Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1486: Suspected of committing the crime

As soon as Ye Chen and Yang Ling entered the village entrance, they heard the barking of dogs. They should be dogs in the village. They barked when they saw them coming.

In the quiet Xiashanzhai, it was very clear.

Yang Ling followed Ye Chen, and when he continued to walk to the cottage, that is, to the mountain road on the mountain, he found that none of the Miao people's door had opened.

It may be because there is no electricity here. The villagers here all go to bed very early. After all, if there is no electricity at night, other activities cannot be carried out, so they can only rest early.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Ye Chen and Yang Ling saw a dilapidated house in front of a 60-70-year-old woman sitting on a low stool in front of the door. There was a brazier next to it with wood burning in it. She is warming her hands.

Obviously, the coolness in the cottage at night is much more obvious than in the big city outside, and it is likely to be several degrees lower than the daytime temperature.

At first, when she saw the old woman, Yang Ling was a little scared. What she was afraid of was the way the other person looked at people, because in Yang Ling’s memory in her hometown, the old witches in Miao Village who could kill are just Like this.

However, Ye Chen felt that it was impossible. After he and Yang Ling went over and asked Yang Ling to say hello to the old woman, the old woman spoke in the local Miao dialect, and Ye Chen could not understand a word, but Yang Ling did It is possible to talk to each other very well.

About five minutes later, Yang Ling looked at Ye Chen and said, "The old woman said, the village chief lives in the highest place in the cottage."

Obviously, the village chief in the Miao Village is the patriarch here. Generally speaking, no matter which ethnic group has the highest prestige and the oldest age, the male old man who knows the most is the patriarch inside.

The Xiashanzhai has become a village, but in fact it is not much different from the traditional Miao people's cottage. The village chief elected here is still the most prestigious and can control the clan chief.

Therefore, when Yang Ling asked the old woman just now, the other party said that the patriarch lived in the highest place in the cottage, where the village chief lived.

Now Ye Chen and Yang Ling came directly to find the village head of the cottage. If they were in the past, it would be very difficult to see such a patriarch. They may have to go through five stages and six generals.

Now that the patriarch lives in the highest place in the lower cottage, Ye Chen and Yang Ling can go directly to each other.

Ye Chen and Yang Ling thanked the old woman. They continued walking on the road to the mountain. The old woman looked up at the two people. They seemed to just shook her head, sighed, and muttered in her mouth, not sure what she was talking about. .

From the foot of the mountain, the more they walked up the mountain, Ye Chen saw the more houses on both sides, and the newer they looked. He guessed that the earliest house in the lower cottage should be built at the foot of the valley, and then the population of the village increased. The more and more they came, they could only expand like the surrounding area, and there were the pieces of Miao village houses that Ye Chen and Yang Ling saw at the entrance of the village.

Because the two strangers rushed into this Miao Village, and it was night time, Ye Chen and Yang Ling now discovered that the two of them were going up the mountain, and more and more dog barking came from time to time. The dogs didn't rush out and bit them.

Even so, Yang Ling is afraid of those ferocious dogs. Although she usually likes raising dogs, she doesn't like the big dogs with sharp teeth and fierce appearances. She seems to rush to bite her.

So, I don't know when Yang Ling was pulling Ye Chen's arm again.

"Are you afraid of those dogs?" Ye Chen asked.

"Fear, there was an old man in my hometown who was bitten by a dog, and the treatment with mountain herbs did not work. Later, the dog went crazy and died soon. I heard that when he died, people looked terrifying, and his whole body was swollen. Since then, I have been afraid of those big dogs, afraid of being bitten by mad dogs." Yang Ling said.

Ye Chen is naturally aware of the situation of those people after being bitten by the epileptic dog, but he also knows that if he is bitten by the epileptic dog and the rabies is in the late stage, he is afraid it will be difficult to treat.

Now Ye Chen and Yang Ling found that the two of them were walking up there. In addition to hearing the barking of dogs, they also saw some curious and alert Miao people, quietly poking out from the window or door of their house. When I looked at the two people, I might have seen these two young people, and these Miao people quietly put their heads out, and then closed the windows and doors.

In fact, in the past, the Xiashanzhai was quite lively, especially at night. Even at this time, it is impossible to rest so late. In every room, the pine grease taken from the pine tree may be lit, or lighted. With candles, I can sing folk songs and play the flute in my house, and live a happy and simple life.

However, since Xiashanzhai, during this period of time, there have been accidents among Gus one after another, but you don't know who the one who is going down Gu is?

Under such circumstances, no one knows who will die next time? How can anyone dare to live that kind of happy life.

Of course, now that I see Ye Chen and Yang Ling, those Miao people know that they are outsiders, and they don’t know how to live or die. Under these circumstances, how dare to break into the Miao village?

Naturally, they didn't let Ye Chen and the others come in, but now that a dozen people died in the Miao Village. They felt that if these two people came in, they might also be poisoned by others, and they could die in the Miao Village.

Ye Chen and Yang Ling didn’t know the thoughts of the Miao villagers. They just saw them secretly sticking out their heads to look at them, and then closed the window and door. It turned out that Ye Chen and Yang Ling still wanted to say hello to those people, but , Those people have closed their windows and doors.

"Yang Ling, you grew up in Miao Village, do you know why they look at us like that?" Ye Chen asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Yang Ling said.

Although she grew up in Miao Village before, people's minds are the most complicated. How can she know what other people think?

What's more, the place they came was where she came for the first time.

"This place should belong to the Hongmiao people, the same as ours, but there are some differences." Yang Ling introduced.

Among the branches of the Miao people, according to the different regional cultures of the Miao people, they are divided into five major branches: Hua Miao, White Miao, Black Miao, Young Miao, and Red Miao. Therefore, the culture and region of Miao people separated from different places, It might be different.

Like the situation here, from the clothes and clothes that those people exposed outside, Yang Ling had already recognized that this place belongs to the Hongmiao people when they first saw the old woman. Moreover, in this part of Xiangxi, many people are It belongs to Hongmiao.

Ye Chen didn't know how to distinguish these, and he didn't need to know.

"Doctor Ye, now we are rushing to find their patriarch, if their patriarch is most suspected of committing the crime, don't we go to death by ourselves?" Yang Ling said.

In fact, Yang Ling was right, because more than a dozen people died in this village one after another, so the villagers in this village are all suspected of committing crimes, including the patriarch and others.