Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1800: New Year's Eve

When walking around in Zhaojia Village, the villagers knew that Ye Chen brought a beautiful foreign blonde girl back for the New Year. However, according to the tradition of the villagers, Ye Chen feels that it is more appropriate to marry a Chinese.

Ye Chen took Annie around, and Annie found that the Chinese countryside was completely different from the American countryside. If you are in rural America, it is difficult to see a family far away.

However, in rural China, there are hundreds of villagers in a mountain village.

When Ye Chen and Annie returned to the wooden house, Ye Dao had already boiled hot water for them. However, Annie is really not used to this way of bathing.

Ye Chen gave her hot water and well water, asked Annie to wash her hair first, and then gave her a bucket of warm water, and let her take a bath in that simple bathroom.

Annie came out of the shower, feeling trembling all over, feeling very cold here.

When Ye Chen asked her to go to the second floor first, Ye Chen bathed directly with well water. In fact, the water in many wells in rural areas is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Ye Chen knew since he was a child that the underground well water here has a warm feeling in winter, and it is most suitable for shampooing and bathing.

However, Annie is used to hot baths, and these well waters are definitely not used.

After Ye Chen took a shower, washed all his and Annie's clothes, and when they hung them out inside, he found that he was accustomed to modern electrical appliances in big cities. Without them, he was really uncomfortable.

Therefore, Ye Chen is going to build a villa of several hundred square meters next to the wooden house. Tomorrow, he will talk to the village cadres and build a villa after the Chinese New Year. Usually or when he comes back from the New Year, he may live in, just like in a big city Convenience.

Ye Chen saw that his grandfather had not rested yet, so he went into his pharmacy. Ye Dao looked at him and asked, "Do you really like that foreign woman?"

"Grandpa, I met her a long time ago. At the beginning, she was my English teacher." Ye Chen briefly talked to Ye Dao, and how she met Annie.

After Ye Dao heard it, he already understood that Ye Chen didn't bring it back hastily.

"In fact, the purpose of attending the exchange meeting in the United States was to get her back." Ye Chen said.

After Ye Dao asked about other things, he just felt that Ye Chen's luck was still very good.

"Grandpa, where can polygamy be possible?" Ye Chen asked.

"This world is so big, it's certainly possible in many places. Many countries may not be legally allowed, but polygamy can exist." Ye Dao looked at Ye Chen and said.

Ye Chen understood after hearing it.

Coming out of his grandfather's pharmacy, Ye Chen went upstairs and saw Annie was reading a book under the quilt.

"Annie, is it cold?" Ye Chen hugged her and asked.

Now Annie's long blonde hair hasn't dried yet, and there is no hair dryer here. Ye Chen knew that he should buy a hair dryer back tomorrow.

"It's cold," Annie said.

Of course, this season, there is also a blizzard in the United States, and some animals on the farm may freeze to death.

When Ye Chen hugged Annie tightly and dried her long hair, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening.

When Ye Chen was about to go to bed, suddenly there was a horrible sound of ‘gurgling’ from outside the window. Annie was so frightened that she hurriedly asked, “Ye Chen, what sound is that terrifying?”

Ye Chen already knew what it was. When he opened the window, he saw the owl flying in.

Compared to last year, this owl looks stronger and has more feathers.

The horrible cry just now was made by this owl, and Ye Chen recognized that he saved the owl last year.

"Annie, this is an owl, don't you know it?" Ye Chen said.

"It, how did it fly in?" Annie asked strangely.

Ye Chen said that he had saved this owl, so he flew back here from time to time. Ye Chen guessed that even if he was no longer here, this owl would fly back.

In European and American countries, the status of owls is completely different from that in China. Therefore, many people in European and American countries like to keep owls as pets, and Annie naturally knows them.

Ye Chen stroked the owl's feathers and found that it was looking at Ye Chen with wide eyes.

Ye Chen closed the window, the wind from outside did not come in, it was not so cold. Annie didn't call out the owl when she saw it. Naturally, she thought this owl was very cute.

"Annie, we are asleep." Ye Chen said.

Early the next day, when Ye Chen woke up early, he saw Anne still sleeping quietly in his arms. Ye Chen didn't wake Annie and let her continue to rest.

After eight o'clock in the morning, when Grandpa made breakfast and let Ye Chen go down, Ye Chen and Annie got up and dressed, put on coats, and when they went downstairs to wash, Ye Chen didn't expect that the village cadres would come.

Last night, the village cadres knew that Ye Chen had returned for the New Year. They thought about visiting Ye Chen last night.

After all, Zhaojia Village has changed so much now that it was completely changed by Ye Chen alone.

Furthermore, these village cadres were also successfully elected with the support of Ye Chen.

"Uncle Zhao, you came here so early." Ye Chen knew that those rural people got up very early, especially since it was New Year's Eve today.

After these village officials greeted Ye Chen, Ye Chen introduced Annie to them and said, "This is my girlfriend Annie. She is American."

Other village cadres did not expect that Ye Chen would even soak up Americans. If Ye Chen immigrated to the United States in the future, wouldn't there be one more Chinese compatriot in Zhaojia Village.

These village cadres came here to say hello to Ye Chen to see if there is anything that can help Ye Chen.

Ye Chen thought about building a villa. When he talked to the village cadres, he didn't need to say more about it. The village cadres agreed.

"These are the land of the village brigade, and the villagers still need to agree." Ye Chen said.

If it had not been approved by the villagers, wouldn't it be similar to those of Zhao Biao?

Those village cadres understood Ye Chen's thoughts.

These village cadres knew better that Ye Chen's construction of a new house in Zhaojiacun also showed that Ye Chen had not forgotten Zhaojiacun. He would come back when he went outside.

Now Ye Chen has established the money tree in Zhaojia Village. All changes in the village have a lot to do with Ye Chen.

After the village officials left, Ye Chen, Annie, and grandpa sat together to eat breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Ye Chen was going to take Annie to the town to go to the market, and also to buy back the New Year's items.

In the big cities of Shanghai, on New Year’s Eve and the first day of the New Year, you can only watch fireworks displays on the Huangpu River. However, there are no restrictions on fireworks display in the countryside, as long as there is no fire.

Therefore, Ye Chen planned to buy fireworks worth tens of thousands of yuan for the village to set off in the village square.