Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1481: Information of the deceased

The Municipal Public Security Bureau has all the information of the villagers, including those who have passed away and have not been written off, as well as the information of newborns who entered the household after birth.

Ye Chen learned from here that the village where the accident occurred was located in the Miao Village in the Xiashan Village below Baidang Township. The villagers living in it are all Miao people for generations.

Judging from the data of the villagers, there are more than one hundred households here, with a total of more than 400 people. The proportions of elderly, children, and women are similar to those of other ordinary mountain villages.

Judging from the data, he didn't see anything. However, among the villagers who died in the accident, two children were both in elementary school, two middle-aged women in the village, three old people, two middle-aged men, three young men, and one young woman.

The home addresses of these deceased persons are separate, and it is not that there are two deceased persons in the same household.

However, because Ye Chen hasn't seen the distribution map there yet, it is only the map of Xiangxi Prefecture that can't be seen clearly, because the Xiashanzhai is just a point in the state map.

He could only find out if he went to the cottage in person.

After Ye Chen read those data maps, he basically understood the situation there.

"Deputy Director Ma, you have handled the case for many years. What do you think is the reason why so many dead people appear in the same place?" Ye Chen asked.

"This is either for money or for other reasons. However, the situation in the countryside is sometimes very complicated, especially the frequent contact between villagers and villagers, and usually some conflicts may accumulate. After a long time, conflicts will also erupt. But, like in Xiangxi, some people, if they are learning witchcraft, other villagers may have no grievances with the other party and will not rush to kill people. However, sometimes, the other party will kill people without reason. "Deputy Director Ma said.

Ye Chen didn't expect that such a thing would happen. Some people like him and others have no grievances and no grudges, but the other side will come and beat those people?

This made Ye Chen feel unreasonable, there must be a reason. After all, there should be no contradiction if the river water does not violate the well water.

"I have seen from some materials and books that people who know how to witch Gu, for reasons such as money, may kill a person within a year, within a specified time, and this deceased may be known. , Maybe they don’t know it.” Ye Chen asked.

"This is the case. However, I have rarely heard of it again." Deputy Director Ma said.

He grew up in Miao Village since he was a child, but after he studied, he moved further and further away from his hometown in Miao Village. Later, he entered the police station to work. His position got higher and higher, and he rarely returned to Miao Village. After living in the city, he also went back.

Ye Chen said that when he was in Miao Village, he often heard people from his hometown talk about it.

If that's the case, Ye Chen felt that this criminal might be for money? After all, the other party was so perverted that even the children were killed.

Ye Chen sat in Deputy Director Ma's office and chatted with him for more than an hour. At four o'clock in the afternoon, when Deputy Director Ma was going to a meeting, Ye Chen did not stay.

He talked to the secretary Han, and then came out of the city police station, preparing to make a round in the urban area of ​​Jishou City.

Jishou City is the state capital of Xiangxi Prefecture and the largest city in Xiangxi Prefecture, but it is naturally incomparable with the big cities along the coast, and those high-rise buildings are rarely seen.

However, when Ye Chen was walking in the city, he would see many Miao people in ethnic costumes passing by, some of them were young beautiful Miao women carrying bamboo baskets, smiling at him.

Ye Chen also smiled, saying hello.

Of course, in the urban area of ​​Jishou City, Ye Chen felt that all aspects should be better. He also felt that if there is no contact between the victim and the victim, then the victim should not be infected. Poisonous.

Of course, whether it is poisoning or poisoning, he feels that there must be a medium of transmission in it.

Like him now facing the passing Miao people, if the opponent is hostile to him, and quietly releases some Gu poison powder in close range, if the average person does not react, then it is considered contact, because those who pass through the air Between the spread and absorption.

At this point, it was the same as Ye Chen's way of spreading Qibusan to other people.

Turning around in Jishou City, Ye Chen found that there are many kinds of snacks here, especially local ethnic snacks. Ye Chen found a place to sit down, ready to fill his stomach, and then go to the People’s Hospital to see the police The situation of the clerk taking the medicine.

However, when the boss inside fried some unknown insects that were wriggling and served them to him, Ye Chen felt a little nauseous, and he felt that he couldn't eat them.

In Yunnan-Guizhou, it may be because of the environment, climate, terrain, etc., there are many kinds of insects and small bugs.

In addition to the common leaf bugs, scorpions, spiders, ants, etc. may be used as snacks.

Ye Chen felt that it might be because there were many more poisonous little animals here, and they were also used by those who knew how to use witch Gu art to kill them.

He couldn't eat the fat, even if it was fried into golden and fragrant insects, he just asked for two bamboo rice.

The bamboo tube rice here is the Miao people's bamboo tube house. Inside the bamboo tube is glutinous rice. There are also some side dishes, including fish and mutton, which are all good.

After he was full and came out of the bill, Ye Chen walked to the People's Hospital again. Ye Chen remembered it clearly because he was there once.

When he went up the stairs to the door of the separate internal medicine ward on the fifth floor, he knocked on the door to enter and found that the police officer's friend had left here, that is, his parents were still watching.

When he saw Ye Chen coming, he hurriedly said, "Doctor Ye, you are finally here."

Obviously, the parents of this young police officer already knew Ye Chen's identity, plus the Chinese medicine prescription Ye Chen prescribed to the police officer in the morning, after the other party drank it, the effect was really obvious.

When he came here in the morning, the police officer had a blue-yellow face and no expression in his eyes. He didn't like to talk. He felt pain all over his body. He could only lie down and was uncomfortable to stand up.

However, after drinking Ye Chen's prescription, after one afternoon, the look of the young police officer was no longer as green and yellow as in the morning, and a trace of ruddy was restored.

This just shows that the effect of Ye Chen's prescription is still very obvious. Ye Chen greeted the other's parents, and next to the young police officer, he checked the pulse, and after seeing the other's tongue, he said, "Continue to drink. After taking the medicine, nothing will happen."