Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1788: Go find Annie first

When they entered the living room of Yang's new house, Yang Lei and Li Yangmei were very happy and hurried over to prepare dinner. However, the two still could see that Ye Chen still disliked the two a little.

Ye Chen liked Yang Jingya's sister and brother, but he really didn't like Li Yangmei very much. This dislike might be similar to Li Meiqin's mother who faced Liao Bingxue.

Li Yangmei and Li Meiqin are both very realistic people, but Li Meiqin is a top student, and her life is many times better than Li Yangmei.

This is the difference between the two, but many of their inner thoughts are the same.

When Ye Chen was watching TV with Yang Guanjie in the living room, he asked him about his study. Next semester, Yang Guanjie will take the high school entrance examination.

However, compared with his sister, he is really not good at studying. However, Ye Chen brought his hukou to Shanghai. As long as he worked harder, in fact, it would be easy to go to a good high school or university in the future.

After Ye Chen got to know, apart from letting Yang Guanjie work **** his own, in other respects, if there is any problem, you can tell him.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Yang Lei and Li Yangmei made dinner, and Ye Chen sat down to have dinner with their family. After the meal, Li Yangmei even wanted to stay Ye Chen down and let Ye Chen and Yang Guanjie sleep in the same room. Of course, Ye Chen and Yang Jingya would rest in the same room, and they would not stop them.

However, the two could still see that Ye Chen didn't like them very much, and it was impossible to stay.

When Ye Chen went outside, Yang Jingya sent Ye Chen down. When Ye Chen was about to get in the car and leave, Yang Jingya said, "My mom asks if you don't like them very much?"

"You should know better than me." Ye Chen said.

Yang Jingya nodded, she knew her mother's character too well.

If I hadn't met Ye Chen back then and got Ye Chen's help, I really don't know what would happen?

"Tell your parents that they should not stay in Shanghai after the New Year. You should go home for the New Year or go back for the New Year. If you don't go back every year, but your grandpa spends the New Year alone at your hometown, what other villagers would think?" Ye Chen Said.

"Ye Chen, I know." Yang Jingya said.

Ye Chen hugged Yang Jingya and kissed, then looked at her and said, "Before you return to Yangjiagou, I will see you if I have time."

Ye Chen left the Yangjia Xinfang community, and he was still thinking about Yang Jingya's parents. Like the hundreds of thousands of loans left for the Yang family to buy a new house, Ye Chen can actually pay them off at once.

However, Ye Chen didn't, and didn't mention it again, because he knew very well that people like Yang Jingya's parents would not be satisfied even if they gave the most.

Therefore, now that the two of them still have loans, and under the circumstance that they are still burdened, they work hard to make money, but they can still repay the loan slowly.

However, if Ye Chen paid them back all at once, he didn't know what else he would want by then.

When Ye Chen left here, he did not immediately go back to Gao Meilin or Liao Bingxue, but to the apartment complex where Annie lived in Pudong.

Annie followed him back to Shanghai. Ye Chen met her several times, but in the past month, because she stayed in the Eastern University City, she didn't go to see her. I don't know what is happening with Annie?

When I drove to the apartment complex where Annie was, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening. After he drove into the community, got out of the car, and then took the elevator to the door of the floor where Annie was.

When Ye Chen called Annie, Annie didn't expect that Ye Chen would come so late.

When Annie opened the door and saw that it was Ye Chen, she hugged him and asked, "Why haven't you come to accompany me for so long?"

"Anne, this month I will stay in the university town to take the members of the association to participate in the free clinic. However, now that the winter vacation is coming, I have time recently. I will accompany you first." Ye Chen said.

When Ye Chen entered it, he smelled Annie's scent and knew that she had already taken a bath. If Ye Chen hadn't called her, she would have fallen asleep.

Ye Chen changed his clothes, took the pajamas that Annie prepared for him and took a comfortable bath in the bathroom. Then, when he sat in the living room and watched TV, he found that this duplex apartment was really good. What activities downstairs? When I was resting, I couldn't hear it.

After Ye Chen dried her hair, she hugged Annie and asked, "Annie, are you on winter vacation now?"

Annie did not work in those educational institutions. Instead, she returned to Shanghai American School and continued to be a class teacher and English teacher.

Originally, she stayed at that school just fine. It was because Ye Chen resigned and now she is back. The principal, Kevin, continues to hire her.

Because Chinese students are the majority in Shanghai American School, it is now in winter vacation and the school is also on vacation.

If you are in the United States, you must still be in school at this time, because Christmas has already passed.

Ye Chen hugged Annie and asked, "Tomorrow I will take you to a place to play for a week, and I will take care of other things."

"Well, I listen to you." Annie said.

Ye Chen turned off the phone and went upstairs to sleep with Annie. The next day, when the sun shone, Ye Chen opened his eyes and opened the doors and windows. Sure enough, he found that it seemed a little mild today.

Of course, the temperature in Shanghai is still very low. Although there is no snow, it is still between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius. However, the room was heated and warm, and Annie didn't feel cold at all.

"Annie, I will go down to make breakfast, and after breakfast, I will take you over to play." Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen finished washing, then took out the eggs, bacon, beef, and warmed milk from the refrigerator, and made a fragrant egg, bacon, beef bread and warmed milk.

After Annie got up to wash, she sat opposite Ye Chen to eat breakfast. After breakfast, she went up and dressed up.

Ye Chen asked her to hold her two sets of clothes.

Ye Chen called Gao Meilin and went back when he played with friends for a few days.

However, he just called Gao Meilin and Liu Ziqi called him. When he was in the university town, Liu Ziqi often went to look for him.

It's just that, in those times, Ye Chen had only been around the university town with her at most. Unexpectedly, Liu Ziqi would go out with him alone just after the winter vacation.

If it was before, Ye Chen would definitely agree. But now he wants to accompany Annie and doesn't want to be disturbed by other elders, so Ye Chen and Liu Ziqi said that he has no time yet.

Liu Ziqi looked a pity there, but he didn't say anything else.

After Annie got dressed and took her two happy clothes, Ye Chen and her got down from the apartment, got into the car, and then headed towards Chongming Island.