Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1410: Why help him

If it is the kind of perverted wretched man, even if he really wants to steal underwear, it should be the underwear used by women. How could he go to the underwear shop to steal these new ones?

What's more, if the middle-aged man in front of him was a resounding king of thieves more than ten years ago, it would be even more impossible for him to do such a thing.

When the female shopping guides tried to **** back the underwear that they had stolen, Ye Chen looked at them and said, "Can you sell the underwear he just took back?"

"I have been touched by his dirty hands, it must be difficult to sell." A female shopping guide said.

"Then how much is the underwear he stole?" Ye Chen asked again.

"About ten thousand," said the wife of the lingerie boutique.

If so, the other party also took several pieces. Lu Jing didn’t know what Ye Chen was going to do, but came to the boss’s wife and whispered, “Since he sneaked all those underwear, it’s definitely not easy to sell. Why, I double the price of the underwear he stole. If I pay you compensation, you won't hold him accountable."

"Young man, why are you paying for him?" the lady boss asked strangely.

Seeing that Ye Chen is with the female criminal policeman, it is naturally impossible to be an accomplice with the wretched man, but, it makes the other party strange, why does this young man help the wretched man?

"Everyone has difficulties and difficulties." Ye Chen said.

The lady boss didn't say anything. Since Ye Chen was willing to help compensate, she would definitely not want to return the underwear stolen by the other party.

When Ye Chen followed the proprietress and was going to transfer money to him, the police officer from the nearby police station had already arrived and was about to take the underwear thief back.

However, now Ye Chen motioned to Lu Jing to give the two police officers who had come to take the underwear thief back to the police station, but he didn't need to use any torture to interrogate them.

Lu Jing couldn't understand why Ye Chen wanted to help the other party. Is it because the other party was sick?

When Ye Chen asked Lu Jing to wait for him downstairs, Ye Chen followed the proprietress up to the fourth floor, took out the bank card to compensate the middle-aged man, and then went downstairs. Now the onlookers have dispersed. Open, that is, Lu Jing is left waiting for him downstairs.

Because his feet were twisted just now, Ye Chen looked a little swollen now. Although Lu Jing was able to walk around on her own, it was best for someone to help her.

Ye Chen helped Lu Jing slowly get out from the first floor of the mall. When he got into the car, Lu Jing looked at him and asked, "Why do you want to help that perverted man?"

"I said he was sick for one reason, and for another reason, his purpose of stealing underwear is different from other people." Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen said that the other party was ill, and Lu Jing believed it. However, what does the other party steal underwear for? What does it have to do with it? Anyway, stealing other people's things is a thief.

What's more, more than ten years ago, the other party was the king of thieves in Shanghai. Now they have just been released, and they are doing this kind of thing. In Lu Jing's view, the other party is a dog that can't change it.

Ye Chen didn't say anything else, looked at her and asked, "Does your feet hurt?"

"It hurts," Lu Jing said.

After Ye Chen asked Lu Jing to take off the high heels that were twisted to her feet, he was about to grab her feet and give her a massage. However, Lu Jing didn't know, she looked at him and asked, "You are also a foot fetish, do you grab my feet and do?"

"I'm a doctor, let me take a look!" Ye Chen said.

If someone else told him like that, Ye Chen wouldn't bother to bother about it.

When Lu Jing wanted to say something, Ye Chen held her injured right foot, and then gently placed it on his knee. Ye Chen found that Lu Jing's right foot was still very clean and white. What other smell.

Otherwise, if there is really any peculiar smell, especially the one who wears socks for a long time, he can't stand it.

Ye Chen could see clearly where he was sprained ankle, there were blue marks there. When Lu Jing thought what Ye Chen was going to do, Ye Chen had already started to massage her right ankle. Three to five minutes later, Lu Jing found that after Ye Chen's massage, it was really amazing. She didn't feel the tingling sensation just now.

"Hey, what is your massage technique, so powerful?" Lu Jing asked.

"It's more powerful, what's this." Ye Chen asked Lu Jing to retract his foot and said.

I don't know why, looking at the changes in Ye Chen's attitude before and after, Lu Jing felt a little uncomfortable without the concerned expression just now.

Now Ye Chen has massaged Lu Jing's feet, and when he goes back, he rubs it with the active oil. It will be fine tomorrow.

Therefore, Ye Chen remembered the situation of the underwear thief and drove away from here to the nearby police station. When they got there, Ye Chen and Lu Jing got out of the car, just got in, and asked a police officer to learn that the underwear thief was still being interrogated in the interrogation room.

Originally, the other party's stealing underwear was worth less than 10,000 yuan. Even if he was tried, he might be locked in for half a month. However, Ye Chen had already compensated him just now, and if the proprietress did not pursue it, he should have been kept in the detention center for up to fifteen days before coming out.

However, Lu Jing had already talked to the two police officers just now, so if this middle-aged man is ill, he should be interrogated at most, then recorded and released at that time.

It was just because the other party was really what Lu Jing said. He was the king of thieves in Shanghai for more than ten years. He was imprisoned. He was originally sentenced to 18 years in prison, but he was released five years earlier.

So, not long after the other party was released, he actually went to steal underwear from other people's stores, and the two police officers were interrogating and taking notes inside.

After Ye Chen and Lu Jing came over and waited outside for about half an hour, the middle-aged man was released by the police.

"Now someone will help you compensate, and the store will not pursue it. If this happens again, you can do it yourself!" said the police officer.

When the other party came out of the interrogation room and saw that Ye Chen and the female detective who kicked him in the back were still outside, they didn't seem to want to see these two men, so they turned around and prepared to go outside.

Ye Chen and Lu Jing chased them. When they went outside the police station, they saw that the other party was walking fast, and they wanted to stop a taxi to leave here.

However, those taxi drivers looked at his inhumanity, and no one dared to carry him.

After Ye Chen and Lu Jing got into the car, they drove after him, came to him and stopped and said, "My name is Ye Chen. Just now, I can see that you are sick. So, if you want to If your disease is cured, you will wait for me at the Liao National Medical Center tomorrow."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he was about to drive away. The other party was surprised and looked a little bit incredulous.

However, when Ye Chen drove away, he still said, "I believe you must have trouble stealing this thing."