeutic effect at all. Second, it means that this medicine may have been used on George too much, and now the body cannot bear it. Third, it is likely that you are allergic and your stomach has a great reaction.

"Doctor Jack, what should I do?" Annie didn't expect it to be like that.

Jack naturally has no other treatment for this disease. He can only say: "Hurry up and notify George's parents, and then send him to the big hospital for treatment."