Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 168: Drug allergic skin disease

Ye Chen knew very well that, except for some of the prescriptions, powders, ointments, and medicinal oils that were handed down in ancient times, the others were the best summed-up results of the old man's life practice. For example, the effect of this damp-removing medicinal oil is much better than the western medicine ointments of Piyanping.

However, the price of a small box of Piyanping in the market is more than ten yuan. If Ye Chen’s anti-dampness medicinal oil is made, as long as the promotion is good, the market benefit will be high. From these doctors, they are greedy. Some can be seen in his eyes.

Ye Chen glanced at Zhang Rihuan with disdain. After he came to Lao Liao and whispered the prescription of the damp-removing medicinal oil, Lao Liao called the other side and asked that side to bring the needed medicine and sesame oil. , Let Ye Chen figure it out by himself.

"Xiaoye, don't publish such an important prescription!" Although Lao Liao is not greedy for benefits in this area, he can see the looks of other members of the Shanghan sect. You can imagine what they are thinking. .

"Thank you for reminding Mr. Liao, I know." Originally, the prescription was really ordinary to Ye Chen. Because there are not many medicinal materials needed, it is not difficult to make medicinal oil for removing dampness. It's just that now when he saw the looks of other people, he knew that it was not that simple.

Sure enough, when Mr. Liao said that, most of the members of the typhoid sect were disappointed. Nowadays, the state pays great attention to individual patents. Ye Chen didn't say anything. Naturally, these people have no choice.

"Lao Liao, now the second case will be announced." Tang Ru said.

Obviously, in the first game, even if Chairman Tang and Lao Liao didn't announce it, Zhang Rihuan and the other members lost to the newcomer Ye Chen. However, when they see the effect, they will not be convinced.

When the secretary Liu Dong came out of the second patient, Ye Chen and other members of the typhoid sect looked over and found that it was an older middle-aged man. At this time, the other party looked haggard and tired, with no eyesight. The look, walking is also a bit twisted buttocks, it gives people the feeling that his lower body is injured.

However, when the man just sat down, other members of the typhoid sect next to him felt an unpleasant smell coming. Naturally, this came from the patient. Some of them who were not wearing a mask had already taken the initiative to stay away.

Seeing their attitude, Tang Ru and Liao Lao frowned. Such an attitude will not only make the patient feel uncomfortable, but also make the patient feel that such a doctor, how can he treat the patient sincerely?

"This old gentleman's surname is Guo, and his current condition is drug allergic skin disease. Who will come out first to treat him?" Liao Lao asked everyone.

Soon, Zhang Rihuan took the initiative to stand up again and said: "I will come first."

This time, Zhang Rihuan had put away the contemptuous attitude just now, naturally he didn't want to lose to Ye Chen again. However, from the beginning, Ye Chen didn't pay attention to the other party.

"Mr. Guo, how old are you this year?" Zhang Rihuan asked.

"I'm just 50 years old this year." Generally speaking, the current fifty-year-old is not an elderly person, and many seem to be middle-aged. However, this old Mr. Guo seemed to be about the same as he was in his 60s and 70s. He should be a poor family, or he became like this because of illness.

"Mr. Guo, what is your situation now, please tell me in detail." Zhang Rihuan began to ask after recording it.

"My skin is red, swollen, and peeling for five days. This disease has been around for more than four months. First, the neck, left upper limb, back, and calves gradually appeared small bumps, itching, and then scratched water. . Five days ago, I bought'erythromycin' tablets by myself, took 3 times by myself, 3 tablets each time, and applied a topical yellow syrup wet compress. On the second day after taking the medication, my eyes were swollen and could not be opened, and my skin was flushed. At the same time, I found that wherever the syrup was applied, the skin was visibly swollen, purplish red, itching and burning. The other places where the syrup was not applied were normal. In addition, fever and coldness occurred."

Mr. Guo sat there talking in detail, while Zhang Rihuan was taking notes there. However, the people here are well aware that they tend to use western medicine, even without injections, they are prone to allergies. Of course, because he could see that Mr. Guo should have a bad family background, he was unwilling to go to the hospital to spend a lot of money, and he would pay for the medicine himself. Unexpectedly, it would cause more serious consequences now.

"Is it enough to eat?" Zhang Rihuan asked again.

"No appetite." Mr. Guo said.

"How is your urine?" Zhang Rihuan asked again.

At this time, Mr. Guo said: "I don't pay attention to these. However, I rarely urinate now. I am thirsty, dizzy, and dizzy."

Then, after taking a look at the diseased skin on Mr. Guo's body, Zhang Rihuan thought for a while, and after getting Mr. Guo's pulse, he began to write the prescription on that piece of paper.

"Mr. Guo, 50 years old, symptoms: drug allergic skin disease, a syndrome of deficiency of both Qi and Yin. Rehmannia glutinosa 12g, Scrophulariaceae 10g, Ophiopogon japonicus 10g, Astragalus 15g, Atractylodes macrocephala 10g, Scutellariae 10g, Honeysuckle 15 grams, 12 grams of yam, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 10 grams of grain sprouts, 10 grams of malt, 6 grams of licorice, 10 grams of white fresh peel, and 6 grams of Sophora flavescens."

After Zhang Rihuan finished writing, he filled in his own name and handed it in. This time, he deliberately gave it to Liao Lao. However, Liao Wenen took a look, and his expression remained the same.

"Lao Liao, how is my prescription?" Zhang Rihuan asked.

"Well, it's a little better than just now." Tang Ru on the side said. Zhang Rihuan was a little unwilling to hear that it was just like this.

However, when he sat down, he wanted to see other doctors and who could surpass him, especially when he saw Ye Chen sitting there calmly, he looked at him a little bit more hostilely.

When the second member of the typhoid sect began to go up to see Mr. Guo, the process was similar to that of Zhang Rihuan just now. Not only Tang Ru and Old Liao shook their heads, but Ye Chen who was sitting there also shook their heads.

"Brother Tian, ​​why don't you go up and show your hands for everyone to see." Ye Chen said as Tian Feng, who was drinking tea with his feet cocked while watching.

"I can't. This disease is very difficult to cure. It doesn't cost thousands of dollars in a large hospital, and there is no need to treat it!" Tian Feng said directly, shaking his head. He knows very well how his medical skills are. Now, even if he prescribes a prescription, he is just a fool.

They are reluctant to go to such exchange meetings.

About an hour later, Lao Liao looked at him and said, "The medicines for removing dampness medicinal oil are here."

Ye Chen knew that the first patient, Mr. Liu, was very suffering, so he said, "Lao Liao, then I will first get a bottle of simple antidampness medicinal oil."

When he stood up and was about to go out, when other members of the typhoid sect also wanted to go out, he was scolded by Mr. Liao, no one dared to go out anymore, and Ye Chen didn't ask them to go there either.

Now when Ye Chen went out, Liao Bingxue took it out.

"Can you really make a simple bottle of medicinal oil for removing dampness?" When Ye Chen came to Changlu Mountain Villa, except for Ye Chen to greet her, Liao Bingxue really didn't say hello to him. Ye Chen really couldn't bear this kind of cold-hearted woman.

However, now that the other party took the initiative to greet him, Ye Chen looked at her confidently and said, "I can tell, it is naturally possible."