Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1562: Make up your mind as soon as possible

Ye Chen remembered very clearly that Zhou Ning also suffered from newborn diarrhea not long after birth. After his treatment, Zhou Ning's illness was finally cured.

The situation of Li Feiyi's daughter is much better than that of Zhou Ning.

Therefore, Ye Chen looked at Li Feiyi and the others and said, "Don't worry, the baby's condition is not serious. I will prescribe two Chinese medicines for her to drink, and it will be all right then."

When I heard this, Li Feiyi's family was completely relieved.

Of course, in this family, whether it was Li Yuanchao and He Jinhua, or Zhu Yue and Li Feiyi, they were in physical condition, but Ye Chen managed to cure them in the end.

These four people already believed Ye Chen's medical skills very much, and asked them to take the baby to the hospital to see other doctors, but they were not so relieved.

When Ye Chen brought the baby back to Zhu Yue, he asked Li Feiyi to find him a piece of blank paper.

Soon, Li Feiyi went to find a blank piece of paper, and Ye Chen wrote on it: "Li, female, two months. Diarrhea for three days."

"First diagnosis: The child had diarrhea without obvious cause three days ago. It was watery or egg-flower-like, but no pus or blood, three times a day. It was only mixed with milk powder and drank antidiarrheal medicine, but it did not work. Loss of appetite, short urination, thirst and desire to drink, complexion chlorosis, red tongue, thin yellow greasy coating, purple fingerprints. TCM dialectics: This is caused by damp heat accumulating on the spleen and stomach, and betting on the large intestine. TCM treatment: the method is to dry dampness and wake up the spleen , Clearing away heat and dampness."

"Prescription: 6 grams of atractylodes, 6 grams of magnolia officinalis, 10 grams of orange peel, 10 grams of perilla stems, 3 grams of white cardamom, 3 grams of broadwood, 3 grams of coptis, 6 grams of skullcap, 10 grams of pot belly bark, Sichuan Pass 9 grams, 30 grams of plantain, 30 grams of purslane. 2 doses. Decoction in water, 1/3 dose a day, 4 times a day, 20 ml each time."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he checked it and gave it to Li Feiyi to buy the medicine. Li Feiyi took the prescription and hurried out to buy the medicine.

Now as a daughter, he is naturally worried as a father.

When Li Feiyi hurried outside, He Jinhua poured a glass of water for Ye Chen. After Ye Chen took a sip, Ye Chen looked at the three of Li Yuanchao and said, “I’ll come to see my sister-in-law and the child by the way. Two old people."

"Doctor Ye, you are too polite." Li Yuanchao said hurriedly.

He felt that his son could realize that a young man like Ye Chen was really the noble person his son met and a blessing to his family.

"Last time, I came over and told Brother Li to ask him to go to see the new house earlier. This month, did he go to see it?" Ye Chen asked.

"This." Li Yuanchao, He Jinhua, and Zhu Yue looked at each other after hearing them, but they didn't know what to say.

The three of them naturally wanted to live in a new house, but even if the old and coffins that Li Yuanchao had accumulated over their lives were used to buy a new house, they still couldn't pay the down payment in Shanghai.

Even if I can afford it, I am afraid that the pressure every month will be great.

Therefore, they heard Li Feiyi talk about it that time.

Li Feiyi knew that Ye Chen would help him, and he could also help him. However, Li Feiyi did not dare to owe Ye Chen any more, he was afraid that he would not be able to repay Ye Chen's money and favor in the future.

"From my point of view, the housing prices in Shanghai will continue to get higher and higher. If you don’t buy it now, you will not be able to afford it in the future. You can only rent a house for a lifetime. Although the pressure of renting a house is not that great, the house will never be your own. Moreover, the rent will be higher and higher in the future," Ye Chen said.

As he learned about the situation in Shanghai, the current housing price has almost doubled compared to a few years ago. I am afraid that it will double again in a few years. Ordinary people cannot afford a house in the city. .

Whether you buy it as soon as possible, live it in, or sell it later, you will definitely not lose money.

"The main reason is that the house price is too expensive, we dare not think about it." Zhu Yue said.

Now there is only Li Feiyi working in the family. In addition to raising three adults, there are also those who need milk powder money. Even if there are several thousand yuan left per month, I definitely don’t know how long it will take to save. Can afford the down payment.

"Buy it now, and you will definitely make a profit without losing it in the future. When you don't need it in the future, you can sell it. Then you can easily make money that others can't make in a lifetime." Ye Chen said.

The three of them knew that too, but what if they knew?

"I asked Big Brother Li to watch it last time, and I thought you had watched it. So, when I came here this time, I mainly talked about this. I can advance the down payment for the house and pay it back when I have money. Me too." Ye Chen said.

"Doctor Ye, how can this be possible, and it costs at least several hundred thousand." Li Yuanchao said hurriedly.

"Actually, that little money is not a big deal to me. I can still help. If you are worried about owing me too much, you can pay it back slowly in the future." Ye Chen said.

The three of them naturally hope to have a new house of their own in Shanghai, so that they don't have to live in such a small rental house.

When Li Feiyi went to the big pharmacy outside to buy the medicine in a hurry, Ye Chen had already agreed with the three of Li Yuanchao and asked the family to buy the house as soon as possible. Then Ye Chen helped pay the down payment first, and paid 50% of the total price. Less than 50% can be borrowed, so Li Feiyi only needs to pay the bank four or five thousand per month, which is equivalent to letting him use the money in the bank to pay the loan.

Ye Chen didn't talk to Li Feiyi in person about these things, because Ye Chen knew that Li Feiyi would definitely not agree. However, his parents are different from his wife, and they will definitely consider more for the family.

When he saw Li Feiyi buying the medicine to prepare for the decoction, Ye Chen said, "Brother Li, sister-in-law, and uncle and aunt, I will leave first, and I will come back in a week. If the child is not completely sick Okay, I'll look at it again."

"Doctor Ye, won't you stay for dinner?" Li Yuanchao asked.

"No, I have other things, I'm leaving first." Ye Chen said.

When Li Yuanchao and his wife personally sent Ye Chen downstairs, Ye Chen asked them to go back early and discuss the matter with Li Feiyi. Now he got into the car, drove out of here, and went back to Gaomeilin Villa.

Although it was a holiday, Ye Chen knew that Gao Meilin should be with him the most.

Seeing Ye Chen driving away, Li Yuanchao and He Jinhua didn't know what to say. They knew that it was a blessing for his family that his son met Ye Chen.

Of course, Ye Chen had made it clear to them just now that this new house can only be bought as soon as possible, otherwise, it may be another higher price next month.

Therefore, the two of them knew that they had to make clear with Li Feiyi so that he could make up his mind to look at the new house nearby and buy it as soon as possible.