Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1554: I want to hear your story

Time passed quietly, Ye Chen had been holding a free clinic for half a month, and during this half a month, two of the subjects were also taken in the final exam.

Because it was time for Ye Chen to see the thief King Su Tongfang and Ginny’s mother Wang.

After he talked to Yang Jingya and Liao Bingxue, he drove towards the affiliated hospital alone. When I arrived at the affiliated hospital, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Chen parked the car outside. Except that the security guard outside the door respected him, he went inside. The doctors, female nurses, patients, and patients' families looked at him with great respect.

Ye Chen knew that as long as he respected each other, he would be respected by others. Now he is like that. Others greeted him actively, and Ye Chen also responded with a smile.

When I went to the general ward where Su Tongfang was located, I didn't see Lin Xinting. I guessed that if she didn't go to work, she was still working overtime.

Ye Chen first came to Su Tongfang’s ward, and as soon as he entered it, he saw several people next to Su Tongfang. In addition to the young man with a snakehead and rat brain he saw last time, there were also two middle-aged people. Ye Chen didn't know the three young and middle-aged people.

When they saw Ye Chen coming, these people greeted Ye Chen, and then quietly went outside.

Ye Chen knows that people in different industries usually do things differently. Ye Chen knew what they were doing just now.

However, he didn't want to pay attention to these for the time being, but looked at Su Tongfang, whose expression had become much ruddy.

On the table next to Su Tongfang’s hospital bed, there was also a large bag of fruits and nutrients, which should have been delivered by those people just now.

"Mr. Su, it seems that they respect you very much," Ye Chen said.

"I didn't expect it either." Su Tongfang said.

He himself knew very well that there were dozens of apprentices taught by him alone, and there may be hundreds of apprentices taught by apprentices. It is precisely because of this that he was called the king of thieves.

Ye Chen didn't want to learn more about Su Tongfang's stories for the time being, but sat down and asked about Su Tongfang's condition.

What surprised Ye Chen was that under his treatment, Su Tongfang's tremor had completely disappeared, and now he was in a relatively stable condition and was able to walk normally.

After Ye Chen checked his tongue and pulse condition, and then checked his physical condition, he found that it was really like what Su Tongfang said.

After asking the female nurse to bring Su Tongfang's medical record, Ye Chen wrote under the four-diagnosis prescription in the medical record: "Fifth diagnosis: After more than 10 doses of consolidation therapy, the tremor disappeared and the condition was relatively stable. The muscles of the legs are softer, without headache, and can walk normally. The mental state is better, and the complexion is pale red. Check: the tongue is normal, the coating is thin and moist. The pulse is slow. Treatment: the effect is not better, continue Pre-law regulation."

In fact, in view of Su Tongfang’s condition, based on his illness, one is insufficient qi and blood, liver and kidney yin deficiency, and liver and blood deficiency, the wind is endogenous, and the other is that the patient has been sick for a long time, with deficiency of wind, phlegm, blood stasis and qi Intertwining makes the collaterals stasis, so that the qi and blood are not moistened.

According to Su Tongfang's illness, Ye Chen prescribes the right medicine, step by step, according to the condition that his condition improves after taking the medicine, and change the medicine to achieve the effective effect of the medicine.

"Mr. Su, according to your current condition, after another half month of treatment, you will fully recover." Ye Chen said.

Now Su Tongfang has felt that there is not much difference between himself and ordinary people, but if he wants to fully recover, he will definitely continue to perform conditioning in the next half month.

He knew very well that the young man in front of him was Ye Chen's medical skills, known as the God Doctor Ye.

However, he was still very strange. In that ugly situation, Ye Chen met him, why did he help him and heal him?

He has gone through too many things, poverty, wealth, pain, disappointment, despair, ills, wives and wives, etc., he has all experienced.

However, before I met Ye Chen, except when many people wanted to get close to him when he was rich and wealthy, he had never met a person who really helped him and was able to help him.

So, he was very strange, why did Ye Chen help him?

"Doctor Ye, why are you helping me?" Su Tongfang asked.

This question was asked by Su Tongfang when Ye Chen helped him for the first time. In his impression, he did not have any interaction with Ye Chen before, and his apprentices did not have any dealings with Ye Chen. .

Under such circumstances, Su Tongfang is still very strange.

"I have helped many people, but there has never been a reason." Ye Chen said.

Seeing Su Tongfang still look like that, Ye Chen said: "If there is a real purpose in saving you, then there is only one. I want to hear your previous stories."

"That's it?" Su Tongfang still felt strange.

"Not bad." Ye Chen said.

Su Tongfang still couldn't believe it, but Ye Chen didn't lack in every aspect, so why did he help him?

"I have a lot of stories, what do you want to hear?" Su Tongfang asked.

"Wait until you get better, I want to listen slowly." Ye Chen said.

Now Ye Chen has seen the illness for Su Tongfang, handed over the medical record to Su Tongfang, then came out of the ward, and Ye Chen went to Lin Xinting's office.

When he arrived there, he saw Lin Xinting sitting there reading a book.

Now Ye Chen came in and hugged her directly from behind without anyone else. Lin Xinting just wanted to struggle. When she saw that it was Ye Chen, she immediately softened and let him hug her and asked, "Ye Chen, How did you come?"

Since the second free clinic, Ye Chen hasn't even gone back to Gao Meilin's sister, so he has come to Lin Xinting after seeing Su Tongfang last time.

"When do you get off work?" Ye Chen asked.

"There is one hour left." Lin Xinting said.

"You go to ask that head nurse on leave, and I will see another patient later." Ye Chen said.

Lin Xinting went to ask for leave from a group of head nurses, then went to the changing room to change the nurses' uniforms, put them back on their usual clothes, and then came out with Ye Chen.

After going out and getting on the car, Ye Chen took him to the high-end restaurant of Boss Zhu for dinner. After eating there, Ye Chen and Lin Xinting walked and chatted outside on the bank of the Huangpu River.

It's still summer, and walking along the river is very comfortable, and Lin Xinting still remembered how she met Ye Chen last summer.

She did not expect that more than a year would have passed so quickly.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen drove Lin Xinting back to the downstairs of the female dormitory of the affiliated hospital. After watching her go up, Ye Chen drove away from here to the Moon Bay Villa area.