Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 171: Smell King

Originally, Ye Chen was looking at the face of Tang Ru and Liao Lao, he didn't want to trouble Zhang Rihuan, but now Zhang Rihuan obviously wanted to slap him in the face in front of so many people, making him embarrassed.

Under such circumstances, how could Ye Chen let him go? Ye Chen stood up, smiled and said, "Then Dr. Zhang, how can I prove that I can burn the mountain fire needle method?"

In fact, Ye Chen has nothing to do with Zhang Rihuan, and he doesn't even need to prove it to anyone. However, since he was looking for trouble with Zhang Rihuan, he naturally quickly thought of a way to tease Zhang Rihuan.

"This, of course, is to show the burning needle technique in front of so many people, see if it is not?" Actually, if Ye Chen really could, with someone like Zhang Rihuan, he also wanted to learn it. After all, the burning mountain fire needle method is a great skill of Chinese medicine. After learning it, it can not only save people, but also show his medical skills, which is superior to other people.

"How about giving you a try?" Ye Chen looked at Zhang Rihuan and said.

After hearing this, Zhang Rihuan hesitated. When giving acupuncture and moxibustion, although he would not die, it would be very painful if Ye Chen were to tease him or if the acupuncture method was wrong.

Everyone is afraid of pain, let alone Zhang Rihuan.

"Forget it, I don't even dare to see you, so let someone else try it for you!" Ye Chen said casually, as if he felt that Zhang Rihuan was too courageous, and he didn't even dare to try it. How to be a good benevolent doctor wholeheartedly?

Seeing the eyes of other members of the typhoid sect, especially Liao Bingxue's cold eyes, as if he was despising him when he was timid, Zhang Rihuan stood up and said, "Then I will try."

When Zhang Rihuan stood up, Ye Chen asked him to sit in front of him, and when he rolled up the sleeves on his arms, Ye Chen took out two silver needles. After a member of the Typhoid Faction brought alcohol, Ye Chen disinfected Later, he slowly penetrated into an acupuncture point on Zhang Rihuan's arm.

This was the first needle of the Burning Fire Needle, and the depth was still very shallow. Zhang Rihuan didn't feel any feeling, and his mouth still looked very disdainful.

"Nothing!" Zhang Rihuan said.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It was the first stitch just now. I will start the second stitch for you."

When the acupuncture point on Zhang Rihuan's arm was pierced deeper, it gave Zhang Rihuan a feeling of swelling and heat.

To say that acupuncture and moxibustion give people an effective feeling, it is not the pain caused by acupuncture, but the heat or coldness. So when it starts to be effective now, Zhang Rihuan discovered that Ye Chen’s method of burning mountain fire may really not There is an error.

At this time, Ye Chen's smile became thicker and continued: "This is the second stitch, and the third stitch is about to begin."

When Ye Chen pierced the two silver needles deeper, Zhang Rihuan began to feel the pain caused by acupuncture, as well as the heat and swelling brought by acupuncture points, and then on his back, neck, and chest. , The warmth brought by.

Is this the feeling brought by the legendary burning mountain fire acupuncture? Zhang Rihuan really couldn't believe it.

"Well, I feel a little bit!" However, Zhang Rihuan still didn't show it. In fact, he really admires Ye Chen a little bit now, that is only from the bottom of his heart, but on the surface he feels very ordinary. Therefore, in front of Tang Ru and other members of the Febrile Sect, he would not show it.

"Then I will let you try again. Burning a mountain fire will give you a special feeling." Ye Chen said.

"Is there a fourth needle? Isn't it only three needles?" Zhang Rihuan, Tang Ru, even Liao Lao, Liao Bingxue did not expect them.

"The three needles are just coming from the outside. The burning mountain fire needle method naturally has more than three needles, and even the fourth, fifth, and sixth needles, all the way to the ninth needle." Ye Chen explained.

However, this makes Liao Lao and Tang Ru even more strange. If it was only the first three stitches, they would definitely believe it. However, when it comes to nine needles, they find it incredible. If it is really that way, wouldn't all of the silver needles have to penetrate deeply into the acupuncture points?

"I don't think it can exist." Zhang Rihuan said firmly, Liao Lao and Tang Ru also nodded.

"I will only have the fourth stitch for the time being, why don't I let you try it, the feeling of the fourth stitch." Ye Chen looked at Zhang Rihuan and said.

"Doesn't it have to penetrate deeper? Will it hurt?" Zhang Rihuan said. The third stitch just now brought him pain. Now if the fourth stitch goes deeper, it might be more painful than the trial shot.

"It won't hurt, but it's very comfortable!" Ye Chen smiled.

"Then give it a try!" When Lao Liao and the others looked over, Ye Chen just gently pierced the two silver needles deeper into Zhang Rihuan's arm acupoints. However, at this time, no one knew that Ye Chen quietly injected a trace of spiritual energy into Zhang Rihuan's body along with the silver needle.

Reiki is a kind of gas for cultivation, and it is very important as ordinary people are born with vitality. If an average person is seriously ill, or is seriously injured, it must be severely injured. Ordinary people don't have spiritual energy. Ye Chen also came out through cultivation, so it was naturally completely different.

Now he used a trace of spiritual energy, as the silver needle was input into Zhang Rihuan's body, Zhang Rihuan immediately felt a very comfortable feeling in his body. In addition to experiencing the expansion, heat, acid, and this unprecedented feeling.

"Doctor Zhang, how do you feel?" Ye Chen asked deliberately.

"It's okay? Is this the fourth needle of the Burning Fire Needle Method, isn't it a lie?" Zhang Rihuan pretended to say in disbelief.

However, at this time, Lao Liao, Tang Ru, and other members of the Shanghan sect all wanted to give it a try. What is Ye Chen's method of burning mountains and fire?

How could Ye Chen let Zhang Rihuan go so quickly? Instead, he continued: "Doctor Zhang, should I give you another acupuncture point to try?"

"Okay, give me a try again to see if it really feels like that?" Zhang Rihuan said hurriedly.

When Ye Chen gave him acupuncture and moxibustion just now, it gave him that comfortable feeling, so he naturally wanted to try it. At this moment, Ye Chen was laughing secretly in his heart, asking him to pull up the clothes on his back, and then Ye Chen took one of the silver needles and pierced it directly.

"Does the first stitch still feel that way?" Ye Chen asked deliberately.

"Yes, it's still like that." Zhang Rihuan replied. At this time, he hadn't noticed any problems yet, and Ye Chen was smiling secretly in his heart. He wanted Zhang Rihuan to know that it would be very miserable to provoke him.

After Ye Chen gave Zhang Rihuan the second and third stitches, Zhang Rihuan not only felt the sensation brought by the mountain fire just now, but even when he was sweating, Ye Chen began to give him the fourth stitch.

At this moment, a leisurely fart sounded in the hall of the hall.

"Puff puff puff!" When a series of loud and smelly farts sounded, everyone looked over and found that Zhang Rihuan himself released it.

Normally people were normal people. The fart didn't sound, and the fart didn't smell. Now when Zhang Rihuan's fart is smelly and loud, many people have frowned, and even many people have secretly laughed.

Zhang Rihuan's flushed face looked a little embarrassed. He didn't know why he suddenly released such a big fart. Although it was much more comfortable, it was naturally embarrassing when so many people watched.