Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1471: Eyeless Fish

After Ye Chen put on his clothes and got up to wash, he found that the rain had stopped and the sun was out. It can be said that the rain had been fresh. However, he found that there was still a lot of white smoke here in Liudonggou.

Except for the rainy weather, the terrain here is partly caused by the villagers burning wood and cooking.

Ye Chen saw that Fu Xiaobing and the other interns hadn't gotten up yet, indicating that they were really tired, and they didn't rest until late, so they were not as energetic as him.

Ye Chen is used to getting up early, and usually sleeping for three or four hours is also very energetic. When Ye Chen was about to take a walk in the village, he saw the village head Liu Dazhuang coming over and told Ye Chen and the others to go over for breakfast.

"The village chief, Director Fu, they haven't woken up yet." Ye Chen said.

Last night, Liu Dazhuang's wife specially boiled **** soup for the four interns, let them drink it, and the four had a rest.

Liu Dazhuang also knew the situation of the four, so he asked Ye Chen and the uncle of the business car driver who had already gotten up to go there for breakfast first.

"The village chief, did you ask someone to ask an expert and professor to check the air composition there?" Ye Chen asked.

"I have asked people to drive motorcycles to let the county government pass this matter. They should be able to invite an expert and professor to Kaili College." Liu Dazhuang said.

In fact, it is not difficult to detect the components of the air data. The main reason is to bring the relevant equipment. Kaili College is an institution of higher learning in Kaili City, and naturally has related majors in this area.

"They should be there in the afternoon." Liu Dazhuang said.

When Ye Chen and the uncle of the commercial vehicle driver sat down for breakfast, they talked a lot. Although Ye Chen found that this place was very poor, Ye Chen felt that the human touch here was good.

Of course, he didn't have much time to come here, and he also hoped to end this kind of thing earlier and then fly back to Shanghai.

After breakfast, Ye Chen and the uncle of the commercial vehicle driver came out. When meeting other villagers, the villagers might admire Ye Chen’s Chinese medicine skills and personal courage, so now I see him coming out of the village chief. At the time, they all seemed very enthusiastic and wanted to ask Ye Chen to go over for breakfast.

These villagers do not eat breakfast, but eat breakfast early, and then the family goes out to do farm work. Therefore, the villagers’ breakfast is equivalent to the lunch for urban residents, and it is still very rich.

However, Ye Chen had just finished breakfast with the village chief, so naturally he didn’t need to go there. Ye Chen thanked them and planned to take another round in Liudonggou Village, and then went to the expert and professor of Carey College to test the gas composition. At the time, if his guess was verified, Ye Chen would leave Liudonggou tonight, return to Guiyang by car, and then fly back to Shanghai.

Seeing some elementary school students carrying buckets, Ye Chen knew that because the village was too far away from Maxi Township outside and the traffic was inconvenient, it had its own school here, not far from the village committee houses.

I heard that it was the former ancestral hall in the village. It was later changed to a school, and then it became a place for elementary school students to study. As for the middle school, you can only go to the Maxi Township Middle School, and you have to stay there. You may come back once a week .

Those elementary school students had known Ye Chen for a long time, and now when they saw Ye Chen, they said they wanted Ye Chen to go fishing with him.

Ye Chen likes to play with these elementary school students. Hearing that they are going fishing, Ye Chen followed. However, the place where these pupils fish is not in the river on the ground, but in the underground river in the underground cave.

This place is called Liudonggou, naturally because of the karst topography, many strange underground caves, karst caves, and underground rivers have been formed.

Some underground rivers are very huge, even comparable to the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, like what Ye Chen saw in Xiaowang Village. However, some underground rivers are similar to ordinary rivers.

However, because the underground feels too dark, even those who are bold don't dare to go to those places alone.

The place where these Liudonggou elementary school students took Ye Chen and the others was an underground river that often passed by.

Ye Chen followed them to the entrance of the cave, and then went inside. It was dark and only a little light came in. He had heard the sound of dripping water and the sound of running water.

These primary school students usually learn Mandarin in class, so Ye Chen can easily communicate with them and ask, "Little brother, what big fish is there?"

"They are all eyeless fish," said a pupil.

Because for tens of thousands of years or even longer, the fish in these underground rivers have not seen sunlight all the year round, and their eyes have little effect on these underground river animals. Therefore, basically, they will slowly degenerate, and then It became the eyeless fish these elementary school students said.

In fact, the fish in those underground rivers still have eyes, but they are almost the same as nothing. Moreover, they no longer rely on their eyes to see and eat, but instead rely on taste and touch to live.

When Ye Chen and the pupils found a place to stop in the underground river, he felt that although the underground river was not deep, he always felt that it was more dangerous than the rivers on the ground.

Such an underground river that is invisible and unclear, if it is normal, there is nothing. However, if it rains suddenly, the umbrellas above seep, the rainstorm swells, and the drinking water from the underground rivers may cover the underground caves. If these primary school students do not respond, they may drown in them, or even directly I don’t know where I was caught by the drinking water of the underground river?

Therefore, when Ye Chen and these elementary school students reminded this incident, the elementary school students clearly knew that this happened to the adult villagers in Liudonggou before. It was just before raining that they went fishing in the underground river in the cave, which is the underground river. The river soared and it was too late to escape, and then the villager didn't even retrieve the body in the end.

It rained heavily last night, and the current of this underground river was still safe in all aspects, and Ye Chen did not find any other dangers.

When these elementary school students picked up their own homemade fishing hooks, similar to crochet hooks, they brought bait, the most common earthworm, and started putting the earthworms in the hooks and then fishing in the underground river.

"Those eyeless fish are stupid. They can eat bait if they can't see the hooks. They can easily get on the hook," said the little girl sitting next to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't know this, and he had never fished in the underground river.

After about five minutes, as the little girl said, the eyeless fish with a big palm was caught by a little boy, and he kept struggling on the hook.

Then when he put it in the bucket, Ye Chen looked over and found that the eyes of the eyeless fish were almost invisible, and then the whole body was transparent, and the fish bones and other fish organs inside were all visible.

Although he had eaten fish from the underground river when he first came to Liudonggou to eat at the village chief’s house, he only saw the fish that had been fried or dried. As for these fish He didn't see what it was like before he died.

Therefore, it is really strange to see this real eyeless fish for the first time now.