Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1424: Incorrect mind

Ye Chen sat in front of the monitor screen. In front of the table was placed a cup of tea from Li Shengtian's secretary Li, and in front of him was the resumes of the twenty members who had entered the final exam.

For example, Han Gaoqing, male, was born in 1959 in Rizhao, Shandong Province. He graduated from the Economics Department of Shandong University in 1984 and graduated from New York University in 1987 with a master's degree in business administration.

After that, he joined a large state-owned enterprise, first served as the department manager of the next subsidiary, and then gradually rose up, and now he is a deputy general manager of that state-owned enterprise.

However, it makes Ye Chen strange. This Korean celebration, like his current situation, is not low in status, company position is not low, annual salary is not low, why not stay at that state-owned company, but want to apply for him. What about the CEO of a newly established company?

Although compared with the previous state-owned enterprises, all aspects are not so random, but in general, if there is nothing wrong, they will definitely continue to rise and continue to retire.

So, now Ye Chen looked at the resume of Korea Kyung and looked at him sitting in front of the three of Liu Lao.

In the past, state-owned enterprises looked down on any private enterprises and private enterprises, and it was only these years that there have been changes. However, if a person has been in a state-owned enterprise for a long time and is still in a high position, he can change his current situation, including his usual actions.

Now Ye Chen looks over and finds that this Korean Qing is sitting arrogantly, with his feet cocked, as if it was not him in the interview, but the three of Liu, although through the monitor screen, he could not hear what he and Liu were saying. .

However, Ye Chen could feel that he should be sitting there like an official, playing officialdom with Liu Lao.

This kind of person, despite having a high degree of education, a high position, and senior management ability, is also well connected in the official and business circles.

However, if Ye Chen finds a suitable CEO for him, he will never find such a person, because he is not looking for an uncle to manage a company.

Even, maybe the other party's thinking is still fixed in the state-owned enterprise. The company hasn't been established for a long time, it may be killed by him.

Therefore, when he saw the interview with this man, he directly excluded it.

Entering from the 1st to the end, Ye Chen looked at the time display on the monitor screen. About three minutes later, the other party and Liu Lao finished talking, then stood up, tidyed up his suit, and Shi Shiran went outside the meeting room. out.

Looking at the look and appearance of the other person, Ye Chen also saw the changes in the expressions of the three of Liu Lao, which proved that Ye Chen had guessed very well just now. This Han Gaoqing is very arrogant and seems to feel that he is determined to win.

When it was the turn of the second finalist to come in and sit down, Ye Chen looked at the other person's appearance and guessed that they should be in their forties.

Ye Chen looked at the resume again and found that he had a good guess, and the middle-aged man, no matter his education or his management experience in other companies, looked very dazzling. In addition, the expression of his expression Come out, if it is 100 points, Ye Chen can barely give the opponent 80 points.

. . .

From the second day, the interview with the three of Liu Lao, about five minutes or so, the other side left, and then from the third to the twelfth.

Ye Chen found that there was a common point here. These people, both men and women, averaged between forty and fifty-eight. They all came from highly educated backgrounds, and they also had the experience of returning top students from studying abroad.

Some of them are senior executives in state-owned enterprises, and the other are in private enterprises. They also have good results.

Of course, people go to high places and go to low places. Now even if these people are in high positions in their original company, none of them is the real CEO of the company. Besides, the new Chinese medicine factory is now a new company. In addition to the high annual salary, the large companies established have 1% of the shares. This is the temptation for these people. Some secretly ask for leave to take the test, while others come directly.

Of course, these people have not resigned from the original company, so if they cannot apply here, they will still return to the original company.

It can be said that these people are prepared with two hands. If they can apply for the job successfully, it is the best, but if they can't apply for the job successfully, then they also have a way out.

Ye Chen thought of this and thought it was an interesting question. If he asked Mr. Liu to directly pose a question to these people, without deciding which candidate should be confirmed as the company’s CEO, ask if these people have any Dare to resign to the company immediately?

Ye Chen can guarantee that there are definitely 90% of people who dare not do that.

Of course, ordinary people would not really ask this question that embarrassed them.

When Ye Chen sat there and continued to look through the information of the middle-aged man who was taking the test on the 12th, he found that this resume named Li Furong was even more dazzling.

Li Furong, male, was born in Chaozhou, Guangdong in 1964. He graduated from the Department of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University in 1986 and went to the University of Chicago to study in the United States in the same year. Four years later, he obtained a master's degree in dual-disciplinary management.

He has management experience as department managers in many large companies in the United States. In 1998, when he returned to China, he also had senior management experience in many companies in China.

From an experience point of view, the company departments under his leadership have achieved good results, but almost every family stayed there for less than two years on average.

If they are ordinary people, they still don't feel any problems. They feel that these people like to change jobs and are not loyal to the company.

However, when Ye Chen first saw the photo of the other party's resume, he felt that the person was hiding it terribly, not simple, and was afraid that ordinary people could not manage it.

First, I saw the other person's eyes, the typical three white eyes, the white area of ​​the eyes is very large, and the whites of the eyes are exposed.

However, when Ye Chen looked through the monitor screen, he found that the three white eyes seen in many of the other's photos were as simple as three white eyes, but four white eyes. This kind of person looks more terrifying than the three white eyes.

On the surface, it looks like a person who is very orthodox and principled, but in fact, this kind of person is quite cunning at heart and belongs to a very cunning person.

Furthermore, looking at the opponent's eyebrows, the opponent's eyebrows are very scarce. This kind of person is also a person who likes to be silent. They don't usually like to speak out, but their inner thoughts are very rich.

In addition to these two appearances, the opponent is very special, and the most obvious thing about the opponent is his nose. His nose is straight, his nose is hooked, and it is as sharp as those eagle beaks.

Such people are very common among white people, but among Chinese people, they are rarely seen. There is no doubt that such people are very deep and ambitious, giving people an unbelievable feeling.

Seeing this, and then seeing the look of the other party and the three people talking with Liu Lao, Ye Chen has already seen that this person, no matter how strong the management ability and the network, he dare not use this kind of person, because of this. It is difficult for a species to continue cooperating with each other, or even difficult for the other party to truly submit to each other?

Ye Chen didn't want to find a scourge to stay with him at that time, so it would not be good for himself and the company.