Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1743: Acupuncture Exchange

Early the next morning, after Ye Chen woke up early to wash, after 7 o'clock in the morning, when he heard the door slap, he opened the door and found that it was Yu Shaohua who had come and asked him to go over for breakfast.

When he came to the hotel restaurant, Ye Chen saw that Yang Yixian, Tang Ru, and other members of the exchange group were there, and he could see that these people were still very energetic.

After breakfast, the next procedure is the same as in Chinatown in San Francisco and Chinatown in Los Angeles. Exchanges of Chinese medicine skills are conducted in the offices of the Cultural Center branch of Houston's New Chinatown.

When he came to the office, Ye Chen found that there were fewer Chinese medicine doctors in Houston, with only 30 or 40 representatives.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that among the 30 or 40 Chinese doctors, more than half were actually engaged in acupuncture.

When interacting with those people, Ye Chen learned that the Chinese and overseas Chinese here, and even some immigrants from Southeast Asia, as well as whites from Europe and the United States, and blacks from Africa, are very convinced of acupuncture.

Because the acupuncture market is relatively large, and the government here does not oppose acupuncture, there are still more Chinese doctors engaged in acupuncture.

In Ye Chen's opinion, if there is no medicine, or if the patient is more serious and the condition is more urgent, if the effect of acupuncture is good, he still recommends using acupuncture first.

Of course, the scientific name of acupuncture and moxibustion has a long and long history from the earliest stone needles to the silver needle-based acupuncture. Therefore, it is not easy to learn well.

Therefore, this cultural exchange of Chinese medicine is entirely based on acupuncture and moxibustion as a comprehensive exchange.

Ye Chen is not only proficient in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, ENT, and even acupuncture and moxibustion, some of the members of the exchange meeting are clear.

However, when Ye Chen communicated with the Chinese doctors in Houston in the end, others discovered that this was completely attracted by Ye Chen.

“If you want to be familiar with acupuncture and moxibustion, you must be familiar with all acupuncture points on the human body, and you can be familiar with it even with your eyes closed. Of course, the acupuncture points of European, American, and even African races are somewhat different from those of Asian races. At this point, As an acupuncturist, you must be very careful.” Ye Chen and the members of the exchange meeting around said.

On this point, others are also very clear. After all, Asians and Europeans, Americans and Africans look very different in many physiques.

In Ye Chen's view, if you want to learn acupuncture well, you must not only be familiar with acupuncture theory, but also must study diligently, practice diligently, and ask frequently.

Moreover, acupuncture is also not as safe as imagined, without any side effects. If you do not pay attention to it sometimes, it will also cause the patient to suffer medical accidents and even death.

Many Chinese doctors who communicated between the two places know these situations, but few can really know them.

Finally, when Ye Chen finished speaking, there was loud applause in the conference room in the office, and it was obvious that many people were still impressed by Ye Chen.

When Ye Chen finished speaking, he still recommended that these Chinese doctors who specialize in acupuncture should read "Acupuncture and Moxibustion A and B Classic", "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Dacheng", and "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Juying".

Familiar with these three ancient books on acupuncture and moxibustion, basically there should be no problems. Of course, in Ye Chen's view, if you want to be proficient in acupuncture and moxibustion, at least one word can be memorized at any time.

However, at this point, I am afraid that not everyone can do it.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, whether it is acupuncture exercises or books, when you read more and learn more, the time will be different.

At the end of the morning exchange meeting, those Chinese doctors in Houston’s Chinatown, including those from the old Chinatown, were still very satisfied with the exchange meeting, especially about the theories and learning experiences Ye Chen had said to them. Medical experience and so on, they all think it is very good.

If it wasn't for the lack of time for this exchange meeting, they would also like to communicate with Ye Chen more.

Originally thought that Ye Chen won two championships in TCM competitions in a row because it was Langde's reputation, but now it seems that they know that there must be no mistake.

End the exchange meeting, then have lunch at that hotel, after lunch, and then this free clinic.

It turned out that the theme of this free clinic was also to solve the problems of some Chinese and overseas Chinese in Chinatown. However, this time in order to match the theme of acupuncture and moxibustion, this time I am planning to treat those patients through acupuncture.

Among the Shanghai TCM doctors who participated in the exchange meeting, there were only about one-third, about 30 doctors. Therefore, if they are not good at it, they can rest in the hotel or watch the scene.

The Cultural Division on the New Chinatown in Houston has prepared relevant chairs, tables, silver needles for acupuncture and moxibustion, alcohol lamps, etc. are all ready.

When Ye Chen sat down in the first position, he found that dozens of patients were already queuing here, and besides some Chinese and overseas Chinese, there were also Southeast Asian immigrants, other European and American whites, and African black descendants. and many more.

Because acupuncture involves personal privacy, there is a makeshift tent inside each seat, similar to a tent for street vendors to buy things. Except for the doctor and the patient, or with the patient’s family and friends, everyone can only be outside Waiting.

Ye Chen sat inside and saw that the first patient who came in was a woman of the yellow race in her 30s and 40s. Her condition was terrible. Apart from her hair dyed red and yellow, her skin looked rough.

When she just approached, Ye Chen smelled a thick smoke.

Generally speaking, Ye Chen is somewhat disgusted with those who smoke. It is fine if it is a male smoking, but if it is a female smoking, he thinks there are some problems in life.

"Doctor Ye, can my disease be cured?" the woman asked with the somewhat hoarse question.

"What's the problem?" Ye Chen asked.

"Smoker, I want to quit smoking, how can I quit smoking in my situation?" the woman continued to ask.

It seems that it really has a lot to do with smoking.

Ye Chen asked her to sit down and asked her about smoking when she calmed down after drinking a cup.

I learned from the other party that her surname is Jin and she is 38 years old this year. However, she has a history of smoking for 17 years. Moreover, this year, nearly two packs of cigarettes a day, except that her health is getting worse, her teeth are almost broken. After she fell out, her temper became even more irritable. Her husband, in response to her situation, would divorce her if he never quit smoking.

Therefore, when the other smoking cessation methods were not effective, I heard that Ye Chen had a free clinic in Houston this time, so I immediately came to see if the medical treatment was effective?

Ye Chen had heard of Chinese medicine or Western medicine treating smoking cessation, so he was not surprised to hear her problem.

I was showing her the pulse condition, and the tongue condition, and judging from her burnt black and yellow teeth, almost all of them were broken.

In addition, because the addiction is too serious, it also causes symptoms such as chronic pharyngitis.