Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 173: I reject

The reason why the smell of medicated oil still exists in the room is precisely because the time has passed since it was not too long, and it was somewhat closed and the window was not open.

It's just that Zhang Rihuan wanted to find those medicine residues. Of course, it is best to know the ratio of the prescription, and then a large amount of dampness medicated oil can be completely formulated.

"Boss, what should I do if I can't find it?" Dai Naizhao asked.

"Look again, he can't get rid of all of them." Zhang Rihuan didn't believe that Ye Chen was so careful, and actually got rid of all the dregs.

In addition to Dai Naizhao searching inside, Zhang Rihuan and Bi Yuntao also went out. Not far away, Bi Yuntao saw some medicinal materials there, and hurriedly shouted: "Boss, look at it, there are leftover medicinal residues here."

Zhang Rihuan hurriedly walked over and saw there was a pile of medicine dregs on the ground. When he squatted down, he found Sophora japonica, honeysuckle, dried ground, white fresh peel, forsythia, rhubarb, and a lot of medicinal materials. that. Even Zhang Rihuan quickly distinguished these medicinal materials.

However, the mixture of these medicinal materials is completely different from the odor of the damp-removing medicinal oil I just smelled.

"Boss, doesn't this smell like the medicinal oil just now?" Bi Yuntao said.

"You are stupid! The smell of damp-removing medicinal oil is mixed with sesame oil after it is manufactured. There is no sesame oil here, so naturally you can't smell it. However, these honeysuckle and locust flowers do not seem to be used for manufacturing. Medicine for removing dampness and medicinal oil." Zhang Rihuan suddenly felt a little distressed.

"Boss, a waitress was there just now. I asked. She said that Ye Chen poured the medicine **** directly into the toilet. Therefore, it is impossible to find it." said Dai Naizhao, who was covered in sweat.

"Forget it, waste our time. This is not possible. We can only think of other ways. Even now that the dinner is not over, we will go back to eat there."

. . .

Ye Chen naturally didn't know what Zhang Rihuan and the three were doing here. However, seeing a lot of dishes on a table, when he ate it for the first time, he naturally had an appetite.

In Tian Feng, He Hui and their surprised eyes, Ye Chen once again turned on the rice bucket mode, with three people alone. They didn't know that with the current situation of Ye Chen's practice, a meal would naturally have to digest a lot.

Tian Feng and He Hui felt that Ye Chen was a man of true temperament, not as hypocritical as Zhang Rihuan, and worthy of making friends.

In addition, Ye Chen seems to have a good relationship with Liao Lao. If they are familiar with Ye Chen, they will also be familiar with Liao Lao in the future. Don't they have a chance yet?

"Brother Ye, don't eat first, let's toast!" Besides beer, there was wine on the dinner table. Now these people, since they go back after eating, they definitely can't drive back when they are drunk. However, if they have their own driver, or they can take a taxi and go back, then rest assured.

"Then let's have a toast first!" I'm afraid that if it weren't for Lao Liao and cold Liao Bingxue, sitting at this table, Tian Feng and the others would be more excited, because they found that the Ye Chen they met today is really different. The personality is similar to them, but the medical skills are much better than them.

"Well, I also drink a small cup." In Liao's situation, he is naturally a wine lover. However, because Liao Bingxue was worried that too much alcohol would affect his health, he would often supervise him.

Sitting here now, Mr. Liao drank a small cup, but Liao Bingxue didn't say anything.

Ye Chen dropped the big glass of beer in one can, which was equivalent to drinking an ordinary drink. It didn't feel much, but some urine would be produced.

Seeing everyone drinking it, He Hui and the others were more interested. They looked at Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye, tell us something nice?"

Had it not been for Liao Lao and Liao Bingxue to sit here, Tian Feng and the others would have already said some nasty jokes that usually tease female nurses. However, now that the two of them are here, they dare not do that.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Chen asked.

"You can say anything!" Liu Tao said.

"Well, then let me think about it." Ye Chen looked at everyone.

Then, after thinking for a while, he said quickly: "Then I will talk about it. Once upon a time, there was a little white rabbit, and one day, it dug up a big carrot. He happily moved the carrot to his house. At that time, a pangolin was killed on the way, and the pangolin snatched the white rabbit’s carrot. The white rabbit was very angry and said to the pangolin: What are you doing! The pangolin said something, and the white rabbit listened. , Committed suicide immediately. Guess what the pangolin said?"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, everyone was a little surprised, what little white rabbit, what carrot, what pangolin, everyone heard a little confused.

Of course, there are also smart people here, especially smart girls like Liao Bingxue, who seem to be thoughtful.

"Brother Ye, what pangolin? Doesn't he eat termites? How can he eat carrots?" Tian Feng wondered what the story meant? How can I say that pangolins do not eat carrots.

"Yes, pangolins are all treasures, especially the scales, but they are a treasure of Chinese medicine!" Liu Tao said too.

Originally, the story that Ye Chen said was one thing. Unexpectedly, these people are now affected by what pangolins eat and can do traditional Chinese medicine.

"Pangolins can be made into Chinese medicinal materials. However, because of this, pangolins have been killed too much and are now protected by the state. Therefore, I suggest that even if this medicine is to be used in the future, other mountains with similar medicinal properties should be used. Instead, use herbal medicines to prevent too many killings." In fact, Ye Chen knew this very well.

For example, some people now oppose Chinese medicine, and one of them is important because of this, because some important medicinal materials used in Chinese medicine are related to those rare animals. For example, those tiger bones, such as deer whip, deer fetus, and bear gall, are all cruelly taken from animals.

Coupled with the current changes in the environment, there are fewer and fewer rare animals, and the demand for traditional Chinese medicine, on the contrary, can only cause contradictions in this regard.

According to Ye Chen's thinking, he is also very opposed to those blindly killing animals, but should replace the medicinal properties of those animals with Chinese medicinal materials that can have the same medicinal effect.

He also didn't expect that he just told a story that made him feel funny. He didn't expect that these doctors would associate so much.

"Xiao Ye, you are doing this very well, and you have good ideas. If every TCM doctor thinks that way, why not worry about the rise of TCM?" At this time, Lao Liao looked at him appreciatively and said.

"Lao Liao, I just felt it." Even in Shennongjia, no matter how many wild boars, Ye Chen wouldn't dare to kill at will, not to mention the rare animals that are becoming fewer and fewer.

"Yes, Xiaoye, you have successfully passed our assessment. This time, I would like to invite you to join the Shanghai branch of the Shanghai branch of the typhoid sect and invite you to become a member of the typhoid sect. How about jointly revitalizing Chinese medicine?" I don't know when , Tang Ru in a long gown came to him and asked loudly.

Ye Chen was a little stunned. He really didn't expect it to be like that, nor did he think that he was thinking of joining the typhoid school.

When other people looked over and looked at him with a stunned expression, they thought he was happy and didn't know how to answer, but they didn't expect it.

Ye Chen stood up and said, "Chairman Tang, sorry, I refuse to join the typhoid school!"